Interface OutgoingFileTransfer.NegotiationProgress

  • Enclosing class:

    public static interface OutgoingFileTransfer.NegotiationProgress
    A callback class to retrieve the status of an outgoing transfer negotiation process.
    • Method Detail

      • statusUpdated

        void statusUpdated​(FileTransfer.Status oldStatus,
                           FileTransfer.Status newStatus)
        Called when the status changes.
        oldStatus - the previous status of the file transfer.
        newStatus - the new status of the file transfer.
      • outputStreamEstablished

        void outputStreamEstablished​( stream)
        Once the negotiation process is completed the output stream can be retrieved.
        stream - the established stream which can be used to transfer the file to the remote entity
      • errorEstablishingStream

        void errorEstablishingStream​(java.lang.Exception e)
        Called when an exception occurs during the negotiation progress.
        e - the exception that occurred.