Interface ConfigureFormReader

    • Field Summary

      Modifier and Type Field Description
      static java.lang.String FORM_TYPE  
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Default Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      default AccessModel getAccessModel()
      Get the currently configured AccessModel, null if it is not set.
      default java.lang.String getBodyXSLT()
      Returns the URL of an XSL transformation which can be applied to payloads in order to generate an appropriate message body element.
      default java.util.List<java.lang.String> getChildren()
      The id's of the child nodes associated with a collection node (both leaf and collection).
      default ChildrenAssociationPolicy getChildrenAssociationPolicy()
      Returns the policy that determines who may associate children with the node.
      default java.util.List<org.jxmpp.jid.Jid> getChildrenAssociationWhitelist()
      List of JID's that are on the whitelist that determines who can associate child nodes with the collection node.
      default java.lang.Integer getChildrenMax()
      Gets the maximum number of child nodes that can be associated with the collection node.
      default java.util.List<? extends java.lang.CharSequence> getCollection()
      Gets the collection node which the node is affiliated with.
      default java.lang.String getDataformXSLT()
      Gets the URL of an XSL transformation which can be applied to the payload format in order to generate a valid Data Forms result that the client could display using a generic Data Forms rendering engine.
      default java.lang.String getDataType()
      The type of node data, usually specified by the namespace of the payload (if any).
      default ItemReply getItemReply()
      Determines who should get replies to items.
      default java.lang.Integer getMaxItems()
      Gets the maximum number of items to persisted to this node if isPersistItems() is true.
      default java.lang.Integer getMaxPayloadSize()
      Gets the maximum payload size in bytes.
      default NodeType getNodeType()
      Gets the node type.
      default NotificationType getNotificationType()
      Determines the type of notifications which are sent.
      default PublishModel getPublishModel()
      Gets the publishing model for the node, which determines who may publish to it.
      default java.util.List<java.lang.String> getRosterGroupsAllowed()
      Gets the roster groups that are allowed to subscribe and retrieve items.
      default java.lang.String getTitle()
      Gets the human readable node title.
      default java.lang.Boolean isDeliverPayloads()
      Does the node deliver payloads with event notifications.
      default java.lang.Boolean isNotifyConfig()
      Determines if subscribers should be notified when the configuration changes.
      default java.lang.Boolean isNotifyDelete()
      Determines whether subscribers should be notified when the node is deleted.
      default java.lang.Boolean isNotifyRetract()
      Determines whether subscribers should be notified when items are deleted from the node.
      default boolean isPersistItems()
      Determines whether items should be persisted in the node.
      default boolean isPresenceBasedDelivery()
      Determines whether to deliver notifications to available users only.
      default boolean isSubscribe()
      Determines if subscriptions are allowed.
    • Method Detail

      • getBodyXSLT

        default java.lang.String getBodyXSLT()
        Returns the URL of an XSL transformation which can be applied to payloads in order to generate an appropriate message body element.
        URL to an XSL
      • getChildren

        default java.util.List<java.lang.String> getChildren()
        The id's of the child nodes associated with a collection node (both leaf and collection).
        list of child nodes.
      • getChildrenAssociationPolicy

        default ChildrenAssociationPolicy getChildrenAssociationPolicy()
        Returns the policy that determines who may associate children with the node.
        The current policy
      • getChildrenAssociationWhitelist

        default java.util.List<org.jxmpp.jid.Jid> getChildrenAssociationWhitelist()
        List of JID's that are on the whitelist that determines who can associate child nodes with the collection node. This is only relevant if getChildrenAssociationPolicy() is set to ChildrenAssociationPolicy.whitelist.
        List of the whitelist
      • getChildrenMax

        default java.lang.Integer getChildrenMax()
        Gets the maximum number of child nodes that can be associated with the collection node.
        The maximum number of child nodes
      • getCollection

        default java.util.List<? extends java.lang.CharSequence> getCollection()
        Gets the collection node which the node is affiliated with.
        The collection node id
      • getDataformXSLT

        default java.lang.String getDataformXSLT()
        Gets the URL of an XSL transformation which can be applied to the payload format in order to generate a valid Data Forms result that the client could display using a generic Data Forms rendering engine.
        The URL of an XSL transformation
      • isDeliverPayloads

        default java.lang.Boolean isDeliverPayloads()
        Does the node deliver payloads with event notifications.
        true if it does, false otherwise
      • getItemReply

        default ItemReply getItemReply()
        Determines who should get replies to items.
        Who should get the reply
      • getMaxItems

        default java.lang.Integer getMaxItems()
        Gets the maximum number of items to persisted to this node if isPersistItems() is true.
        The maximum number of items to persist
      • getMaxPayloadSize

        default java.lang.Integer getMaxPayloadSize()
        Gets the maximum payload size in bytes.
        The maximum payload size
      • getNodeType

        default NodeType getNodeType()
        Gets the node type.
        The node type
      • isNotifyConfig

        default java.lang.Boolean isNotifyConfig()
        Determines if subscribers should be notified when the configuration changes.
        true if they should be notified, false otherwise
      • isNotifyDelete

        default java.lang.Boolean isNotifyDelete()
        Determines whether subscribers should be notified when the node is deleted.
        true if subscribers should be notified, false otherwise
      • isNotifyRetract

        default java.lang.Boolean isNotifyRetract()
        Determines whether subscribers should be notified when items are deleted from the node.
        true if subscribers should be notified, false otherwise
      • getNotificationType

        default NotificationType getNotificationType()
        Determines the type of notifications which are sent.
        NotificationType for the node configuration
      • isPersistItems

        default boolean isPersistItems()
        Determines whether items should be persisted in the node.
        true if items are persisted
      • isPresenceBasedDelivery

        default boolean isPresenceBasedDelivery()
        Determines whether to deliver notifications to available users only.
        true if users must be available
      • getPublishModel

        default PublishModel getPublishModel()
        Gets the publishing model for the node, which determines who may publish to it.
        The publishing model
      • getRosterGroupsAllowed

        default java.util.List<java.lang.String> getRosterGroupsAllowed()
        Gets the roster groups that are allowed to subscribe and retrieve items.
        The roster groups
      • isSubscribe

        default boolean isSubscribe()
        Determines if subscriptions are allowed.
        true if subscriptions are allowed, false otherwise
      • getTitle

        default java.lang.String getTitle()
        Gets the human readable node title.
        The node title
      • getDataType

        default java.lang.String getDataType()
        The type of node data, usually specified by the namespace of the payload (if any).
        The type of node data