Class YearMonthGenerator

    • Constructor Detail

    • Method Detail

      • generate

        public YearMonth generate​(Random random)
        Description copied from interface: Generator
        Returns a generated value.

        If the generated value is random, it needs to be generated using the given Random instance. This ensures the data is generated with the same seed value and allows random data to be reproduced by specifying the seed value.

        random - provider for random values
        generated value
      • range

        public TemporalGeneratorSpec<T> range​(T startInclusive,
                                              T endExclusive)
        Description copied from interface: TemporalGeneratorSpec
        Generate a temporal value between the given range.
        Specified by:
        range in interface TemporalGeneratorSpec<T extends Temporal>
        startInclusive - start date (inclusive)
        endExclusive - end date (exclusive)
        spec builder