All Classes and Interfaces

Base class for all internal generators.
An action hint that is passed from a generator to the engine via the Generator.hints() method.
This hint is for generators that create arrays.
Encapsulates the details of how values are assigned to an object's fields.
A setting that specifies whether objects should be populated via fields or methods.
A spec for generators that can produce their values as strings.
Contains built-in generators for java.util.concurrent.atomic classes.
Generator spec for BigDecimal.
Generator spec for booleans.
Generator spec for characters.
A filter for checking whether a Class should be excluded from processing.
Generator spec for collections.
This hint is for generators that create collections.
A function for adding objects to a container.
A function for building a container.
Creates an instances of a container, or container's builder.
An interface for selectors that can be converted to a Scope.
Collects declared and super class fields, excluding static fields.
Collects declared, non-static fields.
Generator spec for Duration.
EnumGenerator<E extends Enum<E>>
Generator spec for Enums.
Generator spec for EnumSet.
Denotes experimental APIs that may be modified or removed in the future.
An interface for collecting fields from classes.
A builder for constructing predicate-based field selectors.
Flattens selectors into a list, similar to stream().flatMap().
A class for generating values of a specific type.
Provides additional information, such as settings and a random instance to generators that require it.
A Service Provider Interface for mapping classes to custom Generator implementations.
This class provides access to built-in generators.
Marker interface for configurable Generators.
Provides access to built-in generators that support customisation of generated values using the API.
A selector that matches a field using a getter method reference.
A marker for selectors that can be grouped using Select.all(GroupableSelector...).
Hint<T extends Hint<T>>
A hint that can be passed from a generator to the engine.
Hints are provided by Generator implementations to the engine to support more flexibility in how objects are populated.
Builder for constructing Hints.
Instancio API for creating instances of a class.
Instancio API for generating instances of a class populated with random data.
Exception generated by incorrect usage of the API.
Exception generated as a result of an internal error.
This annotation provides support for generating metamodels for classes in order to avoid referencing fields as literal strings.
Instancio API for defining type parameters for generic classes.
Instancio API for generating collections populated with random data.
Denotes internal APIs that are not intended for external use.
Internal SPI that allows integrating 3rd party collections, such as Guava, with internal collection generators.
Hint containing details on how to build a container.
Internal hint related to Generators.
Contains built-in generators for classes.
Defines all keys supported by Instancio.
Generator spec for producing "Lorem ipsum..." text.
Generator spec for maps.
This hint is for generators that create maps.
Contains built-in generators for java.math classes.
Selector for use in generated metamodel classes only.
Resolves methods name for a given field.
The mode is used to specify strictness level, either Mode.STRICT or Mode.LENIENT, an idea borrowed from the Mockito library.
A model is a template for creating objects and contains all the parameters for populating a class specified using Instancio API.
Generator spec for MonthDay types.
Contains built-in generators for classes.
Contains built-in generators for java.nio classes.
Class for creating a node hierarchy for a given Type.
Resolves NodeKind based on node's target class.
Generator spec for numeric types.
Delegates instantiation to Objenesis to instantiate a class without invoking constructors.
A callback that gets invoked after an object has been fully populated.
Generator spec for selecting a random value from an array.
Generator spec for selecting a random value from collection.
A setting that specifies what should happen if an error occurs when setting a field's value.
A setting that specifies what should happen if an error occurs during a setter method invocation.
A setting that specifies what should happen if a setter cannot be resolved.
A filter for checking whether a Package should be excluded from processing.
Generator spec for customising Files and Paths.
Generator spec for Period.
A selector for matching targets using predicates.
Provides methods for generating random values such as numbers, booleans, characters, and strings.
Copied from the Apache Commons Math library.
Provides support for auto-adjusting 'range' settings that have a min and a max value.
Adjusts the upper bound of a range given a new lower bound.
Adjusts the lower bound of a range given a new upper bound.
Helper class for working with java.lang.Record classes.
A result containing a created object and seed that was used for populating its values.
A scope for narrowing down selector targets.
Internal class for generating random initial seed values.
A collection of static factory methods for creating selectors.
A selector that can be: grouped with other selectors narrowed down using Scope converted to Scope
An internal builder for constructing selectors.
A marker for selectors that contain other selectors.
Represents what is being targeted, a field or a class.
Specifies the style of setter to use when AssignmentType.METHOD is enabled.
A setting key represents a configuration item and has the following properties: SettingKey.propertyKey() - property name that can be used in a configuration file SettingKey.defaultValue() - that will be used if there is no configuration file present
This class provides an API for updating settings programmatically.
Generator spec for Strings.
A TargetSelector for selecting fields and classes.
Contains built-in temporal generators.
Generator spec for Temporal types.
Contains built-in text generators.
Helper class for mapping type variables to actual type arguments.
A Service Provider Interface for mapping types to subtypes.
A builder for constructing predicate-based type selectors.
A supplier that provides Type information.
A supplier that provides Type information.
Provides selector description in the "unused selectors" error message.
Exception triggered as a result of unused selectors.
Generator spec for URI.
Generator spec for URL.
Generator spec for generating UUID strings.
A functional interface for void methods.