Class DefaultRandom

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class DefaultRandom
    extends Object
    implements Random
    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
      Create an instance with a random seed value.
      DefaultRandom​(int seed)
      Create an instance with the given seed value.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      String alphanumeric​(int length)
      Generates a random alphanumeric String comprised of [a-z, A-Z, 0-9].
      char alphanumericCharacter()
      Returns a random alphanumeric character, [a-z, A-Z, 0-9].
      byte byteRange​(byte min, byte max)
      Returns a random byte within the given range.
      char character()
      Returns a random alphabetic character, [a-z, A-Z].
      boolean diceRoll​(boolean precondition)
      Returns true with a 1/6 probability, but only if the precondition is true.
      String digits​(int length)
      Generates a random String comprised of digits [0-9].
      double doubleRange​(double min, double max)
      Returns a random double within the given range.
      float floatRange​(float min, float max)
      Returns a random float within the given range.
      int getSeed()
      Returns the seed value used by the random number generator.
      int intRange​(int min, int max)
      Returns a random int within the given range.
      long longRange​(long min, long max)
      Returns a random long within the given range.
      String lowerCaseAlphabetic​(int length)
      Generates a lower case String comprised of [a-z].
      char lowerCaseCharacter()
      Returns a random lower alphabetic character, [a-z].
      String mixedCaseAlphabetic​(int length)
      Generates a random mixed case String comprised of [a-z, A-Z].
      <T> T oneOf​(Collection<T> collection)
      Returns a random element from the given collection.
      <T> T oneOf​(T[] array)
      Returns a random element from the given array.
      short shortRange​(short min, short max)
      Returns a random short within the given range.
      boolean trueOrFalse()
      Returns a random boolean with a 0.5 probability.
      String upperCaseAlphabetic​(int length)
      Generates a random upper case String comprised of [A-Z].
      char upperCaseCharacter()
      Returns a random upper alphabetic character, [A-Z].
    • Constructor Detail

      • DefaultRandom

        public DefaultRandom()
        Create an instance with a random seed value.
      • DefaultRandom

        public DefaultRandom​(int seed)
        Create an instance with the given seed value.
        seed - for the random generator
    • Method Detail

      • getSeed

        public int getSeed()
        Description copied from interface: Random
        Returns the seed value used by the random number generator.
        Specified by:
        getSeed in interface Random
        seed value
      • trueOrFalse

        public boolean trueOrFalse()
        Description copied from interface: Random
        Returns a random boolean with a 0.5 probability.
        Specified by:
        trueOrFalse in interface Random
        a random true or false
      • diceRoll

        public boolean diceRoll​(boolean precondition)
        Description copied from interface: Random
        Returns true with a 1/6 probability, but only if the precondition is true.
        Specified by:
        diceRoll in interface Random
        precondition - required for returning true value
        a random true with 1/6 probability.
      • byteRange

        public byte byteRange​(byte min,
                              byte max)
        Description copied from interface: Random
        Returns a random byte within the given range.
        Specified by:
        byteRange in interface Random
        min - lower bound
        max - upper bound (inclusive)
        a random byte between the min and max, inclusive
      • shortRange

        public short shortRange​(short min,
                                short max)
        Description copied from interface: Random
        Returns a random short within the given range.
        Specified by:
        shortRange in interface Random
        min - lower bound
        max - upper bound (inclusive)
        a random short between the min and max, inclusive
      • intRange

        public int intRange​(int min,
                            int max)
        Description copied from interface: Random
        Returns a random int within the given range.
        Specified by:
        intRange in interface Random
        min - lower bound
        max - upper bound (inclusive)
        a random int between the min and max, inclusive
      • longRange

        public long longRange​(long min,
                              long max)
        Description copied from interface: Random
        Returns a random long within the given range.
        Specified by:
        longRange in interface Random
        min - lower bound
        max - upper bound (inclusive)
        a random long between the min and max, inclusive
      • floatRange

        public float floatRange​(float min,
                                float max)
        Description copied from interface: Random
        Returns a random float within the given range.
        Specified by:
        floatRange in interface Random
        min - lower bound
        max - upper bound (inclusive)
        a random float between the min and max, inclusive
      • doubleRange

        public double doubleRange​(double min,
                                  double max)
        Description copied from interface: Random
        Returns a random double within the given range.
        Specified by:
        doubleRange in interface Random
        min - lower bound
        max - upper bound (inclusive)
        a random double between the min and max, inclusive
      • character

        public char character()
        Description copied from interface: Random
        Returns a random alphabetic character, [a-z, A-Z].
        Specified by:
        character in interface Random
        random character, either lower or upper case
      • lowerCaseCharacter

        public char lowerCaseCharacter()
        Description copied from interface: Random
        Returns a random lower alphabetic character, [a-z].
        Specified by:
        lowerCaseCharacter in interface Random
        random lower character
      • upperCaseCharacter

        public char upperCaseCharacter()
        Description copied from interface: Random
        Returns a random upper alphabetic character, [A-Z].
        Specified by:
        upperCaseCharacter in interface Random
        random uppercase character
      • alphanumericCharacter

        public char alphanumericCharacter()
        Description copied from interface: Random
        Returns a random alphanumeric character, [a-z, A-Z, 0-9].
        Specified by:
        alphanumericCharacter in interface Random
        an alphanumeric character
      • lowerCaseAlphabetic

        public String lowerCaseAlphabetic​(int length)
        Description copied from interface: Random
        Generates a lower case String comprised of [a-z].
        Specified by:
        lowerCaseAlphabetic in interface Random
        length - of a string to generate
        random lower case String with given length
      • upperCaseAlphabetic

        public String upperCaseAlphabetic​(int length)
        Description copied from interface: Random
        Generates a random upper case String comprised of [A-Z].
        Specified by:
        upperCaseAlphabetic in interface Random
        length - of a string to generate
        random upper case String with given length
      • digits

        public String digits​(int length)
        Description copied from interface: Random
        Generates a random String comprised of digits [0-9].
        Specified by:
        digits in interface Random
        length - of a string to generate
        random String comprised of digits with given length
      • alphanumeric

        public String alphanumeric​(int length)
        Description copied from interface: Random
        Generates a random alphanumeric String comprised of [a-z, A-Z, 0-9].
        Specified by:
        alphanumeric in interface Random
        length - of a string to generate
        random alphanumeric String with given length
      • mixedCaseAlphabetic

        public String mixedCaseAlphabetic​(int length)
        Description copied from interface: Random
        Generates a random mixed case String comprised of [a-z, A-Z].
        Specified by:
        mixedCaseAlphabetic in interface Random
        length - of a string to generate
        random mixed case String with given length
      • oneOf

        public <T> T oneOf​(T[] array)
        Description copied from interface: Random
        Returns a random element from the given array.
        Specified by:
        oneOf in interface Random
        Type Parameters:
        T - element type
        array - to pick a value from
        random element
      • oneOf

        public <T> T oneOf​(Collection<T> collection)
        Description copied from interface: Random
        Returns a random element from the given collection.
        Specified by:
        oneOf in interface Random
        Type Parameters:
        T - element type
        collection - to pick a value from
        random element