Interface GeneratorProvider

@Deprecated public interface GeneratorProvider
use InstancioServiceProvider instead. This class will be removed in version 3.0.0.
A Service Provider Interface for mapping classes to custom Generator implementations.

Implementations of this class can be registered by placing a file named org.instancio.spi.GeneratorProvider under /META-INF/services. The file must contain the fully-qualified name of the implementing class.

For example, the following sample implementation:

 package com.example;

 // imports omitted

 public class SampleGeneratorProvider implements GeneratorProvider {

     public Map<Class<?>, Generator<?>> getGenerators() {
         Map<Class<?>, Generator<?>> map = new HashMap<>();
         map.put(Book.class, new BookGenerator());
         map.put(Author.class, new AuthorGenerator());
         return map;

can be registered by creating a file /META-INF/services/org.instancio.spi.GeneratorProvider containing the following line:

See Also: