Package org.instancio

Class Instancio

  • public final class Instancio
    extends Object
    Instancio API for creating instances of a class.


    Create and populate an instance of a class

    Returns an object fully populated with random data with no null values.
         Person person = Instancio.of(Person.class).create();

    Specify custom value generators for fields

    Returns an object populated with random data except the specified fields using custom generators.
         Person person = Instancio.of(Person.class)
                 .supply(field("fullName"), () -> "Homer Simpson") //
                 .supply(field(Address.class, "phoneNumber"), () -> new PhoneNumber("+1", "123-45-67"))

    Allow null values to be generated

    Default behaviour is to populate every field with a non-null, random value. Specifying nullable will randomly generate either a null value or an actual value.
         Person person = Instancio.of(Person.class)
                 .withNullable(field("gender")) // Person.gender is nullable
                 .withNullable(field(Address.class, "street")) // Address.street is nullable
                 .withNullable(all(Date.class)) // all dates are nullable

    Ignore certain fields or classes

    Ignored field will not be populated. Ignored fields values will be null (unless they have a default value).
         Person person = Instancio.of(Person.class)
                 .ignore(field("age")) // Person.age will be ignored
                 .ignore(field(Address.class, "city")) // will be ignored
                 .ignore(all(Date.class)) // all dates will be ignored

    Creating instances of a class from a Model

    Class specifications can also be saved as a Model using the toModel() method. Then instances of a class can be generated from the model. Models can be useful for:
    • reducing code duplication by re-using the same model in different parts of the code
    • acting as a prototype for creating specialised instances of a class by overriding model specifications
         // Create a model
         Model<Person> simpsons = Instancio.of(Person.class)
                 .supply(all(Address.class), () -> new Address("742 Evergreen Terrace", "Springfield", "US"))
                 .supply(field("pets"), () -> List.of(
                              new Pet(PetType.CAT, "Snowball"),
                              new Pet(PetType.DOG, "Santa's Little Helper"))
                 //... other specs
         // Use the above model as is
         Person person = Instancio.of(simpsons).create();
         // Use the model but override the name field generator
         Person homer = Instancio.of(simpsons).supply(field("name"), () -> "Homer").create();
         Person marge = Instancio.of(simpsons).supply(field("name"), () -> "Marge").create();
         // A model can also used to create another model.
         // This snippet overrides the original model to include a new pet.
         Model<Person> withNewPet = Instancio.of(simpsons)
                 .supply(field("pets"), () -> List.of(
                              new Pet(PetType.PIG, "Plopper"),
                              new Pet(PetType.CAT, "Snowball"),
                              new Pet(PetType.DOG, "Santa's Little Helper"))

    Creating generic classes

    There are two ways to create generic class instances.

    Option 1: using withTypeParameters to specify generic type arguments

         List<Person> person = Instancio.of(List.class).withTypeParameters(Person.class).create();

    This will create a list of persons however it will generate an "unchecked assignment" warning.

    Option 2: using a TypeToken

         List<Person> person = Instancio.of(new TypeToken<List<Person>>() {}).create(); // note the empty '{}' braces

    This will not generate a warning, though the syntax is slightly more awkward.

    • Method Detail

      • create

        public static <T> T create​(Class<T> klass)
        Creates a fully-populated instance of given class.
        Type Parameters:
        T - type
        klass - to create
        a fully-populated instance
      • stream

        public static <T> Stream<T> stream​(Class<T> klass)
        Creates an infinite stream of distinct, fully populated instances of given class.


             List<Person> persons =
        Type Parameters:
        T - type
        klass - to create
        an infinite stream of distinct, fully populated instances
      • create

        public static <T> T create​(TypeTokenSupplier<T> typeToken)
        Creates a fully-populated instance of type specified in the type token. This method can be used to create generic classes.

        Example: List<Person> persons = Instancio.of(new TypeToken<List<Person>>(){}).create()

        Type Parameters:
        T - type
        typeToken - containing type to create
        a fully-populated instance
      • stream

        public static <T> Stream<T> stream​(TypeTokenSupplier<T> typeToken)
        Creates an infinite stream of distinct, fully populated instances of type specified in the type token.


             List<Pair<Integer, String>> pairs = TypeToken<Pair<Integer, String>>() {})
        Type Parameters:
        T - type
        typeToken - containing type to create
        an infinite stream of distinct, fully populated instances
      • create

        public static <T> T create​(Model<T> model)
        Creates a populated instance of a class represented by the given model.

        See the Model class on how to create models.

        Type Parameters:
        T - type
        model - specifying generation parameters of the object to create
        a populated instance
        See Also:
      • of

        public static <T> InstancioOfClassApi<T> of​(Class<T> klass)
        Builder version of create(Class) that allows customisation of generated values.
             Person person = Instancio.of(Person.class)
                 .generate(allInts(), gen -> gen.ints().min(1).max(99))
                 .supply(all(Address.class), () -> new Address("742 Evergreen Terrace", "Springfield", "US"))
                 .supply(field("pets"), () -> List.of(
                                     new Pet(PetType.CAT, "Snowball"),
                                     new Pet(PetType.DOG, "Santa's Little Helper")))
        Type Parameters:
        T - type
        klass - to create
        API builder reference
      • of

        public static <T> InstancioApi<T> of​(TypeTokenSupplier<T> typeToken)
        Builder version of create(TypeTokenSupplier) that allows customisation of generated values.
             List<Person> persons = Instancio.of(new TypeToken<List<Person>>(){})
                 .generate(allInts(), gen -> gen.ints().min(1).max(99))
                 .supply(all(Address.class), () -> new Address("742 Evergreen Terrace", "Springfield", "US"))
                 .supply(field("pets"), () -> List.of(
                                     new Pet(PetType.CAT, "Snowball"),
                                     new Pet(PetType.DOG, "Santa's Little Helper")))
        Type Parameters:
        T - type
        typeToken - specifying details of type being created
        API builder reference
      • of

        public static <T> InstancioApi<T> of​(Model<T> model)
        Builder version of create(Model) that allows overriding of generation parameters of an existing model.
             Model<Person> personModel = Instancio.of(Person.class)
                 .generate(allInts(), gen -> gen.ints().min(1).max(99))
                 .supply(all(Address.class), () -> new Address("742 Evergreen Terrace", "Springfield", "US"))
                 .supply(field("pets"), () -> List.of(
                                     new Pet(PetType.CAT, "Snowball"),
                                     new Pet(PetType.DOG, "Santa's Little Helper")))
             // Use the existing model and add/override generation parameters
             Person simpsonKid = Instancio.of(personModel)
                 .generate(field("fullName"), gen -> gen.oneOf("Lisa Simpson", "Bart Simpson"))
        Type Parameters:
        T - type
        model - specifying generation parameters of the object to create
        API builder reference