Interface BasicConfiguration

  • All Known Implementing Classes:
    StringConfiguration, XMLStringConfiguration

    public interface BasicConfiguration
    BasicConfiguration provides the basis for concrete configurations.
    Tristan Tarrant
    • Method Detail

      • toXMLString

        default String toXMLString​(String name)
        Converts this configuration to its XML representation. The name of the configuration in the XML will be the one supplied in the argument.
        a String containing the XML representation of an Infinispan configuration using the Infinispan schema.
      • toStringConfiguration

        String toStringConfiguration​(String name)
        Converts this configuration to a string-based representation. The name of the configuration in the will be the one supplied in the argument. The string must be in one of the supported formats (XML, JSON, YAML).
        a String containing the representation of an Infinispan configuration using the Infinispan schema in one of the supported formats (XML, JSON, YAML).