Class QueueAsyncInvocationStage

All Implemented Interfaces:
BiConsumer<Object,Throwable>, InvocationCallback

public class QueueAsyncInvocationStage extends SimpleAsyncInvocationStage implements BiConsumer<Object,Throwable>, InvocationCallback
Invocation stage representing a computation that may or may not be done yet.

It stores handler objects in a queue instead of creating a new instance every time a handler is added. The queue may be frozen based on internal conditions, like executing the last handler or reaching the capacity of the queue, and adding a handler will create a new instance. The queue will also be frozen when SimpleAsyncInvocationStage.toCompletableFuture() is invoked, to make that future behave like a regular CompletableFuture.

When the queue is not frozen, adding a handler will change the result of the current stage. When the queue is frozen, adding a handler may actually execute the handler synchronously.

Dan Berindei