Package org.instancio

Interface Model<T>

Type Parameters:
T - type to be created by this model

public interface Model<T>
A model containing all the information for populating a class that can be obtained using the 'toModel()' method:

Models can be useful when class population needs to be customised and the customisations re-used in different parts of the code.


     Model<Person> personModel = Instancio.of(Person.class)
         .supply(field("fullName"), () -> "Jane Doe")
         .generate(field("age"), gen -> gen.ints().min(18).max(65))

     // Re-use the model to create instances of Person class
     // without duplicating model's details
     Person person = Instancio.create(personModel);

Since the internal data of the model is not part of the public API, this interface does not contain any methods.
