All Classes and Interfaces

Abstract handler that handles request and cancellation of a given non blocking resource.
Delegating collection that delegates all calls to the collection returned from AbstractDelegatingCollection.delegate()
Abstract class that provides a method to round up to the nearest value of 8 which is important for most jvm when doing size calculations.
Base class for AdvancedExternalizer implementations that offers default implementations for some of its methods.
Abstract iterator that allows overriding just the AbstractIterator.getNext() method to implement it.
Similar to the JDK's AbstractMap, this provides common functionality for custom map implementations.
Abstract Marshaller implementation containing shared implementations.
Class to inherit when implementing transcoders, will handle pre and post processing of the content.
The BufferSizePredictor that automatically increases and decreases the predicted buffer size on feed back.
since 10.0, will be removed in a future release.
A ClassLoader that delegates loading of classes and resources to a list of delegate ClassLoaders.
Base for classes that implement hash map by storing keys in one array and values in another.
Non-blocking Synchronization.
Non-blocking XAResource.
An AttributeListener will be invoked whenever an attribute has been modified.
AttributeSet is a container for Attributes.
BasicCache provides the common building block for the two different types of caches that Infinispan provides: embedded and remote.
BasicCacheContainer defines the methods used to obtain a BasicCache.
BasicConfiguration provides the basis for concrete configurations.
Factory that creates Log instances.
BasicMultimapCache provides the common API for the two different types of multimap caches that Infinispan provides: embedded and remote.
The BatchingCache is implemented by all caches which support batching
Simple JavaBean manipulation helper methods
since 13.0.
A handler for rejected tasks that runs the task if the current thread is a blocking thread otherwise it rejects the task.
Interface to designate the resource is a blocking one.
since 12.0 with no replacement
Buffer size predictor
This class can be used to pass an argument by reference.
Implementation for primitive type
Wraps byte[] on a WrappedByteArray to provide equality and hashCode support, leaving other objects unchanged.
A byte buffer that exposes the internal byte array with minimal copying.
Used for building instances of ByteBuffer.
A byte buffer that exposes the internal byte array with minimal copying
Parser human-readable quantity of bytes.
A CacheException that is thrown when the backpressure has been filled an unable to process the request.
An exception that represents an error in the configuration.
Administrative cache container operations.
Flags which affect only administrative operations
Thrown when operations fail unexpectedly.
Wraps exceptions produced by listener implementations.
A handler for rejected tasks that runs the rejected task directly in the calling thread of the execute method.
The ClassAllowList maintains classes definitions either by name or regular expression and is used for permissioning.
Find infinispan classes utility
A URLStreamHandlerFactory which can handle classpath: URI schemes.
A URLStreamHandlerProvider which handles URLs with protocol "classpath".
since 12.0.
Interface that provides semantics of a Iterable and AutoCloseable interfaces.
Interface that provides semantics of a Iterator and AutoCloseable interfaces.
A collection that defines an iterator method that returns a CloseableIterator instead of a non closeable one.
A set that defines an iterator method that returns a CloseableIterator instead of a non closeable one.
This class consists exclusively of static methods that operate on or return closeable interfaces.
Interface that provides semantics of a Spliterator and AutoCloseable interfaces.
ClusteredLock is a data structure used for concurrent programming between Infinispan instances in cluster mode.
A Clustered Lock can be reentrant and there are different ownership levels.
Exception used to handle errors on clustered locks
Provides the API to define, create and remove ClusteredLocks.
Utility methods connecting CompletableFuture futures.
Iterator that concatenates a bunch of iterables into 1 big iterator.
An abstract class which represents a configuration element, with attributes and child elements.
Defines the configuration used to configure the given class instances
A counter configuration used to define counters cluster wide via CounterManager.defineCounter(String, CounterConfiguration).
The builder of CounterConfiguration.
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Signals a missing configuration or an invalid configuration.
The event used by CounterListener.
A RuntimeException related to counters.
A listener interface to listen to StrongCounter changes.
The CounterManager creates, defines and returns counters.
Signal that an attempt to access a counter has failed.
A CounterException signalling that the StrongCounter has reached its bounds.
The possible states for a counter value.
The counter types.
A default blocking implementation of TransactionResourceConverter.
A default SimpleStat implementation.
The default implementation of TimeService.
Handle conversions between text/plain, url-encoded, java objects, and octet-stream contents.
Class that extends InputStream and implements ObjectInput.
Class that extends OutputStream and implements ObjectOutput.
Since 12.1, without replacement.
since 12.1, to be removed in a future version.
Utility class to handle encoding or decoding counter's classes.
Use the org.infinispan.encoding.DataConversion obtained from the AdvancedCache.
An Enumeration → List adaptor
Utilities method to Enums.
since 10.0 - This class is not used internally anymore
Used to configure and create executors
An experimental user-facing API.
Since 13.0, please use LazyByteArrayOutputStream instead.
since 10.0, will be removed in a future release.
A HashMap that is optimized for fast shallow copies.
Features allow conditional enabling/disabling of Infinispan's functionality.
Iterator that also filters out entries based on the provided predicate.
Spliterator that only returns entries that pass the given predicate.
Composes an array of Collections into a spliterator.
A list which forwards all its method calls to another list.
Interface used to initialise the global SerializationContext using the specified Pojos, and the generated proto files and marshallers.
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Since 11.0, will be removed with ISPN-9622
Utility functions for globs
As a return of StrongCounter.addListener(CounterListener), it is used to un-register the CounterListener.
Interface that governs implementations
Lookup on a table without collisions will require only single access, if there are collisions it will be limited to (number of collisions to particular bin + 1) and all those will lie in proximity (32 * reference size).
since 12.1.
A marshaller that does not transform the content, only applicable to byte[] payloads.
A wrapper that does not change the content.
Internal marshalling identifiers.
This exception is thrown when the cache or cache manager does not have the right lifecycle state for operations to be called on it.
Wrap a HopscotchHashMap and allow using it as a Set.
since 9.3 This class will no longer be public, please use IntSets.immutableSet(IntSet)
A lightweight, read-only copy of a List.
A ProtoStream Marshaller implementation that uses Protobuf encoding.
Factory for generating immutable type wrappers.
Static helpers for Infinispan-specific collections
A function that converts a type into another one.
A function that converts an entry into a key/value pair for use in a map.
This is a marker interface to be used with Function which signals to some implementors that the function returns distinct values.
An advanced externalizer that when implemented will allow for child instances that also extend this class to use object instances instead of serializing a brand new object.
A set that represents primitive ints.
Static utility class for creating various IntSet objects.
IntSets externalization mechanism
A iterator that maps each value to the output of the Function.
Since 11.0, will be removed in 14.0.
Standard Java serialization marshaller.
Represents a JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) entity.
This interface defines how Json instances are constructed.
Exposes some internal methods that are useful for Json.Factory implementations or other extension/layers of the library.
Represents JSON schema - a specific data format that a JSON entity must follow.
A Collector implementation that create a Json array.
Utility function for Json
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ByteArrayOutputStream alternative exposing the internal buffer.
A wrapper around system properties that supports legacy keys
Lifecycle interface that defines the lifecycle of components
A handler for rejected tasks that always throws a IllegalLifecycleStateException.
Infinispan's log abstraction layer on top of JBoss Logging.
Warning this class consists of generated code.
Factory that creates Log instances.
The JDNI and TransactionManager factories we know of.
JNDI locations for TransactionManagers we know of.
TransactionManager factories we know of.
Class providing hints about marshallable types, such as whether a particular type is marshallable or not, or an accurate approach to the serialized size of a particular type.
A marshaller is a class that is able to marshall and unmarshall objects efficiently.
Since 12.1, to be removed in a future version.
An exception that can be thrown by a cache if an object cannot be successfully serialized/deserialized.
An interface for defining non-strict equality, e.g.
Implementors of this should return an MBeanServer to which MBeans will be registered.
Represent a content type with optional parameters.
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Resolve media types for files
since 11.0, use ByteQuantity instead.
MurmurHash3 implementation in Java, based on Austin Appleby's original in C Only implementing x64 version, because this should always be faster on 64 bit native processors, even 64 bit being ran with a 32 bit OS; this should also be as fast or faster than the x86 version on some modern 32 bit processors.
BloomFilter implementation that allows for up to 10 hash functions all using MurmurHash3 with different seeds.
Absolutely minimal implementation of XMLPULL V1 API
A handler for rejected tasks that runs the task if the current thread is a non blocking thread otherwise it blocks until the task can be added to the underlying queue
Interface to designate the resource is a non blocking one
A simplistic non-reentrant lock that does not use ownership by thread.
An externalizer that writes no state.
An exception that hides inner stacktrace lines for non serializable exceptions.
A placeholder for null in a cache, because caches do not allow null values.
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Since 12, will be removed in version 15.0
Base class for Transcoder that converts between a single format and multiple other formats and back.
Operating system family.
Ownership level is a configuration parameter for ClusteredLock.
since 11.0 with no replacement - no longer used
Interface used to initialise a SerializationContext using the specified Pojos, Marshaller implementations and provided .proto schemas.
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Default implementation for MBeanServerLookup, will return the platform MBean server.
JDK 10+ implementation
Provides general information about the processors on this host.
A property style format for CounterConfiguration.
Provides the starting point for implementing a Marshaller that uses Protobuf encoding.
TypeIds used by protostream in place of FQN message/enum names to reduce payload size.
Proxies is a collection of useful dynamic profixes.
since 9.3 This class will no longer be public.
Basic reflection utilities to enhance what the JDK provides.
A CloseableIterator implementation that allows for a CloseableIterator that doesn't allow remove operations to implement remove by delegating the call to the provided consumer to remove the previously read value.
An Iterator implementation that allows for a Iterator that doesn't allow remove operations to implement remove by delegating the call to the provided consumer to remove the previously read value.
A set that allows reverse iteration of the set elements, exposed via the ReversibleOrderedSet.reverseIterator() method.
Static factory class that provides methods to obtain commonly used instances for interoperation between RxJava and standard JRE.
Utility methods for handling SASL authentication
Used to configure and create executors which are aware of the current security context
Encapsulates the key and its segment.
Self<S extends Self<S>>
This interface simplifies the task of writing fluent builders which need to inherit from other builders (abstract or concrete).
Indicate that this function should be serialized with an instance of the given Externalizer class.
since 10.0, will be removed in a future release.
ServiceFinder is a ServiceLoader replacement which understands multiple classpaths.
Variable length encoding for signed numbers, using the ZigZag technique
Where is Java 1.6?
A simple statistic recorder that computes the average, minimum and maximum value observed.
A SimpleStat implementation that also updates a TimerTracker object.
since 9.3 This class will no longer be public.
A spliterator that has been mapped from another spliterator.
Utilities to convert between text/plain, octet-stream, java-objects and url-encoded contents.
The storage mode of a counter.
since 11.0.
A minimal interface that facilitates the marshalling/unmarshalling of objects from the provided InputStream/OutputStream.
for internal use only
A simple wrapper for a configuration represented as a String.
A utility class for replacing properties in strings.
Duplicates a set of counters in a set of stripes, so that multiple threads can increment those counters without too much contention.
The strong consistent counter interface.
A synchronous StrongCounter.
A synchronous WeakCounter.
Tracks a timer metric.
Encapsulates all the time related logic in this interface.
A Ticker for Caffeine backed by a TimeService
This exception is used to add stack trace information to exceptions as they move from one thread to another.
This interface is implemented by caches that support (i.e.
A basic Transaction implementation.
A simple TransactionManager implementation.
Factory interface, allows Cache or RemoteCache to use different transactional systems.
Converts Synchronization and XAResource to AsyncSynchronization and AsyncXaResource.
Converts content between two or more MediaTypes.
Base class for transcoder between application/x-java-object and byte[] produced by a marshaller.
Type-aware properties.
Helper to read and write unsigned numerics
An interface for defining updatable attributes/attributeset.
Interface used to initialise a SerializationContext using the specified Pojos, Marshaller implementations and provided .proto schemas.
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Since 12.1, to be removed in a future version.
Transaction related util class.
General utility methods used throughout the Infinispan code base.
Returns the byte at index.
Value matcher mode.
Contains version information about this release of Infinispan.
A weak consistent counter interface.
This Map will remove entries when the value in the map has been cleaned from garbage collection
Simple wrapper around a byte[] to provide equals and hashCode semantics
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Interface that describes and object holding onto some bytes
A Wrapper is used to decorate objects produced by the Encoder.
A Xid implementation.
XML Pull Parser is an interface that defines parsing functionlity provided in XMLPULL V1 API (visit this website to learn more about API and its implementations).
This exception is thrown to signal XML Pull Parser related faults.
Cross site state transfer mode.