Package org.instancio

Interface PredicateSelector

All Superinterfaces:
DepthPredicateSelector, DepthSelector, GroupableSelector, TargetSelector, WithinScope

public interface PredicateSelector extends GroupableSelector, DepthSelector, DepthPredicateSelector, WithinScope
A selector for matching targets using predicates.
See Also:
  • Method Details

    • within

      Specifies the scope for this selector in order to narrow down its target.

      For example, given the following classes:

       record Phone(String countryCode, String number) {}
       record Person(Phone home, Phone cell) {}

      setting home and cell phone numbers to different values would require differentiating between two field(Phone::number) selectors. This can be achieved using scopes as follows:

       Scope homePhone = field(Person::home).toScope();
       Scope cellPhone = field(Person::cell).toScope();
       Person person = Instancio.of(Person.class)
           .set(field(Phone::number).within(homePhone), "777-88-99")
           .set(field(Phone::number).within(cellPhone), "123-45-67")

      See Selector Scopes section of the user guide for details.

      Specified by:
      within in interface WithinScope
      scopes - one or more scopes to apply
      a selector with the specified scope