Class Json.DefaultFactory

    • Constructor Detail

      • DefaultFactory

        public DefaultFactory()
    • Method Detail

      • nil

        public Json nil()
        Description copied from interface: Json.Factory
        Construct and return an object representing JSON null. Implementations are free to cache a return the same instance. The resulting value must return true from isNull() and null from getValue().
        Specified by:
        nil in interface Json.Factory
        The representation of a JSON null value.
      • bool

        public Json bool​(boolean x)
        Description copied from interface: Json.Factory
        Construct and return a JSON boolean. The resulting value must return true from isBoolean() and the passed in parameter from getValue().
        Specified by:
        bool in interface Json.Factory
        x - The boolean value.
        A JSON with isBoolean() == true. Implementations are free to cache and return the same instance for true and false.
      • string

        public Json string​(String x)
        Description copied from interface: Json.Factory
        Construct and return a JSON string. The resulting value must return true from isString() and the passed in parameter from getValue().
        Specified by:
        string in interface Json.Factory
        x - The string to wrap as a JSON value.
        A JSON element with the given string as a value.
      • number

        public Json number​(Number x)
        Description copied from interface: Json.Factory
        Construct and return a JSON number. The resulting value must return true from isNumber() and the passed in parameter from getValue().
        Specified by:
        number in interface Json.Factory
        x - The numeric value.
        Json instance representing that value.
      • array

        public Json array()
        Description copied from interface: Json.Factory
        Construct and return a JSON object. The resulting value must return true from isArray() and an implementation of java.util.List from getValue().
        Specified by:
        array in interface Json.Factory
        An empty JSON array.
      • object

        public Json object()
        Description copied from interface: Json.Factory
        Construct and return a JSON object. The resulting value must return true from isObject() and an implementation of java.util.Map from getValue().
        Specified by:
        object in interface Json.Factory
        An empty JSON object.
      • make

        public Json make​(Object anything)
        Description copied from interface: Json.Factory
        Construct and return a JSON object. The resulting value can be of any JSON type. The method is responsible for examining the type of its argument and performing an appropriate mapping to a Json instance.
        Specified by:
        make in interface Json.Factory
        anything - An arbitray Java object from which to construct a Json element.
        The newly constructed Json instance.