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AFTER_GENERATE_HINT - Static variable in class org.instancio.settings.Keys
Specifies the default value of the AfterGenerate hint supplied from custom generators to the engine; default is AfterGenerate.POPULATE_NULLS_AND_DEFAULT_PRIMITIVES; property name hint.after.generate.
afterGenerate() - Method in class org.instancio.generator.Hints
Returns the after generate action to be performed by the engine.
afterGenerate(AfterGenerate) - Static method in class org.instancio.generator.Hints
Returns an instance of hints containing the specified AfterGenerate value.
afterGenerate(AfterGenerate) - Method in class org.instancio.generator.Hints.Builder
A hint indicating what should be done with the object created by the generator.
AfterGenerate - Enum in org.instancio.generator
An action hint that is passed from a generator to the engine via the Generator.hints() method.
all() - Static method in class org.instancio.settings.Keys
Returns all keys supported by Instancio.
all(Class<?>) - Static method in class org.instancio.Select
Select all instances of the given type, not including subtypes.
all(GroupableSelector...) - Static method in class org.instancio.Select
A convenience method for combining multiple selectors.
allBooleans() - Static method in class org.instancio.Select
Selects all booleans, primitive and wrapper.
allBytes() - Static method in class org.instancio.Select
Selects all bytes, primitive and wrapper.
allChars() - Static method in class org.instancio.Select
Selects all characters, primitive and wrapper.
allDoubles() - Static method in class org.instancio.Select
Selects all doubles, primitive and wrapper.
allFloats() - Static method in class org.instancio.Select
Selects all floats, primitive and wrapper.
allInts() - Static method in class org.instancio.Select
Selects all integers, primitive and wrapper.
allLongs() - Static method in class org.instancio.Select
Selects all longs, primitive and wrapper.
allowEmpty() - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.OptionalGeneratorSpec
Specifies that an empty Optional can be generated.
allowEmpty() - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.StringGeneratorSpec
Indicates that an empty string can be generated.
allowEmpty() - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.StringSpec
allowEmpty(boolean) - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.StringGeneratorSpec
Indicates if empty string can be generated.
allowEmpty(boolean) - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.StringSpec
allowsNullValue() - Method in interface org.instancio.settings.SettingKey
Indicates whether the value for this key can be set to null.
allowZero() - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.DurationGeneratorSpec
Allow a Duration of length zero to be generated.
allowZero() - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.DurationSpec
allShorts() - Static method in class org.instancio.Select
Selects all shorts, primitive and wrapper.
allStrings() - Static method in class org.instancio.Select
Shorthand for all(String.class).
alphanumeric(int) - Method in interface org.instancio.Random
Generates a random alphanumeric String comprised of [a-z, A-Z, 0-9].
alphaNumeric() - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.StringGeneratorSpec
Generates an alphanumeric string, upper case by default.
alphaNumeric() - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.StringSpec
alphanumericCharacter() - Method in interface org.instancio.Random
Returns a random alphanumeric character, [a-z, A-Z, 0-9].
annotated(Class<? extends A>) - Method in interface org.instancio.FieldSelectorBuilder
Matches fields annotated with the specified annotation, ignoring inherited annotations.
annotated(Class<? extends A>) - Method in interface org.instancio.TypeSelectorBuilder
Matches types annotated with the specified annotation, ignoring inherited annotations.
APPLY_SELECTORS - Enum constant in enum org.instancio.generator.AfterGenerate
Indicates that an object created by the generator can be modified using any of the following methods: InstancioApi.set(TargetSelector, Object), Generator) InstancioApi.generate(TargetSelector, GeneratorSpecProvider)
array() - Method in class org.instancio.generators.Generators
Customises generated arrays.
ARRAY_ELEMENTS_NULLABLE - Static variable in class org.instancio.settings.Keys
Specifies whether a null can be generated for array elements; default is false; property name array.elements.nullable.
ARRAY_MAX_LENGTH - Static variable in class org.instancio.settings.Keys
Specifies maximum length for arrays; default is 6; property name array.max.length.
ARRAY_MIN_LENGTH - Static variable in class org.instancio.settings.Keys
Specifies minimum length for arrays; default is 2; property name array.min.length.
ARRAY_NULLABLE - Static variable in class org.instancio.settings.Keys
Specifies whether a null can be generated for arrays; default is false; property name array.nullable.
ArrayGeneratorSpec<T> - Interface in org.instancio.generator.specs
Generator spec for arrays.
ArrayHint - Class in org.instancio.generator.hints
This hint is for generators that create arrays.
ArrayHint.Builder - Class in org.instancio.generator.hints
as(Function<T, R>) - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.AsGeneratorSpec
Converts the generated value to another type using the specified mapping function.
as(Function<T, R>) - Method in interface org.instancio.ValueOfOriginDestination
Specifies a function for mapping the value of the origin selector to another type.
AsGeneratorSpec<T> - Interface in org.instancio.generator.specs
Allows mapping the result of a generator to another type.
asResult() - Method in interface org.instancio.InstancioApi
Returns a Result containing the created object and seed value used to generate its values.
assign(Assignment...) - Method in interface org.instancio.InstancioApi
Generates values based on given assignments.
Assign - Class in org.instancio
A collection of static factory methods for creating assignments.
ASSIGN_FIELD - Enum constant in enum org.instancio.settings.OnSetMethodError
Use field assignment as the fallback (default behaviour).
ASSIGN_FIELD - Enum constant in enum org.instancio.settings.OnSetMethodNotFound
Use field assignment as the fallback (default behaviour).
Assignment - Interface in org.instancio
An assignment that can be passed to the InstancioApi.assign(Assignment...) method.
ASSIGNMENT_TYPE - Static variable in class org.instancio.settings.Keys
Specifies whether to assign values using fields or methods; default is AssignmentType.FIELD; property name assignment.type.
AssignmentType - Enum in org.instancio.settings
A setting that specifies whether objects should be populated via fields or methods.
asString() - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.AsGeneratorSpec
Converts the generated value to a String.
atDepth(int) - Method in interface org.instancio.DepthSelector
Restricts this selector's target(s) to the specified depth.
atDepth(int) - Method in interface org.instancio.FieldSelectorBuilder
Restricts this selector's target(s) to the specified depth.
atDepth(int) - Method in interface org.instancio.Selector
Restricts this selector's target(s) to the specified depth.
atDepth(int) - Method in interface org.instancio.TypeSelectorBuilder
Restricts this selector's target(s) to the specified depth.
atDepth(Predicate<Integer>) - Method in interface org.instancio.DepthPredicateSelector
Restricts this selector's target(s) to a depth that satisfies the given predicate.
atDepth(Predicate<Integer>) - Method in interface org.instancio.FieldSelectorBuilder
Restricts this selector's target(s) to a depth that satisfies the given predicate.
atDepth(Predicate<Integer>) - Method in interface org.instancio.TypeSelectorBuilder
Restricts this selector's target(s) to a depth that satisfies the given predicate.
atomic() - Method in class org.instancio.generators.Generators
Provides access to atomic generators.
AtomicGenerators - Class in org.instancio.generators
Contains built-in generators for java.util.concurrent.atomic classes.
atomicInteger() - Method in class org.instancio.generators.AtomicGenerators
Customises generated AtomicInteger values.
atomicLong() - Method in class org.instancio.generators.AtomicGenerators
Customises generated AtomicLong values.


BEAN_VALIDATION_ENABLED - Static variable in class org.instancio.settings.Keys
Specifies whether values should be generated based on Jakarta Bean Validation 3.0 annotations, if present; default is false; property name bean.validation.api.enabled.
bigDecimal() - Method in class org.instancio.generators.MathGenerators
Customises generated BigDecimal values.
bigDecimal() - Method in class org.instancio.generators.MathSpecs
Generates BigDecimal values.
BigDecimalAsGeneratorSpec - Interface in org.instancio.generator.specs
Generator spec for BigDecimal values that supports AsGeneratorSpec.
BigDecimalGeneratorSpec - Interface in org.instancio.generator.specs
Generator spec for BigDecimal.
BigDecimalSpec - Interface in org.instancio.generator.specs
Spec for generating BigDecimal values.
bigInteger() - Method in class org.instancio.generators.MathGenerators
Customises generated BigInteger values.
bigInteger() - Method in class org.instancio.generators.MathSpecs
Generates BigInteger values.
BigIntegerSpec - Interface in org.instancio.generator.specs
Spec for generating BigInteger values.
birthdate(Generator<LocalDate>) - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.pol.PeselGeneratorSpec
Specifies a generator for the birthdate.
birthdate(Generator<LocalDate>) - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.pol.PeselSpec
Specifies a generator for the birthdate.
BOOLEAN_NULLABLE - Static variable in class org.instancio.settings.Keys
Specifies whether a null can be generated for Boolean type; default is false; property name boolean.nullable.
BooleanAsGeneratorSpec - Interface in org.instancio.generator.specs
Generator spec for Boolean values that supports AsGeneratorSpec.
BooleanGeneratorSpec - Interface in org.instancio.generator.specs
Generator spec for booleans.
booleans() - Static method in class org.instancio.Gen
Generates Boolean values.
booleans() - Method in class org.instancio.generators.Generators
Customises generated
invalid @link
BooleanSpec - Interface in org.instancio.generator.specs
Spec for generating Boolean values.
build() - Method in class org.instancio.generator.hints.ArrayHint.Builder
Builds the object.
build() - Method in class org.instancio.generator.Hints.Builder
Builds the object.
build() - Method in class org.instancio.generator.hints.CollectionHint.Builder
Builds the object.
build() - Method in class org.instancio.generator.hints.MapHint.Builder
Builds the object.
builder() - Static method in class org.instancio.generator.hints.ArrayHint
builder() - Static method in class org.instancio.generator.Hints
Returns an instance of the builder.
builder() - Static method in class org.instancio.generator.hints.CollectionHint
builder() - Static method in class org.instancio.generator.hints.MapHint
builder(Hints) - Static method in class org.instancio.generator.Hints
BYTE_MAX - Static variable in class org.instancio.settings.Keys
Specifies maximum value for bytes; default is 127; property name byte.max.
BYTE_MIN - Static variable in class org.instancio.settings.Keys
Specifies minimum value for bytes; default is 1; property name byte.min.
BYTE_NULLABLE - Static variable in class org.instancio.settings.Keys
Specifies whether a null can be generated for Byte type; default is false; property name byte.nullable.
byteRange(byte, byte) - Method in interface org.instancio.Random
Returns a random byte within the given range.
bytes() - Static method in class org.instancio.Gen
Generates Byte values.
bytes() - Method in class org.instancio.generators.Generators
Customises generated Byte values.
ByteSpec - Interface in org.instancio.generator.specs
Spec for generating Byte values.


calendar() - Method in class org.instancio.generators.TemporalGenerators
Customises generated Calendar values.
can() - Method in class org.instancio.generators.IdGenerators
Provides access to identifier generators for Canada.
can() - Method in class org.instancio.generators.IdSpecs
Provides identifier generators for Canada.
CanIdGenerators - Class in org.instancio.generators.can
Contains built-in generators for Canadian identifiers.
CanIdGenerators(GeneratorContext) - Constructor for class org.instancio.generators.can.CanIdGenerators
CanIdSpecs - Class in org.instancio.generators.can
Provides generators for Canadian identifiers.
CanIdSpecs() - Constructor for class org.instancio.generators.can.CanIdSpecs
character() - Method in interface org.instancio.Random
Returns a random alphabetic character, [a-z, A-Z].
CHARACTER_NULLABLE - Static variable in class org.instancio.settings.Keys
Specifies whether a null can be generated for Character type; default is false; property name character.nullable.
CharacterAsGeneratorSpec - Interface in org.instancio.generator.specs
Generator spec for Character values that supports AsGeneratorSpec.
CharacterGeneratorSpec - Interface in org.instancio.generator.specs
Generator spec for characters.
characterRange(char, char) - Method in interface org.instancio.Random
Returns a random char within the given range.
CharacterSpec - Interface in org.instancio.generator.specs
Spec for generating Character values.
chars() - Static method in class org.instancio.Gen
Generates Character values.
chars() - Method in class org.instancio.generators.Generators
Customises generated
invalid @link
checkDigitIndex(int) - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.LuhnAsGeneratorSpec
checkDigitIndex(int) - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.LuhnGeneratorSpec
The index of the check digit in the input.
checkDigitIndex(int) - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.LuhnSpec
checkDigitIndex(int) - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.Mod10AsGeneratorSpec
checkDigitIndex(int) - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.Mod10GeneratorSpec
The index of the check digit in the input.
checkDigitIndex(int) - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.Mod10Spec
checkDigitIndex(int) - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.Mod11AsGeneratorSpec
checkDigitIndex(int) - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.Mod11GeneratorSpec
The index of the check digit in the input.
checkDigitIndex(int) - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.Mod11Spec
checksum() - Static method in class org.instancio.Gen
Provides generators for checksum-valid numbers.
checksum() - Method in class org.instancio.generators.Generators
Provides access to checksum generators.
ChecksumGenerators - Class in org.instancio.generators
Contains built-in generators for checksum-valid numbers.
ChecksumGenerators(GeneratorContext) - Constructor for class org.instancio.generators.ChecksumGenerators
ChecksumSpecs - Class in org.instancio.generators
Provides generators for checksum-valid numbers.
ChecksumSpecs() - Constructor for class org.instancio.generators.ChecksumSpecs
collection() - Method in class org.instancio.generators.Generators
Customises generated collections.
COLLECTION_ELEMENTS_NULLABLE - Static variable in class org.instancio.settings.Keys
Specifies whether a null can be generated for collection elements; default is false; property name collection.elements.nullable.
COLLECTION_MAX_SIZE - Static variable in class org.instancio.settings.Keys
Specifies maximum size for collections; default is 6; property name collection.max.size.
COLLECTION_MIN_SIZE - Static variable in class org.instancio.settings.Keys
Specifies minimum size for collections; default is 2; property name collection.min.size.
COLLECTION_NULLABLE - Static variable in class org.instancio.settings.Keys
Specifies whether a null can be generated for collections; default is false; property name collection.nullable.
CollectionGeneratorSpec<T> - Interface in org.instancio.generator.specs
Generator spec for collections.
CollectionHint - Class in org.instancio.generator.hints
This hint is for generators that create collections.
CollectionHint.Builder - Class in org.instancio.generator.hints
column(String, Generator<?>) - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.CsvGeneratorSpec
Specifies the column name and the generator for producing the values.
column(String, Generator<?>) - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.CsvSpec
column(String, GeneratorSpec<?>) - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.CsvGeneratorSpec
Specifies the column name and the generator spec for producing the values.
column(String, GeneratorSpec<?>) - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.CsvSpec
ConvertibleToScope - Interface in org.instancio
An interface for selectors that can be converted to a Scope.
create() - Method in interface org.instancio.InstancioApi
Creates a new instance of a class and populates it with data.
create() - Method in interface org.instancio.settings.SettingKey.SettingKeyBuilder
Returns the created setting key.
create() - Static method in interface org.instancio.settings.Settings
Creates a new instance of empty settings.
create(Class<T>) - Static method in class org.instancio.Instancio
Creates an instance of the specified class.
create(Model<T>) - Static method in class org.instancio.Instancio
Creates an object populated using the given model.
create(TypeTokenSupplier<T>) - Static method in class org.instancio.Instancio
Creates an object of type specified by the type token.
createDirectory() - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.FilePathSpec
createDirectory() - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.FileSpec
createDirectory() - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.PathAsGeneratorSpec
createDirectory() - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.PathGeneratorSpec
Terminal method to indicate that the generated path, including parent directories (if any), should be created as a directory in the file system.
createDirectory() - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.PathSpec
createFile() - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.FilePathSpec
createFile() - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.FileSpec
createFile() - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.PathAsGeneratorSpec
createFile() - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.PathGeneratorSpec
Terminal method to indicate that the generated path, including parent directories (if any), should be created as a file in the file system.
createFile() - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.PathSpec
createFile(InputStream) - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.FilePathSpec
createFile(InputStream) - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.FileSpec
createFile(InputStream) - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.PathAsGeneratorSpec
createFile(InputStream) - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.PathGeneratorSpec
Terminal method to indicate that the generated path, including parent directories (if any), should be created as a file in the file system and content provided by the input stream written to the file.
createFile(InputStream) - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.PathSpec
createList(Class<T>) - Static method in class org.instancio.Instancio
Creates a List of random size.
createMap(Class<K>, Class<V>) - Static method in class org.instancio.Instancio
Creates a Map of random size.
createSet(Class<T>) - Static method in class org.instancio.Instancio
Creates a Set of random size.
creditCard() - Method in class org.instancio.generators.FinanceGenerators
Generates credit card numbers.
creditCard() - Method in class org.instancio.generators.FinanceSpecs
Generates credit card numbers.
CreditCardGeneratorSpec - Interface in org.instancio.generator.specs
Spec for generating credit card numbers.
CreditCardSpec - Interface in org.instancio.generator.specs
Spec for generating credit card numbers.
csv() - Method in class org.instancio.generators.TextGenerators
Generates CSV.
csv() - Method in class org.instancio.generators.TextSpecs
Generates CSV.
CsvGeneratorSpec - Interface in org.instancio.generator.specs
Generator spec for producing CSV.
CsvSpec - Interface in org.instancio.generator.specs
Spec for generating CSV.


date() - Method in class org.instancio.generators.TemporalGenerators
Customises generated Date values.
days(int, int) - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.PeriodGeneratorSpec
Generate number of Period days in the given range.
days(int, int) - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.PeriodSpec
declaredIn(Class<?>) - Method in interface org.instancio.FieldSelectorBuilder
Matches fields declared in the specified class.
DEFAULT_PARAGRAPHS - Static variable in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.LoremIpsumGeneratorSpec
Default number of paragraphs.
DEFAULT_WORDS - Static variable in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.LoremIpsumGeneratorSpec
Default number of words.
defaults() - Static method in interface org.instancio.settings.Settings
Creates a new instance containing default settings.
defaultValue() - Method in interface org.instancio.settings.SettingKey
Default value for this key.
DepthPredicateSelector - Interface in org.instancio
Allows specifying target depth using as a predicate.
DepthSelector - Interface in org.instancio
Allows specifying target depth.
diceRoll(boolean) - Method in interface org.instancio.Random
Returns true with a 1/6 probability, but only if the precondition is true.
digits() - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.StringGeneratorSpec
Generates a string comprised of only digits.
digits() - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.StringSpec
digits(int) - Method in interface org.instancio.Random
Generates a random String comprised of digits [0-9].
DO_NOT_MODIFY - Enum constant in enum org.instancio.generator.AfterGenerate
Indicates that an object created by the generator should not be modified.
DOUBLE_MAX - Static variable in class org.instancio.settings.Keys
Specifies maximum value for doubles; default is 10000; property name double.max.
DOUBLE_MIN - Static variable in class org.instancio.settings.Keys
Specifies minimum value for doubles; default is 1; property name double.min.
DOUBLE_NULLABLE - Static variable in class org.instancio.settings.Keys
Specifies whether a null can be generated for Double type; default is false; property name double.nullable.
doubleRange(double, double) - Method in interface org.instancio.Random
Returns a random double within the given range.
doubles() - Static method in class org.instancio.Gen
Generates Double values.
doubles() - Method in class org.instancio.generators.Generators
Customises generated Double values.
DoubleSpec - Interface in org.instancio.generator.specs
Spec for generating Double values.
duration() - Method in class org.instancio.generators.TemporalGenerators
Customises returned Duration value.
duration() - Method in class org.instancio.generators.TemporalSpecs
Generates Duration values.
DurationGeneratorSpec - Interface in org.instancio.generator.specs
Generator spec for Duration.
DurationSpec - Interface in org.instancio.generator.specs
Spec for generating Duration.


ean() - Method in class org.instancio.generators.IdGenerators
Generates European Article Number (EAN).
ean() - Method in class org.instancio.generators.IdSpecs
Generates European Article Number (EAN).
EanGeneratorSpec - Interface in org.instancio.generator.specs
Spec for generating European Article Number (EAN).
EanSpec - Interface in org.instancio.generator.specs
Spec for generating European Article Number (EAN).
elseGenerate(GeneratorSpec<T>) - Method in interface org.instancio.GivenOriginDestinationAction
Generates values using arbitrary generator specs.
elseGenerate(GeneratorSpecProvider<T>) - Method in interface org.instancio.GivenOriginDestinationAction
Generates values using built-in generators provided by the gen parameter, of type Generators.
elseSet(T) - Method in interface org.instancio.GivenOriginDestinationAction
Sets a value to matching selector targets.
elseSupply(Supplier<T>) - Method in interface org.instancio.GivenOriginDestinationAction
Supplies an object using a Supplier.
elseSupply(Generator<T>) - Method in interface org.instancio.GivenOriginDestinationAction
Supplies an object using a Generator to matching selector targets.
email() - Method in class org.instancio.generators.NetGenerators
Customises generated email addresses.
email() - Method in class org.instancio.generators.NetSpecs
Generates email addresses.
EmailAsGeneratorSpec - Interface in org.instancio.generator.specs
Spec for generating email addresses that supports AsGeneratorSpec.
EmailGeneratorSpec - Interface in org.instancio.generator.specs
Spec for generating email addresses.
EmailSpec - Interface in org.instancio.generator.specs
Spec for generating email addresses.
emit() - Method in class org.instancio.generators.Generators
Emits provided items.
EmitGeneratorSpec<T> - Interface in org.instancio.generator.specs
A generator spec that emits given items to a selector's target.
empty() - Static method in class org.instancio.generator.hints.ArrayHint
Returns an empty hint containing default values.
empty() - Static method in class org.instancio.generator.hints.CollectionHint
Returns an empty hint containing default values.
empty() - Static method in class org.instancio.generator.hints.MapHint
Returns an empty hint containing default values.
endIndex(int) - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.LuhnAsGeneratorSpec
endIndex(int) - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.LuhnGeneratorSpec
The end index for calculating the checksum.
endIndex(int) - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.LuhnSpec
endIndex(int) - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.Mod10AsGeneratorSpec
endIndex(int) - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.Mod10GeneratorSpec
The end index for calculating the checksum.
endIndex(int) - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.Mod10Spec
endIndex(int) - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.Mod11AsGeneratorSpec
endIndex(int) - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.Mod11GeneratorSpec
The end index for calculating the checksum.
endIndex(int) - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.Mod11Spec
EnumAsGeneratorSpec<E extends Enum<E>> - Interface in org.instancio.generator.specs
Spec for Enums that supports AsGeneratorSpec.
EnumGeneratorSpec<E extends Enum<E>> - Interface in org.instancio.generator.specs
Generator spec for Enums.
enumOf(Class<E>) - Static method in class org.instancio.Gen
Generates enum values.
enumOf(Class<E>) - Method in class org.instancio.generators.Generators
Customises generated enum values.
enumSet(Class<E>) - Method in class org.instancio.generators.Generators
Customises generated EnumSet.
EnumSetGeneratorSpec<E extends Enum<E>> - Interface in org.instancio.generator.specs
Generator spec for EnumSet.
EnumSpec<E extends Enum<E>> - Interface in org.instancio.generator.specs
Spec for generating enums.
excluding(E...) - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.EnumAsGeneratorSpec
excluding(E...) - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.EnumGeneratorSpec
Generate an enum while excluding the specified values.
excluding(E...) - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.EnumSetGeneratorSpec
Specifies enum values to exclude from the generated EnumSet.
excluding(E...) - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.EnumSpec
Generate an enum while excluding the specified values.
excluding(Class<?>) - Method in interface org.instancio.TypeSelectorBuilder
Excludes specified class from matching.
ExperimentalApi - Annotation Type in org.instancio.documentation
Denotes experimental APIs that may be modified or removed entirely at any time, even across minor versions.


FAIL - Enum constant in enum org.instancio.settings.OnSetFieldError
Propagate the error up by throwing InstancioApiException.
FAIL - Enum constant in enum org.instancio.settings.OnSetMethodError
Propagate the error up by throwing InstancioApiException.
FAIL - Enum constant in enum org.instancio.settings.OnSetMethodNotFound
Fail by throwing InstancioApiException.
FAIL_ON_ERROR - Static variable in class org.instancio.settings.Keys
Specifies whether internal exceptions should be propagated up; default is false; property name fail.on.error.
female() - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.pol.PeselGeneratorSpec
Specifies that female PESEL should be generated.
female() - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.pol.PeselSpec
Specifies that female PESEL should be generated.
field(Class<?>, String) - Static method in class org.instancio.Select
Selects a field by name in the specified class.
field(String) - Static method in class org.instancio.Select
Selects a field by name declared in the class being created.
field(GetMethodSelector<T, R>) - Static method in class org.instancio.Select
Selects a field based on the given method reference.
FIELD - Enum constant in enum org.instancio.settings.AssignmentType
Indicates that values should be assigned directly to fields, bypassing setters (default behaviour).
fields() - Static method in class org.instancio.Select
Provides a builder for selecting fields based on Predicates.
fields(Predicate<Field>) - Static method in class org.instancio.Select
Select all fields matching the specified predicate.
FieldSelectorBuilder - Interface in org.instancio
A builder for constructing predicate-based field selectors.
file() - Method in class org.instancio.generators.IoSpecs
Generates File values.
file(String...) - Method in class org.instancio.generators.IoGenerators
Generator for File objects.
file(Generator<String>) - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.URLAsGeneratorSpec
file(Generator<String>) - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.URLGeneratorSpec
Specifies a generator for the file name.
file(Generator<String>) - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.URLSpec
FilePathSpec<T> - Interface in org.instancio.generator.specs
Spec for generating File and Path values.
FileSpec - Interface in org.instancio.generator.specs
Spec for generating File values.
finance() - Static method in class org.instancio.Gen
Provides finance-related generators.
finance() - Method in class org.instancio.generators.Generators
Provides access to finance-related generators.
FinanceGenerators - Class in org.instancio.generators
Contains built-in finance-related generators.
FinanceGenerators(GeneratorContext) - Constructor for class org.instancio.generators.FinanceGenerators
FinanceSpecs - Class in org.instancio.generators
Provides finance-related generators.
FinanceSpecs() - Constructor for class org.instancio.generators.FinanceSpecs
FLOAT_MAX - Static variable in class org.instancio.settings.Keys
Specifies maximum value for floats; default is 10000; property name float.max.
FLOAT_MIN - Static variable in class org.instancio.settings.Keys
Specifies minimum value for floats; default is 1; property name float.min.
FLOAT_NULLABLE - Static variable in class org.instancio.settings.Keys
Specifies whether a null can be generated for Float type; default is false; property name float.nullable.
floatRange(float, float) - Method in interface org.instancio.Random
Returns a random float within the given range.
floats() - Static method in class org.instancio.Gen
Generates Float values.
floats() - Method in class org.instancio.generators.Generators
Customises generated Float values.
FloatSpec - Interface in org.instancio.generator.specs
Spec for generating Float values.
fragment(Generator<String>) - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.URIAsGeneratorSpec
fragment(Generator<String>) - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.URIGeneratorSpec
Specifies a generator for the fragmentGenerator.
fragment(Generator<String>) - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.URISpec
from(Map<Object, Object>) - Static method in interface org.instancio.settings.Settings
Create settings from the given map.
from(Settings) - Static method in interface org.instancio.settings.Settings
Create settings from the given settings.
fromCidr(String) - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.Ip4GeneratorSpec
Generates IPv4 address from CIDR notation, for example: fromCidr("").
fromCidr(String) - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.Ip4Spec
future() - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.InstantSpec
future() - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.LocalDateSpec
future() - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.LocalDateTimeSpec
future() - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.LocalTimeSpec
future() - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.OffsetDateTimeSpec
future() - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.OffsetTimeSpec
future() - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.TemporalAaGeneratorSpec
future() - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.TemporalGeneratorSpec
Generate a value in the future.
future() - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.TemporalSpec
future() - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.YearMonthSpec
future() - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.YearSpec
future() - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.ZonedDateTimeSpec


Gen - Class in org.instancio
Class for generating simple value types, such as strings, numbers, dates, and so on.
generate(Predicate<S>, GeneratorSpec<T>) - Method in interface org.instancio.GivenOriginDestination
Generates values using arbitrary generator specs.
generate(Predicate<S>, GeneratorSpecProvider<T>) - Method in interface org.instancio.GivenOriginDestination
Generates values using built-in generators provided by the gen parameter, of type Generators.
generate(GeneratorSpec<T>) - Method in interface org.instancio.ValueOf
Generates values using arbitrary generator specs.
generate(GeneratorSpecProvider<T>) - Method in interface org.instancio.ValueOf
Generates values using built-in generators provided by the gen parameter, of type Generators.
generate(Random) - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.Generator
Returns a generated value.
generate(TargetSelector, GeneratorSpec<T>) - Method in interface org.instancio.GivenOriginPredicate
Generates values using arbitrary generator specs.
generate(TargetSelector, GeneratorSpec<V>) - Method in interface org.instancio.InstancioApi
Customises values using arbitrary generator specs.
generate(TargetSelector, GeneratorSpecProvider<T>) - Method in interface org.instancio.GivenOriginPredicate
Generates values using built-in generators provided by the gen parameter, of type Generators.
generate(TargetSelector, GeneratorSpecProvider<V>) - Method in interface org.instancio.InstancioApi
Customises values using built-in generators provided by the gen parameter, of type Generators.
generateElements() - Method in class org.instancio.generator.hints.CollectionHint
Indicates the number of elements the engine should generate and insert into the collection.
generateElements(int) - Method in class org.instancio.generator.hints.CollectionHint.Builder
Indicates how many elements the engine should generate and insert into the collection.
generateEntries() - Method in class org.instancio.generator.hints.MapHint
Indicates the number of entries the engine should generate and insert into the map.
generateEntries(int) - Method in class org.instancio.generator.hints.MapHint.Builder
Indicates how many entries the engine should generate and insert into the map.
Generator<T> - Interface in org.instancio.generator
A class for generating values of a specific type.
GeneratorContext - Class in org.instancio.generator
Provides additional information, such as settings and a random instance to generators that require it.
GeneratorContext(Settings, Random) - Constructor for class org.instancio.generator.GeneratorContext
Generators - Class in org.instancio.generators
This class provides access to built-in generators.
Generators(GeneratorContext) - Constructor for class org.instancio.generators.Generators
GeneratorSpec<T> - Interface in org.instancio.generator
Marker interface for configurable Generators.
GeneratorSpecProvider<V> - Interface in org.instancio
Provides access to built-in generators that support customisation of generated values using the API.
get() - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.ValueSpec
Generates a single value.
get() - Method in class org.instancio.Result
Returns the created object.
get() - Method in interface org.instancio.TypeToken
Returns the type to be created.
get() - Method in interface org.instancio.TypeTokenSupplier
Returns the type to be created.
get(String) - Static method in class org.instancio.settings.Keys
Returns a SettingKey instance with the given property key.
get(Class<T>) - Method in class org.instancio.generator.Hints
Returns a hint with the specified type.
get(SettingKey<T>) - Method in interface org.instancio.settings.Settings
Get setting value for given key.
getCallbacks() - Method in exception class org.instancio.exception.UnusedSelectorException
getField() - Method in interface org.instancio.Node
Returns the field of this node, if available.
getGenerator(Node, Generators) - Method in interface org.instancio.spi.InstancioServiceProvider.GeneratorProvider
Returns a generator spec for the specified node.
getGeneratorProvider() - Method in interface org.instancio.spi.InstancioServiceProvider
Returns a GeneratorProvider implementation.
getGenerators() - Method in exception class org.instancio.exception.UnusedSelectorException
getIgnored() - Method in exception class org.instancio.exception.UnusedSelectorException
GetMethodSelector<T,R> - Interface in org.instancio
A selector that matches a field using a getter method reference.
getNullable() - Method in exception class org.instancio.exception.UnusedSelectorException
getSeed() - Method in interface org.instancio.Random
Returns the seed value used by the random number generator.
getSeed() - Method in class org.instancio.Result
Returns the seed that was used to populate the created object.
getSetter(Node) - Method in interface org.instancio.spi.InstancioServiceProvider.SetterMethodResolver
Returns the setter method for the given node.
getSetterMethodResolver() - Method in interface org.instancio.spi.InstancioServiceProvider
Returns a SetterMethodResolver implementation.
getSettings() - Method in class org.instancio.generator.GeneratorContext
Returns a read-only instance of the settings used by Instancio.
getSettings() - Method in interface org.instancio.spi.ServiceProviderContext
Returns a read-only instance of the Settings.
getSpec(Generators) - Method in interface org.instancio.GeneratorSpecProvider
Returns a customised generator spec.
getSubtype(Class<?>) - Method in interface org.instancio.spi.InstancioServiceProvider.TypeResolver
Returns a subtype for the given type.
getSubtypeMap() - Method in interface org.instancio.settings.Settings
Returns a read-only view of the subtype map.
getSubtypes() - Method in exception class org.instancio.exception.UnusedSelectorException
getTargetClass() - Method in interface org.instancio.Node
Returns the target class of this node.
getTypeInstantiator() - Method in interface org.instancio.spi.InstancioServiceProvider
Returns a TypeInstantiator implementation.
getTypeResolver() - Method in interface org.instancio.spi.InstancioServiceProvider
Returns a TypeResolver implementation.
given(Class<T>) - Static method in class org.instancio.Assign
Creates a conditional assignment for a given origin type.
given(GetMethodSelector<T, R>) - Static method in class org.instancio.Assign
Creates a conditional assignment for a given origin method reference and one or more destination selectors.
given(TargetSelector) - Static method in class org.instancio.Assign
Creates a conditional for a given origin and one or more destination selectors.
given(TargetSelector, TargetSelector) - Static method in class org.instancio.Assign
Creates a conditional assigment for a given pair of origin and destination selectors.
GivenOrigin - Interface in org.instancio
Represents an origin selector of a conditional assignment.
GivenOriginDestination - Interface in org.instancio
Represents an origin and a destination of a conditional assigment.
GivenOriginDestinationAction - Interface in org.instancio
Defines optional methods that can be chained to Assign.given(TargetSelector) builder expression.
GivenOriginPredicate - Interface in org.instancio
Defines methods one of which follow the Assign.given(TargetSelector) builder expressions to create an assignment.
GivenOriginPredicateAction - Interface in org.instancio
Defines optional methods that can be chained to Assign.given(TargetSelector, TargetSelector) builder expression.
GroupableSelector - Interface in org.instancio
A marker for selectors that can be grouped using Select.all(GroupableSelector...).


hash() - Static method in class org.instancio.Gen
Generates various types of hashes.
hash() - Method in class org.instancio.generators.Generators
Generates various types of hashes.
HashAsGeneratorSpec - Interface in org.instancio.generator.specs
Spec for generating hashes that supports AsGeneratorSpec.
HashGeneratorSpec - Interface in org.instancio.generator.specs
Spec for generating hashes
HashSpec - Interface in org.instancio.generator.specs
Spec for generating hashes
hex() - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.StringGeneratorSpec
Generates a hexadecimal string, upper case by default.
hex() - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.StringSpec
Generates a hexadecimal string, upper case by default.
Hint<T extends Hint<T>> - Interface in org.instancio.generator
A hint that can be passed from a generator to the engine.
hints() - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.Generator
Hints provided by the generator to the engine.
Hints - Class in org.instancio.generator
Hints are provided by Generator implementations to the engine to support more flexibility in how objects are populated.
Hints.Builder - Class in org.instancio.generator
Builder for constructing Hints.
host(Generator<String>) - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.URIAsGeneratorSpec
host(Generator<String>) - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.URIGeneratorSpec
Specifies a generator for the host name.
host(Generator<String>) - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.URISpec
host(Generator<String>) - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.URLAsGeneratorSpec
host(Generator<String>) - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.URLGeneratorSpec
Specifies a generator for the host name.
host(Generator<String>) - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.URLSpec


id() - Static method in class org.instancio.Gen
Provides identifier generators.
id() - Method in class org.instancio.generators.Generators
Provides access to identifier generators.
IdGenerators - Class in org.instancio.generators
Contains built-in generators for various types of identifiers.
IdGenerators(GeneratorContext) - Constructor for class org.instancio.generators.IdGenerators
IdSpecs - Class in org.instancio.generators
Provides generators for various types of identifiers.
IdSpecs() - Constructor for class org.instancio.generators.IdSpecs
ignore(TargetSelector) - Method in interface org.instancio.InstancioApi
Specifies that a class or field should be ignored.
IGNORE - Enum constant in enum org.instancio.settings.OnSetFieldError
Ignore the error and continue populating the object.
IGNORE - Enum constant in enum org.instancio.settings.OnSetMethodError
Ignore the error and continue populating the object.
IGNORE - Enum constant in enum org.instancio.settings.OnSetMethodNotFound
Ignore the error and continue populating the object.
ignoreUnused() - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.EmitGeneratorSpec
Specifies that if any of the provided items were not emitted, they should be ignored (the default is to throw an exception).
init(GeneratorContext) - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.Generator
An optional method for generators that need to initialise state before generating values.
init(ServiceProviderContext) - Method in interface org.instancio.spi.InstancioServiceProvider
An optional method that can be used by implementations that require access to the context information.
Instancio - Class in org.instancio
Instancio API for creating instances of a class.
InstancioApi<T> - Interface in org.instancio
Instancio API for generating instances of a class populated with random data.
InstancioApiException - Exception Class in org.instancio.exception
Exception generated by incorrect usage of the API.
InstancioApiException(String) - Constructor for exception class org.instancio.exception.InstancioApiException
InstancioApiException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class org.instancio.exception.InstancioApiException
InstancioException - Exception Class in org.instancio.exception
Base class for all exceptions thrown by Instancio.
InstancioException(String) - Constructor for exception class org.instancio.exception.InstancioException
InstancioException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class org.instancio.exception.InstancioException
InstancioOfClassApi<T> - Interface in org.instancio
Instancio API for defining type parameters for generic classes.
InstancioOfCollectionApi<C> - Interface in org.instancio
Instancio API for generating collections populated with random data.
InstancioServiceProvider - Interface in org.instancio.spi
Instancio Service Provider Interface for providing custom: generator mappings via InstancioServiceProvider.getGeneratorProvider() subtype mappings via InstancioServiceProvider.getTypeResolver() class instantiation logic via InstancioServiceProvider.getTypeInstantiator() setter resolution via InstancioServiceProvider.getSetterMethodResolver()
InstancioServiceProvider.GeneratorProvider - Interface in org.instancio.spi
Provides custom Generator classes.
InstancioServiceProvider.SetterMethodResolver - Interface in org.instancio.spi
Resolves setter method based on a given node when Keys.ASSIGNMENT_TYPE is set to AssignmentType.METHOD.
InstancioServiceProvider.TypeInstantiator - Interface in org.instancio.spi
Provides custom instantiation logic.
InstancioServiceProvider.TypeResolver - Interface in org.instancio.spi
Resolves subtype based on a given class.
InstancioSpiException - Exception Class in org.instancio.spi
Exception generated by incorrect usage of the SPI.
InstancioSpiException(String) - Constructor for exception class org.instancio.spi.InstancioSpiException
InstancioSpiException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class org.instancio.spi.InstancioSpiException
InstancioTerminatingException - Exception Class in org.instancio.exception
This exception (and its subclasses) indicates an unrecoverable error and propagates all the way up to the user.
InstancioTerminatingException(String) - Constructor for exception class org.instancio.exception.InstancioTerminatingException
InstancioTerminatingException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class org.instancio.exception.InstancioTerminatingException
instant() - Method in class org.instancio.generators.TemporalGenerators
Customises generated Instant values.
instant() - Method in class org.instancio.generators.TemporalSpecs
Generates Instant values.
instantiate(Class<?>) - Method in interface org.instancio.spi.InstancioServiceProvider.TypeInstantiator
Instantiates an instance of the specified type.
InstantSpec - Interface in org.instancio.generator.specs
Spec for generating Instant values.
INTEGER_MAX - Static variable in class org.instancio.settings.Keys
Specifies maximum value for integers; default is 10000; property name integer.max.
INTEGER_MIN - Static variable in class org.instancio.settings.Keys
Specifies minimum value for integers; default is 1; property name integer.min.
INTEGER_NULLABLE - Static variable in class org.instancio.settings.Keys
Specifies whether a null can be generated for Integer type; default is false; property name integer.nullable.
IntegerSpec - Interface in org.instancio.generator.specs
Spec for generating Integer values.
InternalApi - Annotation Type in org.instancio.documentation
Denotes internal APIs that are not intended for external use.
intRange(int, int) - Method in interface org.instancio.Random
Returns a random int within the given range.
ints() - Static method in class org.instancio.Gen
Generates Integer values.
ints() - Method in class org.instancio.generators.Generators
Customises generated Integer values.
intSeq() - Static method in class org.instancio.Gen
Generates Integer sequences.
intSeq() - Method in class org.instancio.generators.Generators
An Integer sequence generator.
io() - Static method in class org.instancio.Gen
Provides generators for classes.
io() - Method in class org.instancio.generators.Generators
Provides access to IO generators.
IoGenerators - Class in org.instancio.generators
Contains built-in generators for classes.
IoGenerators(GeneratorContext) - Constructor for class org.instancio.generators.IoGenerators
IoSpecs - Class in org.instancio.generators
Provides generators for classes.
IoSpecs() - Constructor for class org.instancio.generators.IoSpecs
ip4() - Method in class org.instancio.generators.NetGenerators
Generates IPv4 address.
ip4() - Method in class org.instancio.generators.NetSpecs
Generates IPv4 addresses.
Ip4GeneratorSpec - Interface in org.instancio.generator.specs
Generator spec for IPv4.
Ip4Spec - Interface in org.instancio.generator.specs
Spec for generating IPv4 addresses.
is(T) - Method in interface org.instancio.GivenOrigin
Checks if the origin value is equal to given value using Objects.equals(Object, Object).
is(T) - Static method in class org.instancio.When
A predicate that returns true if values are equal using Objects.equals(Object, Object).
isbn() - Method in class org.instancio.generators.IdGenerators
Generates ISBN numbers.
isbn() - Method in class org.instancio.generators.IdSpecs
Generates ISBN numbers.
IsbnGeneratorSpec - Interface in org.instancio.generator.specs
Spec for generating ISBN.
IsbnSpec - Interface in org.instancio.generator.specs
Spec for generating ISBN.
isIn(T...) - Method in interface org.instancio.GivenOrigin
Checks if the origin value is equal to any of given values using Objects.equals(Object, Object).
isIn(T...) - Static method in class org.instancio.When
A predicate that checks whether a value is equal to any element in the values array using Objects.equals(Object, Object).
isNot(T) - Method in interface org.instancio.GivenOrigin
Checks if the origin value is not equal to given value using Objects.equals(Object, Object).
isNot(T) - Static method in class org.instancio.When
A predicate that returns true if values are not equal using Objects.equals(Object, Object).
isNotNull() - Static method in class org.instancio.When
A predicate that checks if a value is not null.
isNull() - Static method in class org.instancio.When
A predicate that checks if a value is null.
item(T, int) - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.EmitGeneratorSpec
Emit given item n number of times.
items(Iterable<? extends T>) - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.EmitGeneratorSpec
Emit given items.
items(T...) - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.EmitGeneratorSpec
Emit given items.


Keys - Class in org.instancio.settings
Defines all keys supported by Instancio.


leftToRight() - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.Mod11AsGeneratorSpec
leftToRight() - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.Mod11GeneratorSpec
Specifies that the Mod11 checksum must be done from the leftmost to the rightmost digit (default behaviour is right to left).
leftToRight() - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.Mod11Spec
length(int) - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.ArrayGeneratorSpec
length of array to generate.
length(int) - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.EmailAsGeneratorSpec
length(int) - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.EmailGeneratorSpec
Specifies email address length.
length(int) - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.EmailSpec
length(int) - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.LuhnAsGeneratorSpec
length(int) - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.LuhnGeneratorSpec
Length of the number to generate (default value is 16).
length(int) - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.LuhnSpec
length(int) - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.Mod10AsGeneratorSpec
length(int) - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.Mod10GeneratorSpec
Length of the number to generate (default value is 16).
length(int) - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.Mod10Spec
length(int) - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.Mod11AsGeneratorSpec
length(int) - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.Mod11GeneratorSpec
Length of the number to generate (default value is 16).
length(int) - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.Mod11Spec
length(int) - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.StringGeneratorSpec
Length of string to generate.
length(int) - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.StringSpec
length(int, int) - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.EmailAsGeneratorSpec
length(int, int) - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.EmailGeneratorSpec
Specifies email address length range.
length(int, int) - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.EmailSpec
length(int, int) - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.LuhnAsGeneratorSpec
length(int, int) - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.LuhnGeneratorSpec
Generate a number of random length within the specified range.
length(int, int) - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.LuhnSpec
length(int, int) - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.StringGeneratorSpec
Length of string to generate.
length(int, int) - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.StringSpec
lenient() - Method in interface org.instancio.InstancioApi
Disables strict mode in which unused selectors trigger an error.
LENIENT - Enum constant in enum org.instancio.settings.Mode
In lenient mode, unused selectors are ignored and no exception is triggered.
lineSeparator(String) - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.CsvGeneratorSpec
Specifies the line separator.
lineSeparator(String) - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.CsvSpec
list(int) - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.ValueSpec
Generates a list of values of specified size.
localDate() - Method in class org.instancio.generators.TemporalGenerators
Customises generated LocalDate values.
localDate() - Method in class org.instancio.generators.TemporalSpecs
Generates LocalDate values.
LocalDateSpec - Interface in org.instancio.generator.specs
Spec for generating LocalDate values.
localDateTime() - Method in class org.instancio.generators.TemporalGenerators
Customises generated LocalDateTime values.
localDateTime() - Method in class org.instancio.generators.TemporalSpecs
Generates LocalDateTime values.
LocalDateTimeSpec - Interface in org.instancio.generator.specs
Spec for generating LocalDateTime values.
localTime() - Method in class org.instancio.generators.TemporalGenerators
Customises generated LocalTime values.
localTime() - Method in class org.instancio.generators.TemporalSpecs
Generates LocalTime values.
LocalTimeSpec - Interface in org.instancio.generator.specs
Spec for generating LocalTime values.
lock() - Method in interface org.instancio.settings.Settings
Locks these settings for further modifications, making this instance immutable.
LONG_MAX - Static variable in class org.instancio.settings.Keys
Specifies maximum value for longs; default is 10000; property name long.max.
LONG_MIN - Static variable in class org.instancio.settings.Keys
Specifies minimum value for longs; default is 1; property name long.min.
LONG_NULLABLE - Static variable in class org.instancio.settings.Keys
Specifies whether a null can be generated for Long type; default is false; property name long.nullable.
longRange(long, long) - Method in interface org.instancio.Random
Returns a random long within the given range.
longs() - Static method in class org.instancio.Gen
Generates Long values.
longs() - Method in class org.instancio.generators.Generators
Customises generated Long values.
longSeq() - Static method in class org.instancio.Gen
Generates Long sequences.
longSeq() - Method in class org.instancio.generators.Generators
A Long sequence generator.
LongSpec - Interface in org.instancio.generator.specs
Spec for generating Long values.
loremIpsum() - Method in class org.instancio.generators.TextGenerators
Generates "Lorem ipsum" text.
loremIpsum() - Method in class org.instancio.generators.TextSpecs
Generates "Lorem ipsum" text.
LoremIpsumGeneratorSpec - Interface in org.instancio.generator.specs
Generator spec for producing "Lorem ipsum..." text.
LoremIpsumSpec - Interface in org.instancio.generator.specs
Spec for generating "lorem ipsum" text.
lowerCase() - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.StringGeneratorSpec
Generates a lower case string.
lowerCase() - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.StringSpec
lowerCaseAlphabetic(int) - Method in interface org.instancio.Random
Generates a lower case String comprised of [a-z].
lowerCaseCharacter() - Method in interface org.instancio.Random
Returns a random lower alphabetic character, [a-z].
luhn() - Method in class org.instancio.generators.ChecksumGenerators
Generates numbers that pass the Luhn checksum algorithm.
luhn() - Method in class org.instancio.generators.ChecksumSpecs
Generates numbers that pass the Luhn checksum algorithm.
LuhnAsGeneratorSpec - Interface in org.instancio.generator.specs
A spec for generating numbers that pass the Luhn checksum algorithm.
LuhnGeneratorSpec - Interface in org.instancio.generator.specs
A spec for generating numbers that pass the Luhn checksum algorithm.
LuhnSpec - Interface in org.instancio.generator.specs
A spec for generating numbers that pass the Luhn checksum algorithm.


male() - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.pol.PeselGeneratorSpec
Specifies that male PESEL should be generated.
male() - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.pol.PeselSpec
Specifies that male PESEL should be generated.
map() - Method in class org.instancio.generators.Generators
Customises generated maps.
map(Function<T, R>) - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.ValueSpec
Maps the generated value using the specified function.
MAP_KEYS_NULLABLE - Static variable in class org.instancio.settings.Keys
Specifies whether a null can be generated for map keys; default is false; property name map.keys.nullable.
MAP_MAX_SIZE - Static variable in class org.instancio.settings.Keys
Specifies maximum size for maps; default is 6; property name map.max.size.
MAP_MIN_SIZE - Static variable in class org.instancio.settings.Keys
Specifies minimum size for maps; default is 2; property name map.min.size.
MAP_NULLABLE - Static variable in class org.instancio.settings.Keys
Specifies whether a null can be generated for maps; default is false; property name map.nullable.
MAP_VALUES_NULLABLE - Static variable in class org.instancio.settings.Keys
Specifies whether a null can be generated for map values; default is false; property name map.values.nullable.
MapGeneratorSpec<K,V> - Interface in org.instancio.generator.specs
Generator spec for maps.
MapHint - Class in org.instancio.generator.hints
This hint is for generators that create maps.
MapHint.Builder - Class in org.instancio.generator.hints
mapType(Class<?>, Class<?>) - Method in interface org.instancio.settings.Settings
Maps the supertype from supertype to 'to' subtype.
masterCard() - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.CreditCardGeneratorSpec
Specifies that MasterCard credit card numbers should be generated.
masterCard() - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.CreditCardSpec
matching(String) - Method in interface org.instancio.FieldSelectorBuilder
Matches field names using the specified regular expression.
math() - Static method in class org.instancio.Gen
Provides generators for java.math classes.
math() - Method in class org.instancio.generators.Generators
Provides generators for java.math classes.
MathGenerators - Class in org.instancio.generators
Contains built-in generators for java.math classes.
MathSpecs - Class in org.instancio.generators
Provides generators for java.math classes.
MathSpecs() - Constructor for class org.instancio.generators.MathSpecs
max(long, TemporalUnit) - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.DurationGeneratorSpec
Generate a Duration less than or equal to the specified amount.
max(long, TemporalUnit) - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.DurationSpec
max(Byte) - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.ByteSpec
max(Double) - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.DoubleSpec
max(Float) - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.FloatSpec
max(Integer) - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.IntegerSpec
max(Long) - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.LongSpec
max(Short) - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.ShortSpec
max(BigDecimal) - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.BigDecimalAsGeneratorSpec
max(BigDecimal) - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.BigDecimalGeneratorSpec
max(BigDecimal) - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.BigDecimalSpec
max(BigInteger) - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.BigIntegerSpec
max(MonthDay) - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.MonthDayGeneratorSpec
Generate a MonthDay value on or before the specified day.
max(T) - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.NumberAsGeneratorSpec
max(T) - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.NumberGeneratorSpec
Specifies the upper bound.
max(T) - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.NumberSpec
MAX_DEPTH - Static variable in class org.instancio.settings.Keys
Specifies the maximum depth of the generated object tree; default is 8; property name max.depth.
maxLength(int) - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.ArrayGeneratorSpec
Maximum length of array to generate.
maxLength(int) - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.StringGeneratorSpec
Maximum length of string to generate.
maxLength(int) - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.StringSpec
maxSize(int) - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.CollectionGeneratorSpec
Maximum size of collection to generate.
maxSize(int) - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.EnumSetGeneratorSpec
Maximum size of EnumSet to generate.
maxSize(int) - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.MapGeneratorSpec
Maximum size of map to generate.
maxSize(int) - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.SizeGeneratorSpec
The maximum size of the object to generate.
md5() - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.HashAsGeneratorSpec
md5() - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.HashGeneratorSpec
Specifies that an MD5 hash should be generated.
md5() - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.HashSpec
merge(Settings) - Method in interface org.instancio.settings.Settings
Creates a new instance of settings by merging given settings with these settings.
METHOD - Enum constant in enum org.instancio.settings.AssignmentType
Indicates that values should be set via setter methods.
MethodModifier - Class in org.instancio.settings
A class containing modifier constants.
min(long, TemporalUnit) - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.DurationGeneratorSpec
Generate a Duration greater than or equal to the specified amount.
min(long, TemporalUnit) - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.DurationSpec
min(Byte) - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.ByteSpec
min(Double) - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.DoubleSpec
min(Float) - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.FloatSpec
min(Integer) - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.IntegerSpec
min(Long) - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.LongSpec
min(Short) - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.ShortSpec
min(BigDecimal) - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.BigDecimalAsGeneratorSpec
min(BigDecimal) - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.BigDecimalGeneratorSpec
min(BigDecimal) - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.BigDecimalSpec
min(BigInteger) - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.BigIntegerSpec
min(MonthDay) - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.MonthDayGeneratorSpec
Generate a MonthDay value on or after the specified day.
min(T) - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.NumberAsGeneratorSpec
min(T) - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.NumberGeneratorSpec
Specifies the lower bound.
min(T) - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.NumberSpec
minLength(int) - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.ArrayGeneratorSpec
Minimum length of array to generate.
minLength(int) - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.StringGeneratorSpec
Minimum length of string to generate.
minLength(int) - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.StringSpec
minSize(int) - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.CollectionGeneratorSpec
Minimum size of collection to generate.
minSize(int) - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.EnumSetGeneratorSpec
Minimum size of EnumSet to generate.
minSize(int) - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.MapGeneratorSpec
Minimum size of map to generate.
minSize(int) - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.SizeGeneratorSpec
The minimum size of the object to generate.
mixedCase() - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.StringGeneratorSpec
Generates a mixed case string.
mixedCase() - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.StringSpec
mixedCaseAlphabetic(int) - Method in interface org.instancio.Random
Generates a random mixed case String comprised of [a-z, A-Z].
mod10() - Method in class org.instancio.generators.ChecksumGenerators
Generates numbers that pass the Mod10 checksum algorithm.
mod10() - Method in class org.instancio.generators.ChecksumSpecs
Generates numbers that pass the Mod11 checksum algorithm.
Mod10AsGeneratorSpec - Interface in org.instancio.generator.specs
A spec for generating numbers that pass the Mod10 checksum algorithm.
Mod10GeneratorSpec - Interface in org.instancio.generator.specs
A spec for generating numbers that pass the Mod10 checksum algorithm.
Mod10Spec - Interface in org.instancio.generator.specs
A spec for generating numbers that pass the Mod10 checksum algorithm.
mod11() - Method in class org.instancio.generators.ChecksumGenerators
Generates numbers that pass the Mod11 checksum algorithm.
mod11() - Method in class org.instancio.generators.ChecksumSpecs
Generates numbers that pass the Mod11 checksum algorithm.
Mod11AsGeneratorSpec - Interface in org.instancio.generator.specs
A spec for generating numbers that pass the Mod11 checksum algorithm.
Mod11GeneratorSpec - Interface in org.instancio.generator.specs
A spec for generating numbers that pass the Mod11 checksum algorithm.
Mod11Spec - Interface in org.instancio.generator.specs
A spec for generating numbers that pass the Mod11 checksum algorithm.
Mode - Enum in org.instancio.settings
The mode is used to specify strictness level, either Mode.STRICT or Mode.LENIENT, an idea borrowed from the Mockito library.
MODE - Static variable in class org.instancio.settings.Keys
Specifies the mode: strict (unused selectors will trigger an exception) or lenient; default is Mode.STRICT; property name mode.
Model<T> - Interface in org.instancio
A model is a template for creating objects and contains all the parameters for populating a class specified using Instancio API.
monthDay() - Method in class org.instancio.generators.TemporalGenerators
Customises generated MonthDay values.
MonthDayGeneratorSpec - Interface in org.instancio.generator.specs
Generator spec for MonthDay types.
months(int, int) - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.PeriodGeneratorSpec
Generate number of Period months in the given range.
months(int, int) - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.PeriodSpec
multiplier(int) - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.Mod10AsGeneratorSpec
multiplier(int) - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.Mod10GeneratorSpec
Multiplier to be used for odd digits when calculating the Mod10 checksum (default value is 3).
multiplier(int) - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.Mod10Spec


name(Generator<String>) - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.FilePathSpec
name(Generator<String>) - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.FileSpec
name(Generator<String>) - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.PathAsGeneratorSpec
name(Generator<String>) - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.PathGeneratorSpec
Generator for the file or directory name.
name(Generator<String>) - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.PathSpec
named(String) - Method in interface org.instancio.FieldSelectorBuilder
Matches fields with the specified name.
net() - Static method in class org.instancio.Gen
Provides generators for classes.
net() - Method in class org.instancio.generators.Generators
Provides generators for classes.
NetGenerators - Class in org.instancio.generators
Contains built-in generators for classes.
NetGenerators(GeneratorContext) - Constructor for class org.instancio.generators.NetGenerators
NetSpecs - Class in org.instancio.generators
Provides generators for classes.
NetSpecs() - Constructor for class org.instancio.generators.NetSpecs
next(UnaryOperator<T>) - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.NumericSequenceAsGeneratorSpec
next(UnaryOperator<T>) - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.NumericSequenceGeneratorSpec
Specifies the function for calculating the next sequence value.
next(UnaryOperator<T>) - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.NumericSequenceSpec
nio() - Static method in class org.instancio.Gen
Provides generators for java.nio classes.
nio() - Method in class org.instancio.generators.Generators
Provides access to NIO generators.
NioGenerators - Class in org.instancio.generators
Contains built-in generators for java.nio classes.
NioGenerators(GeneratorContext) - Constructor for class org.instancio.generators.NioGenerators
NioSpecs - Class in org.instancio.generators
Provides generators for java.nio classes.
NioSpecs() - Constructor for class org.instancio.generators.NioSpecs
nip() - Method in class org.instancio.generators.pol.PolIdGenerators
Generates Polish VAT Identification Number (NIP).
nip() - Method in class org.instancio.generators.pol.PolIdSpecs
Generates Polish VAT Identification Number (NIP).
NipGeneratorSpec - Interface in org.instancio.generator.specs.pol
NipSpec - Interface in org.instancio.generator.specs.pol
Node - Interface in org.instancio
Represents a single Node of a node hierarchy created for a given Type.
noHeader() - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.CsvGeneratorSpec
Omit CSV header from the output.
noHeader() - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.CsvSpec
nullable() - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.ArrayGeneratorSpec
Indicates that null value can be generated for the array.
nullable() - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.BigDecimalAsGeneratorSpec
nullable() - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.BigDecimalGeneratorSpec
nullable() - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.BigDecimalSpec
nullable() - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.BigIntegerSpec
nullable() - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.BooleanAsGeneratorSpec
nullable() - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.BooleanGeneratorSpec
Indicates that null value can be generated.
nullable() - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.BooleanSpec
nullable() - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.ByteSpec
nullable() - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.can.SinAsGeneratorSpec
nullable() - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.can.SinGeneratorSpec
Indicates that null value can be generated.
nullable() - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.can.SinSpec
nullable() - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.CharacterAsGeneratorSpec
nullable() - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.CharacterGeneratorSpec
Indicates that null value can be generated.
nullable() - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.CharacterSpec
nullable() - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.CollectionGeneratorSpec
Indicates that null value can be generated for the collection.
nullable() - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.CreditCardGeneratorSpec
Indicates that null value can be generated.
nullable() - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.CreditCardSpec
nullable() - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.DoubleSpec
nullable() - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.DurationGeneratorSpec
Indicates that null value can be generated.
nullable() - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.DurationSpec
nullable() - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.EanGeneratorSpec
Indicates that null value can be generated.
nullable() - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.EanSpec
Specifies that a null value can be generated
nullable() - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.EmailAsGeneratorSpec
Indicates that null value can be generated.
nullable() - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.EmailGeneratorSpec
Indicates that null value can be generated.
nullable() - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.EmailSpec
nullable() - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.EnumAsGeneratorSpec
nullable() - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.EnumGeneratorSpec
Indicates that null value can be generated.
nullable() - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.EnumSpec
Specifies that a null value can be generated
nullable() - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.FloatSpec
nullable() - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.HashAsGeneratorSpec
nullable() - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.HashGeneratorSpec
Indicates that null value can be generated.
nullable() - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.HashSpec
nullable() - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.InstantSpec
Specifies that a null value can be generated
nullable() - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.IntegerSpec
nullable() - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.IsbnGeneratorSpec
Indicates that null value can be generated.
nullable() - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.IsbnSpec
Specifies that a null value can be generated
nullable() - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.LocalDateSpec
Specifies that a null value can be generated
nullable() - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.LocalDateTimeSpec
Specifies that a null value can be generated
nullable() - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.LocalTimeSpec
Specifies that a null value can be generated
nullable() - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.LongSpec
nullable() - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.LoremIpsumSpec
nullable() - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.LuhnAsGeneratorSpec
nullable() - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.LuhnGeneratorSpec
Indicates that null value can be generated.
nullable() - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.LuhnSpec
nullable() - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.MapGeneratorSpec
Indicates that null value can be generated for the map.
nullable() - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.Mod10AsGeneratorSpec
nullable() - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.Mod10GeneratorSpec
Indicates that null value can be generated.
nullable() - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.Mod10Spec
nullable() - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.Mod11AsGeneratorSpec
nullable() - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.Mod11GeneratorSpec
Indicates that null value can be generated.
nullable() - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.Mod11Spec
nullable() - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.NullableGeneratorSpec
Indicates that null value can be generated.
nullable() - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.NumberAsGeneratorSpec
nullable() - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.NumberGeneratorSpec
Specifies that a null can be generated.
nullable() - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.NumberSpec
nullable() - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.NumericSequenceAsGeneratorSpec
nullable() - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.NumericSequenceGeneratorSpec
Indicates that null value can be generated.
nullable() - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.NumericSequenceSpec
nullable() - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.OffsetDateTimeSpec
Specifies that a null value can be generated
nullable() - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.OffsetTimeSpec
Specifies that a null value can be generated
nullable() - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.pol.NipGeneratorSpec
Indicates that null value can be generated.
nullable() - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.pol.NipSpec
Specifies that a null value can be generated
nullable() - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.pol.PeselGeneratorSpec
Indicates that null value can be generated.
nullable() - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.pol.PeselSpec
Specifies that a null value can be generated
nullable() - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.pol.RegonGeneratorSpec
Indicates that null value can be generated.
nullable() - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.pol.RegonSpec
Specifies that a null value can be generated
nullable() - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.ShortSpec
nullable() - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.StringGeneratorSpec
nullable() - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.StringSpec
nullable() - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.TemporalGeneratorSpec
Indicates that null value can be generated.
nullable() - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.TemporalSpec
Specifies that a null value can be generated
nullable() - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.URIGeneratorSpec
Indicates that null value can be generated.
nullable() - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.URISpec
nullable() - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.URLGeneratorSpec
Indicates that null value can be generated.
nullable() - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.URLSpec
nullable() - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.usa.SsnGeneratorSpec
Indicates that null value can be generated.
nullable() - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.usa.SsnSpec
nullable() - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.UUIDSpec
nullable() - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.UUIDStringGeneratorSpec
Indicates that null value can be generated.
nullable() - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.UUIDStringSpec
nullable() - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.YearMonthSpec
Specifies that a null value can be generated
nullable() - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.YearSpec
Specifies that a null value can be generated
nullable() - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.ZonedDateTimeSpec
Specifies that a null value can be generated
nullable() - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.ValueSpec
Specifies that a null value can be generated
nullableElements() - Method in class org.instancio.generator.hints.ArrayHint
Indicates whether elements can be null.
nullableElements() - Method in class org.instancio.generator.hints.CollectionHint
Indicates whether elements can be null.
nullableElements() - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.ArrayGeneratorSpec
Indicates that null values can be generated for array elements.
nullableElements() - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.CollectionGeneratorSpec
Indicates that null values can be generated for collection elements.
nullableElements(boolean) - Method in class org.instancio.generator.hints.ArrayHint.Builder
Indicates whether null elements are allowed to be generated.
nullableElements(boolean) - Method in class org.instancio.generator.hints.CollectionHint.Builder
Indicates whether null elements are allowed to be generated.
NullableGeneratorSpec<T> - Interface in org.instancio.generator.specs
Provides methods for specifying whether null can be generated.
nullableKeys() - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.MapGeneratorSpec
Indicates that null values can be generated for map keys.
nullableMapKeys() - Method in class org.instancio.generator.hints.MapHint
Indicates whether map keys can be null.
nullableMapKeys(boolean) - Method in class org.instancio.generator.hints.MapHint.Builder
Indicates whether nulls are allowed to be inserted as map keys.
nullableMapValues() - Method in class org.instancio.generator.hints.MapHint
Indicates whether map values can be null.
nullableMapValues(boolean) - Method in class org.instancio.generator.hints.MapHint.Builder
Indicates whether nulls are allowed to be inserted as map values.
nullableValues() - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.MapGeneratorSpec
Indicates that null values can be generated for map values.
NumberAsGeneratorSpec<T extends Number> - Interface in org.instancio.generator.specs
Generator spec for Number types that supports AsGeneratorSpec.
NumberGeneratorSpec<T extends Number> - Interface in org.instancio.generator.specs
Generator spec for numeric types.
NumberSpec<T extends Number> - Interface in org.instancio.generator.specs
Spec for generating Number types.
NumericSequenceAsGeneratorSpec<T extends Number & Comparable<T>> - Interface in org.instancio.generator.specs
A spec for generating numeric sequences that supports AsGeneratorSpec.
NumericSequenceGeneratorSpec<T extends Number & Comparable<T>> - Interface in org.instancio.generator.specs
A spec for generating numeric sequences.
NumericSequenceSpec<T extends Number & Comparable<T>> - Interface in org.instancio.generator.specs
Spec for generating numeric sequences.


of(long, long, TemporalUnit) - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.DurationGeneratorSpec
Generate a Duration in the given range, measured in specified units.
of(long, long, TemporalUnit) - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.DurationSpec
of(E...) - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.EnumSetGeneratorSpec
Specifies choices from which the EnumSet will be generated.
of(Class<?>) - Method in interface org.instancio.TypeSelectorBuilder
Matches specified type, including subtypes.
of(Class<T>) - Static method in class org.instancio.Instancio
Builder version of Instancio.create(Class) that allows customisation of generated values.
of(Model<T>) - Static method in class org.instancio.Instancio
Builder version of Instancio.create(Model) that allows overriding of generation parameters of an existing model.
of(TypeTokenSupplier<T>) - Static method in class org.instancio.Instancio
Builder version of Instancio.create(TypeTokenSupplier) that allows customisation of generated values.
offsetDateTime() - Method in class org.instancio.generators.TemporalGenerators
Customises generated OffsetDateTime values.
offsetDateTime() - Method in class org.instancio.generators.TemporalSpecs
Generates OffsetDateTime values.
OffsetDateTimeSpec - Interface in org.instancio.generator.specs
Spec for generating OffsetDateTime values.
offsetTime() - Method in class org.instancio.generators.TemporalGenerators
Customises generated OffsetTime values.
offsetTime() - Method in class org.instancio.generators.TemporalSpecs
Generates OffsetTime values.
OffsetTimeSpec - Interface in org.instancio.generator.specs
Spec for generating OffsetTime values.
ofList(Class<T>) - Static method in class org.instancio.Instancio
Builder API for generating a List that allows customising generated values.
ofList(Model<T>) - Static method in class org.instancio.Instancio
Builder API for generating a List using the specified model for list elements.
ofList(TypeTokenSupplier<T>) - Static method in class org.instancio.Instancio
Builder API for generating a List using a type token.
ofMap(Class<K>, Class<V>) - Static method in class org.instancio.Instancio
Builder API for generating a Map that allowss customisation of generated values.
ofMap(TypeTokenSupplier<K>, TypeTokenSupplier<V>) - Static method in class org.instancio.Instancio
Builder API for generating a Map using type tokens.
ofSet(Class<T>) - Static method in class org.instancio.Instancio
Builder API for generating a Set that allows customisation of generated values.
ofSet(Model<T>) - Static method in class org.instancio.Instancio
Builder API for generating a Set using the specified model for list elements.
ofSet(TypeTokenSupplier<T>) - Static method in class org.instancio.Instancio
Builder API for generating a Set using a type token.
ofType(Class<?>) - Method in interface org.instancio.FieldSelectorBuilder
Matches fields against the specified type, including subtypes.
ofType(Class<T>) - Static method in class org.instancio.settings.Keys
A builder for creating custom setting keys.
ofType(Class<T>) - Method in interface org.instancio.settings.SettingKey.SettingKeyBuilder
Specifies the value's type.
ON_SET_FIELD_ERROR - Static variable in class org.instancio.settings.Keys
Specifies what should happen if an error occurs setting a field's value; default is OnSetFieldError.IGNORE; property name on.set.field.error.
ON_SET_METHOD_ERROR - Static variable in class org.instancio.settings.Keys
Specifies what should happen if an error occurs invoking a setter; default is OnSetMethodError.ASSIGN_FIELD; property name on.set.method.error.
ON_SET_METHOD_NOT_FOUND - Static variable in class org.instancio.settings.Keys
Specifies what should happen if a setter method for a field cannot be resolved; default is OnSetMethodNotFound.ASSIGN_FIELD; property name on.set.method.not.found.
onComplete(TargetSelector, OnCompleteCallback<V>) - Method in interface org.instancio.InstancioApi
A callback that gets invoked after an object has been fully populated.
onComplete(T) - Method in interface org.instancio.OnCompleteCallback
A callback method that is called after an object has been populated.
OnCompleteCallback<T> - Interface in org.instancio
A callback that gets invoked after an object has been fully populated.
oneOf(Collection<T>) - Static method in class org.instancio.Gen
Picks a random value from the given choices.
oneOf(Collection<T>) - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.OneOfCollectionGeneratorSpec
Selects a random value from the given choices.
oneOf(Collection<T>) - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.OneOfCollectionSpec
oneOf(Collection<T>) - Method in class org.instancio.generators.Generators
Picks a random value from the given choices.
oneOf(Collection<T>) - Method in interface org.instancio.Random
Returns a random element from the given collection.
oneOf(T...) - Static method in class org.instancio.Gen
Picks a random value from the given choices.
oneOf(T...) - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.OneOfArrayGeneratorSpec
Selects a random value from the given choices.
oneOf(T...) - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.OneOfArraySpec
oneOf(T...) - Method in class org.instancio.generators.Generators
Picks a random value from the given choices.
oneOf(T...) - Method in interface org.instancio.Random
Returns a random element from the given array.
OneOfArrayGeneratorSpec<T> - Interface in org.instancio.generator.specs
Generator spec for selecting a random value from an array.
OneOfArraySpec<T> - Interface in org.instancio.generator.specs
Spec for selecting a random value from an array.
OneOfCollectionGeneratorSpec<T> - Interface in org.instancio.generator.specs
Generator spec for selecting a random value from collection.
OneOfCollectionSpec<T> - Interface in org.instancio.generator.specs
Spec for selecting a random value from a collection.
OnSetFieldError - Enum in org.instancio.settings
A setting that specifies what should happen if an error occurs when setting a field's value.
OnSetMethodError - Enum in org.instancio.settings
A setting that specifies what should happen if an error occurs during a setter method invocation.
OnSetMethodNotFound - Enum in org.instancio.settings
A setting that specifies what should happen if a setter cannot be resolved.
optional() - Method in class org.instancio.generators.Generators
Customises generated Optional.
OptionalGeneratorSpec<T> - Interface in org.instancio.generator.specs
Generator spec for Optional.
org.instancio - package org.instancio
Instancio public-facing APIs; for usage examples see Instancio.
org.instancio.documentation - package org.instancio.documentation
API documentation classes.
org.instancio.exception - package org.instancio.exception
Contains exception classes thrown by Instancio.
org.instancio.generator - package org.instancio.generator
Contains classes related to generators.
org.instancio.generator.hints - package org.instancio.generator.hints
Contains Hint implementations.
org.instancio.generator.specs - package org.instancio.generator.specs
Defines generator specs.
org.instancio.generator.specs.can - package org.instancio.generator.specs.can
Defines generator specs for Canada.
org.instancio.generator.specs.pol - package org.instancio.generator.specs.pol
Defines generator specs for Poland.
org.instancio.generator.specs.usa - package org.instancio.generator.specs.usa
Defines generator specs for USA.
org.instancio.generators - package org.instancio.generators
Defines classes that provide access to built-in generators.
org.instancio.generators.can - package org.instancio.generators.can
Defines classes that provide access to built-in generators specific to Canada.
org.instancio.generators.pol - package org.instancio.generators.pol
Defines classes that provide access to built-in generators specific to Poland.
org.instancio.generators.usa - package org.instancio.generators.usa
Defines classes that provide access to built-in generators specific to the USA.
org.instancio.settings - package org.instancio.settings
Provides classes for overriding settings at runtime.
org.instancio.spi - package org.instancio.spi
Defines Service Provider Interfaces for providing custom implementations.
OVERWRITE_EXISTING_VALUES - Static variable in class org.instancio.settings.Keys
Specifies whether initialised fields are allowed to be overwritten; default is true; property name overwrite.existing.values.


PACKAGE_PRIVATE - Static variable in class org.instancio.settings.MethodModifier
Modifier for package-private method.
paragraphs(int) - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.LoremIpsumGeneratorSpec
Number of paragraphs to generate.
paragraphs(int) - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.LoremIpsumSpec
past() - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.InstantSpec
past() - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.LocalDateSpec
past() - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.LocalDateTimeSpec
past() - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.LocalTimeSpec
past() - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.OffsetDateTimeSpec
past() - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.OffsetTimeSpec
past() - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.TemporalAaGeneratorSpec
past() - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.TemporalGeneratorSpec
Generate a value in the past.
past() - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.TemporalSpec
past() - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.YearMonthSpec
past() - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.YearSpec
past() - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.ZonedDateTimeSpec
path() - Method in class org.instancio.generators.NioSpecs
Generates Path values.
path(String...) - Method in class org.instancio.generators.NioGenerators
Generator for Path objects.
path(Generator<String>) - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.URIAsGeneratorSpec
path(Generator<String>) - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.URIGeneratorSpec
Specifies a generator for the path.
path(Generator<String>) - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.URISpec
PathAsGeneratorSpec<T> - Interface in org.instancio.generator.specs
Generator spec for path values that supports AsGeneratorSpec.
PathGeneratorSpec<T> - Interface in org.instancio.generator.specs
Generator spec for customising Files and Paths.
PathSpec - Interface in org.instancio.generator.specs
Spec for generating Path values.
pattern(String) - Method in class org.instancio.generators.TextGenerators
Generates a random string based on the specified pattern template.
pattern(String) - Method in class org.instancio.generators.TextSpecs
Generates text based on the specified pattern.
period() - Method in class org.instancio.generators.TemporalGenerators
Customises returned Period values.
period() - Method in class org.instancio.generators.TemporalSpecs
Generates Period values.
PeriodGeneratorSpec - Interface in org.instancio.generator.specs
Generator spec for Period.
PeriodSpec - Interface in org.instancio.generator.specs
Spec for generating Period.
permanent() - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.can.SinAsGeneratorSpec
permanent() - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.can.SinGeneratorSpec
Generates a permanent card number with the first digit 1-7, inclusive.
permanent() - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.can.SinSpec
pesel() - Method in class org.instancio.generators.pol.PolIdGenerators
Generates Polish National Identification Number (PESEL).
pesel() - Method in class org.instancio.generators.pol.PolIdSpecs
Generates Polish National Identification Number (PESEL).
PeselGeneratorSpec - Interface in org.instancio.generator.specs.pol
PeselSpec - Interface in org.instancio.generator.specs.pol
pol() - Method in class org.instancio.generators.IdGenerators
Provides access to identifier generators for Poland.
pol() - Method in class org.instancio.generators.IdSpecs
Provides identifier generators for Poland.
PolIdGenerators - Class in org.instancio.generators.pol
Contains built-in generators for Polish identifiers.
PolIdGenerators(GeneratorContext) - Constructor for class org.instancio.generators.pol.PolIdGenerators
PolIdSpecs - Class in org.instancio.generators.pol
Provides generators for Polish identifiers.
PolIdSpecs() - Constructor for class org.instancio.generators.pol.PolIdSpecs
POPULATE_ALL - Enum constant in enum org.instancio.generator.AfterGenerate
A hint to populate all fields, regardless of their initial values.
POPULATE_NULLS - Enum constant in enum org.instancio.generator.AfterGenerate
Indicates that null fields declared by an object that was created by the generator should be populated by the engine.
POPULATE_NULLS_AND_DEFAULT_PRIMITIVES - Enum constant in enum org.instancio.generator.AfterGenerate
Indicates that primitive fields with default values declared by an object that was created by the generator should be populated by the engine.
port(int) - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.URIAsGeneratorSpec
port(int) - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.URIGeneratorSpec
Specifies the port number.
port(int) - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.URISpec
port(int) - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.URLAsGeneratorSpec
port(int) - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.URLGeneratorSpec
Specifies the port number.
port(int) - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.URLSpec
PredicateSelector - Interface in org.instancio
A selector for matching targets using predicates.
prefix(String) - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.FilePathSpec
prefix(String) - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.FileSpec
prefix(String) - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.PathAsGeneratorSpec
prefix(String) - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.PathGeneratorSpec
File or directory name prefix.
prefix(String) - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.PathSpec
prefix(String) - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.StringGeneratorSpec
Specifies the prefix to prepend to generated strings.
prefix(String) - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.StringSpec
PRIVATE - Static variable in class org.instancio.settings.MethodModifier
Modifier for private method.
probability(double) - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.BooleanAsGeneratorSpec
Specifies the probability of generating true.
probability(double) - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.BooleanGeneratorSpec
Specifies the probability of generating true.
probability(double) - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.BooleanSpec
Specifies the probability of generating true.
PROPERTY - Enum constant in enum org.instancio.settings.SetterStyle
Setters without a prefix, where the setter's name is the same as the corresponding property name, for example foo("value")
propertyKey() - Method in interface org.instancio.settings.SettingKey
A unique property key identifying this setting.
PROTECTED - Static variable in class org.instancio.settings.MethodModifier
Modifier for protected method.
protocol(String...) - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.URLAsGeneratorSpec
protocol(String...) - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.URLGeneratorSpec
Generate a random protocol from the given choices.
protocol(String...) - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.URLSpec
PUBLIC - Static variable in class org.instancio.settings.MethodModifier
Modifier for public method.


query(Generator<String>) - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.URIAsGeneratorSpec
query(Generator<String>) - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.URIGeneratorSpec
Specifies a generator for the query.
query(Generator<String>) - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.URISpec


random() - Method in class org.instancio.generator.GeneratorContext
Returns the random instance used by Instancio to generate data.
random() - Method in interface org.instancio.spi.ServiceProviderContext
Returns the random instance that should be used for generating values to ensure reproducible results.
Random - Interface in org.instancio
Provides methods for generating random values such as numbers, booleans, characters, and strings.
randomPort() - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.URIAsGeneratorSpec
randomPort() - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.URIGeneratorSpec
Specifies that a random port number between 1 and 65535 (inclusive) should be generated.
randomPort() - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.URISpec
randomPort() - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.URLAsGeneratorSpec
randomPort() - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.URLGeneratorSpec
Specifies that a random port number between 1 and 65535 (inclusive) should be generated.
randomPort() - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.URLSpec
range(char, char) - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.CharacterAsGeneratorSpec
range(char, char) - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.CharacterGeneratorSpec
Range of characters to generate.
range(char, char) - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.CharacterSpec
range(Byte, Byte) - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.ByteSpec
range(Double, Double) - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.DoubleSpec
range(Float, Float) - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.FloatSpec
range(Integer, Integer) - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.IntegerSpec
range(Long, Long) - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.LongSpec
range(Short, Short) - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.ShortSpec
range(BigDecimal, BigDecimal) - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.BigDecimalAsGeneratorSpec
range(BigDecimal, BigDecimal) - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.BigDecimalGeneratorSpec
range(BigDecimal, BigDecimal) - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.BigDecimalSpec
range(BigInteger, BigInteger) - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.BigIntegerSpec
range(Instant, Instant) - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.InstantSpec
range(LocalDate, LocalDate) - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.LocalDateSpec
range(LocalDateTime, LocalDateTime) - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.LocalDateTimeSpec
range(LocalTime, LocalTime) - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.LocalTimeSpec
range(MonthDay, MonthDay) - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.MonthDayGeneratorSpec
Generate a MonthDay value between the given range.
range(OffsetDateTime, OffsetDateTime) - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.OffsetDateTimeSpec
range(OffsetTime, OffsetTime) - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.OffsetTimeSpec
range(YearMonth, YearMonth) - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.YearMonthSpec
range(Year, Year) - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.YearSpec
range(ZonedDateTime, ZonedDateTime) - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.ZonedDateTimeSpec
range(T, T) - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.NumberAsGeneratorSpec
range(T, T) - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.NumberGeneratorSpec
Specifies the range for the generated number.
range(T, T) - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.NumberSpec
range(T, T) - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.TemporalAaGeneratorSpec
range(T, T) - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.TemporalGeneratorSpec
Generate a value within the given range.
range(T, T) - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.TemporalSpec
regon() - Method in class org.instancio.generators.pol.PolIdGenerators
Generates Polish Taxpayer Identification Number (REGON).
regon() - Method in class org.instancio.generators.pol.PolIdSpecs
Generates Polish Taxpayer Identification Number (REGON).
RegonGeneratorSpec - Interface in org.instancio.generator.specs.pol
RegonSpec - Interface in org.instancio.generator.specs.pol
Result<T> - Class in org.instancio
A result containing a created object and seed that was used for populating its values.
Result(T, long) - Constructor for class org.instancio.Result
root() - Static method in class org.instancio.Select
Selects the root object.
rows(int) - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.CsvGeneratorSpec
Number of rows to generate.
rows(int) - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.CsvSpec
rows(int, int) - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.CsvGeneratorSpec
A range for the number of rows to generate.
rows(int, int) - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.CsvSpec


satisfies(Predicate<T>) - Method in interface org.instancio.GivenOrigin
Checks if the origin value matched satisfies given predicate.
scale(int) - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.BigDecimalAsGeneratorSpec
scale(int) - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.BigDecimalGeneratorSpec
Scale of the generated BigDecimal.
scale(int) - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.BigDecimalSpec
scheme(String...) - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.URIAsGeneratorSpec
scheme(String...) - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.URIGeneratorSpec
Generate a random scheme from the given choices.
scheme(String...) - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.URISpec
scope(Class<?>) - Static method in class org.instancio.Select
Creates a selector scope for narrowing down a selector's target to the specified class.
scope(Class<?>, String) - Static method in class org.instancio.Select
Creates a scope for narrowing down a selector's target to a field of the specified class.
scope(GetMethodSelector<T, R>) - Static method in class org.instancio.Select
Creates a scope for narrowing down a selector's target to a matching the specified method reference.
Scope - Interface in org.instancio
A scope for narrowing down selector targets.
ScopeableSelector - Interface in org.instancio
Represents a selector that can be scoped using within(Scope...scopes).
SEED - Static variable in class org.instancio.settings.Keys
Specifies the seed value; default is null; property name seed.
Select - Class in org.instancio
Provides static factory methods for creating selectors and selector scopes.
Selector - Interface in org.instancio
A selector that can be: grouped with other selectors narrowed down using Scope converted to Scope
SelectorGroup - Interface in org.instancio
A marker for selectors that contain other selectors.
separator(String) - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.can.SinAsGeneratorSpec
separator(String) - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.can.SinGeneratorSpec
Separator for groups of three digits.
separator(String) - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.can.SinSpec
separator(String) - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.CsvGeneratorSpec
Specifies the value separator.
separator(String) - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.CsvSpec
separator(String) - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.usa.SsnGeneratorSpec
Generates an SSN formatted with the given separator.
separator(String) - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.usa.SsnSpec
ServiceProviderContext - Interface in org.instancio.spi
Provides additional information to InstancioServiceProvider.
set(Predicate<S>, T) - Method in interface org.instancio.GivenOriginDestination
Sets a value to matching selector targets.
set(SettingKey<T>, T) - Method in interface org.instancio.settings.Settings
Set the setting with the given key to the specified value.
set(TargetSelector, T) - Method in interface org.instancio.GivenOriginPredicate
Sets a value to matching selector targets.
set(TargetSelector, V) - Method in interface org.instancio.InstancioApi
Sets a value to matching selector targets.
set(T) - Method in interface org.instancio.ValueOf
Sets a value to matching selector targets.
SET - Enum constant in enum org.instancio.settings.SetterStyle
Standard setters with "set" prefix, for example setFoo("value")
SET_BACK_REFERENCES - Static variable in class org.instancio.settings.Keys
Specifies whether back references should be set for cyclic classes; default is false (cycles are terminated with null); property name set.back.references.
SETTER_EXCLUDE_MODIFIER - Static variable in class org.instancio.settings.Keys
Specifies modifier exclusions for setter-methods; default is 0 (no exclusions); property name setter.exclude.modifier.
SETTER_STYLE - Static variable in class org.instancio.settings.Keys
Indicates the naming convention of setter methods to use; default is SetterStyle.SET; property name
SetterStyle - Enum in org.instancio.settings
Specifies the style of setter to use when AssignmentType.METHOD is enabled.
SettingKey<T> - Interface in org.instancio.settings
A setting key represents a configuration item that can be stored in a Settings instance.
SettingKey.SettingKeyBuilder<T> - Interface in org.instancio.settings
A builder for creating custom keys.
Settings - Interface in org.instancio.settings
This class provides an API for updating settings programmatically.
sha1() - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.HashAsGeneratorSpec
sha1() - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.HashGeneratorSpec
Specifies that a SHA-1 hash should be generated.
sha1() - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.HashSpec
sha256() - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.HashAsGeneratorSpec
sha256() - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.HashGeneratorSpec
Specifies that a SHA-256 hash should be generated.
sha256() - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.HashSpec
sha512() - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.HashAsGeneratorSpec
sha512() - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.HashGeneratorSpec
Specifies that a SHA-512 hash should be generated.
sha512() - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.HashSpec
SHORT_MAX - Static variable in class org.instancio.settings.Keys
Specifies maximum value for shorts; default is 10000; property name short.max.
SHORT_MIN - Static variable in class org.instancio.settings.Keys
Specifies minimum value for shorts; default is 1; property name short.min.
SHORT_NULLABLE - Static variable in class org.instancio.settings.Keys
Specifies whether a null can be generated for Short type; default is false; property name short.nullable.
shortRange(short, short) - Method in interface org.instancio.Random
Returns a random short within the given range.
shorts() - Static method in class org.instancio.Gen
Generates Short values.
shorts() - Method in class org.instancio.generators.Generators
Customises generated Short values.
ShortSpec - Interface in org.instancio.generator.specs
Spec for generating Short values.
shuffle() - Method in class org.instancio.generator.hints.ArrayHint
Indicates whether array elements should be randomly shuffled.
shuffle() - Method in class org.instancio.generator.hints.CollectionHint
Indicates whether collection elements should be shuffled.
shuffle() - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.EmitGeneratorSpec
Specifies that items should be emitted in random order.
shuffle(boolean) - Method in class org.instancio.generator.hints.ArrayHint.Builder
Indicates whether array elements, once populated, should be randomly shuffled.
shuffle(boolean) - Method in class org.instancio.generator.hints.CollectionHint.Builder
Indicates whether collection elements, once populated, should be randomly shuffled.
sin() - Method in class org.instancio.generators.can.CanIdGenerators
Generates Social Insurance Number (SIN).
sin() - Method in class org.instancio.generators.can.CanIdSpecs
Generates Social Insurance Number (SIN).
SinAsGeneratorSpec - Interface in org.instancio.generator.specs.can
Spec for generating Canadian Social Insurance Number (SIN) that supports AsGeneratorSpec.
SinGeneratorSpec - Interface in org.instancio.generator.specs.can
Spec for generating Canadian Social Insurance Number (SIN).
SinSpec - Interface in org.instancio.generator.specs.can
Spec for generating Canadian Social Insurance Number (SIN).
size(int) - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.CollectionGeneratorSpec
Size of collection to generate.
size(int) - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.EnumSetGeneratorSpec
Size of EnumSet to generate.
size(int) - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.MapGeneratorSpec
Size of map to generate.
size(int) - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.SizeGeneratorSpec
The exact size of the object to generate.
size(int) - Method in interface org.instancio.InstancioOfCollectionApi
Specifies collection size to generate.
SizeGeneratorSpec<T> - Interface in org.instancio.generator.specs
Generator spec for specifying the size of an object.
sqlDate() - Method in class org.instancio.generators.TemporalGenerators
Customises generated Date values.
ssn() - Method in class org.instancio.generators.usa.UsaIdGenerators
Generates Social Security Number (SSN).
ssn() - Method in class org.instancio.generators.usa.UsaIdSpecs
Generates Social Security Number (SSN).
SsnGeneratorSpec - Interface in org.instancio.generator.specs.usa
Spec for generating US Social Security Number (SSN).
SsnSpec - Interface in org.instancio.generator.specs.usa
Spec for generating US Social Security Number (SSN).
start(T) - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.NumericSequenceAsGeneratorSpec
start(T) - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.NumericSequenceGeneratorSpec
Specifies the starting value of the sequence.
start(T) - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.NumericSequenceSpec
startIndex(int) - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.LuhnAsGeneratorSpec
startIndex(int) - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.LuhnGeneratorSpec
The start index for calculating the checksum (default value is 0).
startIndex(int) - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.LuhnSpec
startIndex(int) - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.Mod10AsGeneratorSpec
startIndex(int) - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.Mod10GeneratorSpec
The start index for calculating the checksum (default value is 0).
startIndex(int) - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.Mod10Spec
startIndex(int) - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.Mod11AsGeneratorSpec
startIndex(int) - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.Mod11GeneratorSpec
The start index for calculating the checksum (default value is 0).
startIndex(int) - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.Mod11Spec
STATIC - Static variable in class org.instancio.settings.MethodModifier
Modifier for static method.
stream() - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.ValueSpec
Returns an infinite Stream of values.
stream() - Method in interface org.instancio.InstancioApi
Creates an infinite stream of distinct, fully populated objects.
stream(Class<T>) - Static method in class org.instancio.Instancio
Creates an infinite stream of instances of the specified class.
stream(Model<T>) - Static method in class org.instancio.Instancio
Creates an infinite stream of objects populated using the given model.
stream(TypeTokenSupplier<T>) - Static method in class org.instancio.Instancio
Creates an infinite stream of objects of type specified by the type token.
STRICT - Enum constant in enum org.instancio.settings.Mode
Triggers an exception if at least one selector was not used during object construction.
string() - Static method in class org.instancio.Gen
Generates String values.
string() - Method in class org.instancio.generators.Generators
Customises generated String values.
STRING_ALLOW_EMPTY - Static variable in class org.instancio.settings.Keys
Specifies whether an empty string can be generated; default is false; property name string.allow.empty.
STRING_FIELD_PREFIX_ENABLED - Static variable in class org.instancio.settings.Keys
Specifies whether generated Strings should be prefixed with field names; default is false; property name string.field.prefix.enabled.
STRING_MAX_LENGTH - Static variable in class org.instancio.settings.Keys
Specifies maximum length of strings; default is 10; property name string.max.length.
STRING_MIN_LENGTH - Static variable in class org.instancio.settings.Keys
Specifies minimum length of strings; default is 3; property name string.min.length.
STRING_NULLABLE - Static variable in class org.instancio.settings.Keys
Specifies whether a null can be generated for String type; default is false; property name string.nullable.
StringGeneratorSpec - Interface in org.instancio.generator.specs
Generator spec for Strings.
stringOf(int, char...) - Method in interface org.instancio.Random
Generates a random String of the specified length comprised of given characters.
StringSpec - Interface in org.instancio.generator.specs
Spec for generating String values.
subtype(Class<?>) - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.ArrayGeneratorSpec
Specifies the type of array that should be generated.
subtype(Class<?>) - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.CollectionGeneratorSpec
Specifies the type of collection that should be generated.
subtype(Class<?>) - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.MapGeneratorSpec
Specifies the type of map that should be generated.
subtype(Class<?>) - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.SubtypeGeneratorSpec
Specifies the subtype that should be generated.
subtype(TargetSelector, Class<?>) - Method in interface org.instancio.InstancioApi
Maps target field or class to the given subtype.
SubtypeGeneratorSpec<T> - Interface in org.instancio.generator.specs
Provides a method for specifying a specific subtype that should be generated.
suffix(String) - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.FilePathSpec
suffix(String) - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.FileSpec
suffix(String) - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.PathAsGeneratorSpec
suffix(String) - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.PathGeneratorSpec
File or directory name suffix.
suffix(String) - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.PathSpec
suffix(String) - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.StringGeneratorSpec
Specifies the suffix to append to generated strings.
suffix(String) - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.StringSpec
supply(Predicate<S>, Supplier<T>) - Method in interface org.instancio.GivenOriginDestination
Supplies an object using a Supplier.
supply(Predicate<S>, Generator<T>) - Method in interface org.instancio.GivenOriginDestination
Supplies an object using a Generator to matching selector targets.
supply(Supplier<T>) - Method in interface org.instancio.ValueOf
Supplies an object using a Supplier.
supply(Generator<T>) - Method in interface org.instancio.ValueOf
Supplies an object using a Generator to matching selector targets.
supply(TargetSelector, Supplier<T>) - Method in interface org.instancio.GivenOriginPredicate
Supplies an object using a Supplier.
supply(TargetSelector, Supplier<V>) - Method in interface org.instancio.InstancioApi
Supplies an object using a Supplier.
supply(TargetSelector, Generator<T>) - Method in interface org.instancio.GivenOriginPredicate
Supplies an object using a Generator to matching selector targets.
supply(TargetSelector, Generator<V>) - Method in interface org.instancio.InstancioApi
Supplies an object using a Generator to matching selector targets.


TargetSelector - Interface in org.instancio
A TargetSelector for selecting fields and classes.
temporal() - Static method in class org.instancio.Gen
Provides generators for java.time classes.
temporal() - Method in class org.instancio.generators.Generators
Provides access to temporal generators.
TemporalAaGeneratorSpec<T> - Interface in org.instancio.generator.specs
Generator spec for temporal values that supports AsGeneratorSpec.
TemporalGenerators - Class in org.instancio.generators
Contains built-in temporal generators.
TemporalGenerators(GeneratorContext) - Constructor for class org.instancio.generators.TemporalGenerators
TemporalGeneratorSpec<T> - Interface in org.instancio.generator.specs
Generator spec for Temporal types.
TemporalSpec<T> - Interface in org.instancio.generator.specs
Spec for generating Temporal types.
TemporalSpecs - Class in org.instancio.generators
Provides generators for java.time classes.
TemporalSpecs() - Constructor for class org.instancio.generators.TemporalSpecs
temporary() - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.can.SinAsGeneratorSpec
temporary() - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.can.SinGeneratorSpec
Generates a temporary card number with the first digit 9.
temporary() - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.can.SinSpec
text() - Static method in class org.instancio.Gen
Provides text generators.
text() - Method in class org.instancio.generators.Generators
Provides access to text generators.
TextGenerators - Class in org.instancio.generators
Contains built-in text generators.
TextGenerators(GeneratorContext) - Constructor for class org.instancio.generators.TextGenerators
TextSpecs - Class in org.instancio.generators
Provides text generators.
TextSpecs() - Constructor for class org.instancio.generators.TextSpecs
threshold(int) - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.Mod11AsGeneratorSpec
threshold(int) - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.Mod11GeneratorSpec
The threshold for the Mod11 algorithm multiplier growth, if no value is specified the multiplier will grow indefinitely (default value is Integer.MAX_VALUE).
threshold(int) - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.Mod11Spec
timestamp() - Method in class org.instancio.generators.TemporalGenerators
Customises generated Timestamp values.
tmp() - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.FilePathSpec
tmp() - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.FileSpec
tmp() - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.PathAsGeneratorSpec
tmp() - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.PathGeneratorSpec
Generate path with as the parent directory.
tmp() - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.PathSpec
to(GetMethodSelector<T, R>) - Method in interface org.instancio.ValueOf
Specifies the destination method reference for the assignment.
to(TargetSelector) - Method in interface org.instancio.ValueOf
Specifies the destination selector for the assignment.
toModel() - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.EnumSpec
toModel() is not supported by this spec.
toModel() - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.OneOfArraySpec
toModel() - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.OneOfCollectionSpec
toModel() - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.ValueSpec
Returns the spec as a Model.
toModel() - Method in interface org.instancio.InstancioApi
Creates a model containing all the information for populating a class.
toScope() - Method in interface org.instancio.ConvertibleToScope
Scope representation of a selector.
toString() - Method in class org.instancio.generator.hints.ArrayHint
toString() - Method in class org.instancio.generator.hints.CollectionHint
toString() - Method in class org.instancio.generator.hints.MapHint
toString() - Method in class org.instancio.generator.Hints
toString() - Method in class org.instancio.Result
toString() - Method in enum org.instancio.settings.AssignmentType
toString() - Method in enum org.instancio.settings.OnSetFieldError
toString() - Method in enum org.instancio.settings.OnSetMethodError
toString() - Method in enum org.instancio.settings.OnSetMethodNotFound
toString() - Method in enum org.instancio.settings.SetterStyle
treatCheck10As(char) - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.Mod11AsGeneratorSpec
treatCheck10As(char) - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.Mod11GeneratorSpec
The char that represents the check digit when the Mod11 checksum equals 10 (default value is 'X').
treatCheck10As(char) - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.Mod11Spec
treatCheck11As(char) - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.Mod11AsGeneratorSpec
treatCheck11As(char) - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.Mod11GeneratorSpec
The char that represents the check digit when the Mod11 checksum equals 11 (default value is '0').
treatCheck11As(char) - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.Mod11Spec
trueOrFalse() - Method in interface org.instancio.Random
Returns a random boolean with a 0.5 probability.
trueOrFalse(double) - Method in interface org.instancio.Random
Returns true with the specified probability.
type() - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.Hint
Returns the type of this hint.
type() - Method in interface org.instancio.settings.SettingKey
The type of value associated with this key.
type13() - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.EanGeneratorSpec
Specifies that EAN-13 should be generated (default behaviour if the type is not specified).
type13() - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.EanSpec
Specifies that EAN-13 should be generated (default behaviour if the type is not specified).
type14() - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.pol.RegonGeneratorSpec
Specifies that 14-digit REGON should be generated.
type14() - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.pol.RegonSpec
Specifies that 14-digit REGON should be generated.
type8() - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.EanGeneratorSpec
Specifies that EAN-8 should be generated.
type8() - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.EanSpec
Specifies that EAN-8 should be generated.
type9() - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.pol.RegonGeneratorSpec
Specifies that 9-digit REGON should be generated (default behaviour if the type is not specified).
type9() - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.pol.RegonSpec
Specifies that 9-digit REGON should be generated (default behaviour if the type is not specified).
types() - Static method in class org.instancio.Select
Provides a builder for selecting types based on Predicates.
types(Predicate<Class<?>>) - Static method in class org.instancio.Select
Select all types matching the specified predicate.
TypeSelectorBuilder - Interface in org.instancio
A builder for constructing predicate-based type selectors.
TypeToken<T> - Interface in org.instancio
A supplier that provides Type information.
TypeTokenSupplier<T> - Interface in org.instancio
A supplier that provides Type information.


unique() - Method in class org.instancio.generator.hints.CollectionHint
unique() - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.CollectionGeneratorSpec
Specifies that a collection containing unique elements should be generated.
unique(boolean) - Method in class org.instancio.generator.hints.CollectionHint.Builder
Indicates that a collection containing unique elements should be generated.
UnresolvedAssignmentException - Exception Class in org.instancio.exception
Exception triggered as a result of an assignment expression that could not be resolved.
UnresolvedAssignmentException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class org.instancio.exception.UnresolvedAssignmentException
UnusedSelectorException - Exception Class in org.instancio.exception
Exception triggered as a result of unused selectors.
UnusedSelectorException(String, Set<TargetSelector>, Set<TargetSelector>, Set<TargetSelector>, Set<TargetSelector>, Set<TargetSelector>) - Constructor for exception class org.instancio.exception.UnusedSelectorException
upperCase() - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.StringGeneratorSpec
Generates an upper case string.
upperCase() - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.StringSpec
upperCase() - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.UUIDStringGeneratorSpec
Generate UUID String in uppercase characters.
upperCase() - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.UUIDStringSpec
upperCaseAlphabetic(int) - Method in interface org.instancio.Random
Generates a random upper case String comprised of [A-Z].
upperCaseCharacter() - Method in interface org.instancio.Random
Returns a random upper alphabetic character, [A-Z].
uri() - Method in class org.instancio.generators.NetGenerators
Customises generated URI objects.
uri() - Method in class org.instancio.generators.NetSpecs
Generates URI values.
URIAsGeneratorSpec - Interface in org.instancio.generator.specs
Generator spec for URI values that supports AsGeneratorSpec.
URIGeneratorSpec - Interface in org.instancio.generator.specs
Generator spec for URI.
URISpec - Interface in org.instancio.generator.specs
Spec for generating URI values.
url() - Method in class org.instancio.generators.NetGenerators
Customises generated URL objects.
url() - Method in class org.instancio.generators.NetSpecs
Generates URL values.
URLAsGeneratorSpec - Interface in org.instancio.generator.specs
Generator spec for URL values that supports AsGeneratorSpec.
URLGeneratorSpec - Interface in org.instancio.generator.specs
Generator spec for URL.
URLSpec - Interface in org.instancio.generator.specs
Spec for generating URL values.
usa() - Method in class org.instancio.generators.IdGenerators
Provides access to identifier generators for the USA.
usa() - Method in class org.instancio.generators.IdSpecs
Provides identifier generators for USA.
UsaIdGenerators - Class in org.instancio.generators.usa
Contains built-in generators for USA identifiers.
UsaIdGenerators(GeneratorContext) - Constructor for class org.instancio.generators.usa.UsaIdGenerators
UsaIdSpecs - Class in org.instancio.generators.usa
Provides generators for USA identifiers.
UsaIdSpecs() - Constructor for class org.instancio.generators.usa.UsaIdSpecs
userInfo(String) - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.URIAsGeneratorSpec
userInfo(String) - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.URIGeneratorSpec
Specifies username.
userInfo(String) - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.URISpec
uuid() - Static method in class org.instancio.Gen
Generates UUID values.
uuid() - Method in class org.instancio.generators.TextGenerators
Generates a UUID value as a string.
uuid() - Method in class org.instancio.generators.TextSpecs
Generates a UUID value as a string.
UUIDSpec - Interface in org.instancio.generator.specs
Spec for generating UUID values.
UUIDStringGeneratorSpec - Interface in org.instancio.generator.specs
Generator spec for generating UUID strings.
UUIDStringSpec - Interface in org.instancio.generator.specs
Spec for generating string representations of UUID values.


valueOf(Class<T>) - Static method in class org.instancio.Assign
Creates an assignment for a given target type.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.instancio.generator.AfterGenerate
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.instancio.settings.AssignmentType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.instancio.settings.Mode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.instancio.settings.OnSetFieldError
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.instancio.settings.OnSetMethodError
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.instancio.settings.OnSetMethodNotFound
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.instancio.settings.SetterStyle
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(GetMethodSelector<T, R>) - Static method in class org.instancio.Assign
Creates an assignment for a given target method reference.
valueOf(TargetSelector) - Static method in class org.instancio.Assign
Creates an assignment builder with a given target selector.
ValueOf - Interface in org.instancio
Value of a target selector of an assignment.
ValueOfOriginDestination - Interface in org.instancio
An assigment containing origin and destination selectors.
ValueOfOriginDestinationPredicate - Interface in org.instancio
An assigment containing origin and destination selectors, and a predicate that the origin value must satisfy for the assignment to be applied.
values() - Static method in enum org.instancio.generator.AfterGenerate
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.instancio.settings.AssignmentType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.instancio.settings.Mode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.instancio.settings.OnSetFieldError
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.instancio.settings.OnSetMethodError
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.instancio.settings.OnSetMethodNotFound
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.instancio.settings.SetterStyle
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
ValueSpec<T> - Interface in org.instancio.generator
A spec for generating simple value types, such as strings, numbers, dates, and so on.
verbose() - Method in interface org.instancio.InstancioApi
Outputs debug information to System.out.
visa() - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.CreditCardGeneratorSpec
Specifies that Visa credit card numbers should be generated.
visa() - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.CreditCardSpec


weight(int) - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.Mod10AsGeneratorSpec
weight(int) - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.Mod10GeneratorSpec
The weight to be used for even digits when calculating the Mod10 checksum (default value is 1).
weight(int) - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.Mod10Spec
when(Predicate<T>) - Method in interface org.instancio.ValueOfOriginDestination
A predicate that must be satisfied by the value matched by the origin selector.
when(Predicate<T>) - Method in interface org.instancio.ValueOfOriginDestinationPredicate
A predicate that must be satisfied by the value matched by the origin selector.
When - Class in org.instancio
Provides convenience methods for creating Predicates.
whenEmptyEmitNull() - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.EmitGeneratorSpec
Specifies that null should be generated if an insufficient number of items were provided.
whenEmptyEmitRandom() - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.EmitGeneratorSpec
Specifies that a random value should be generated if an insufficient number of items were provided.
whenEmptyThrowException() - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.EmitGeneratorSpec
Specifies that an exception should be raised if an insufficient number of items were provided.
with(K, V) - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.MapGeneratorSpec
Adds given key/value pair to the generated map.
with(T) - Method in class org.instancio.generator.Hints.Builder
Adds specified hint object.
with(T...) - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.ArrayGeneratorSpec
Adds given elements to the generated array at random positions.
with(T...) - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.CollectionGeneratorSpec
Adds given elements to the generated collection at random positions.
WITH - Enum constant in enum org.instancio.settings.SetterStyle
Setters with "with" prefix, for example withFoo("value")
withElements() - Method in class org.instancio.generator.hints.ArrayHint
Returns elements provided by the generator to the engine that are to be inserted into the array.
withElements() - Method in class org.instancio.generator.hints.CollectionHint
Returns additional elements provided by the generator to the engine that are to be inserted into the collection.
withElements(List<? extends T>) - Method in class org.instancio.generator.hints.ArrayHint.Builder
Additional elements to be inserted into the array by the engine during the population process.
withElements(List<? extends T>) - Method in class org.instancio.generator.hints.CollectionHint.Builder
Additional elements to be inserted into the collection by the engine during the population process.
withEntries() - Method in class org.instancio.generator.hints.MapHint
Returns additional entries provided by the generator to the engine that are to be inserted into the map.
withEntries(Map<? extends K, ? extends V>) - Method in class org.instancio.generator.hints.MapHint.Builder
The specified entries will be inserted into the map by the engine during the population process.
within(Scope...) - Method in interface org.instancio.ScopeableSelector
Specifies the scope for this selector in order to narrow down its target.
within(Scope...) - Method in interface org.instancio.Selector
Specifies the scope for this selector in order to narrow down its target.
withKeys() - Method in class org.instancio.generator.hints.MapHint
Returns keys provided by the generator to the engine that are to be inserted into the map.
withKeys(List<? extends K>) - Method in class org.instancio.generator.hints.MapHint.Builder
The specified keys will be inserted into the map by the engine during the population process.
withKeys(K...) - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.MapGeneratorSpec
Adds given keys to the map in the order they are provided.
withMaxDepth(int) - Method in interface org.instancio.InstancioApi
Specifies the maximum depth for populating an object.
withNullable(TargetSelector) - Method in interface org.instancio.InstancioApi
Specifies that a field or class is nullable.
withoutDashes() - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.UUIDStringGeneratorSpec
Generate UUID String without dashes.
withoutDashes() - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.UUIDStringSpec
withPropertyKey(String) - Method in interface org.instancio.settings.SettingKey.SettingKeyBuilder
Specifies the property key.
withSeed(long) - Method in interface org.instancio.InstancioApi
Sets the seed value for the random number generator.
withSettings(Settings) - Method in interface org.instancio.InstancioApi
Override default Settings for generating values.
withTypeParameters(Class<?>...) - Method in interface org.instancio.InstancioOfClassApi
Method for supplying type parameters for generic classes.
words(int) - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.LoremIpsumGeneratorSpec
Number of words to generate.
words(int) - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.LoremIpsumSpec
wrapIf(Predicate<Object>) - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.CsvGeneratorSpec
A condition that must be satisfied to wrap a value.
wrapIf(Predicate<Object>) - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.CsvSpec
wrapWith(String) - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.CsvGeneratorSpec
A string to wrap the values with, for example quotes.
wrapWith(String) - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.CsvSpec


year() - Method in class org.instancio.generators.TemporalGenerators
Customises generated Year values.
year() - Method in class org.instancio.generators.TemporalSpecs
Generates Year values.
yearMonth() - Method in class org.instancio.generators.TemporalGenerators
Customises generated YearMonth values.
yearMonth() - Method in class org.instancio.generators.TemporalSpecs
Generates YearMonth values.
YearMonthSpec - Interface in org.instancio.generator.specs
Spec for generating YearMonth values.
years(int, int) - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.PeriodGeneratorSpec
Generate number of Period years in the given range.
years(int, int) - Method in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.PeriodSpec
YearSpec - Interface in org.instancio.generator.specs
Spec for generating Year values.


zonedDateTime() - Method in class org.instancio.generators.TemporalGenerators
Customises generated ZonedDateTime values.
zonedDateTime() - Method in class org.instancio.generators.TemporalSpecs
Generates ZonedDateTime values.
ZonedDateTimeSpec - Interface in org.instancio.generator.specs
Spec for generating ZonedDateTime values.
A B C D E F G H I K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Y Z 
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