Interface VoiceChannelAttachableListenerManager

    • Method Detail

      • addVoiceChannelAttachableListener

        <T extends VoiceChannelAttachableListener & ObjectAttachableListener> java.util.Collection<ListenerManager<? extends VoiceChannelAttachableListener>> addVoiceChannelAttachableListener​(T listener)
        Adds a listener that implements one or more VoiceChannelAttachableListeners. Adding a listener multiple times will only add it once and return the same listener managers on each invocation. The order of invocation is according to first addition.
        Type Parameters:
        T - The type of the listener.
        listener - The listener to add.
        The managers for the added listener.
      • removeVoiceChannelAttachableListener

        <T extends VoiceChannelAttachableListener & ObjectAttachableListener> void removeVoiceChannelAttachableListener​(T listener)
        Removes a listener that implements one or more VoiceChannelAttachableListeners.
        Type Parameters:
        T - The type of the listener.
        listener - The listener to remove.
      • getVoiceChannelAttachableListeners

        <T extends VoiceChannelAttachableListener & ObjectAttachableListener> java.util.Map<T,​java.util.List<java.lang.Class<T>>> getVoiceChannelAttachableListeners()
        Gets a map with all registered listeners that implement one or more VoiceChannelAttachableListeners and their assigned listener classes they listen to.
        Type Parameters:
        T - The type of the listeners.
        A map with all registered listeners that implement one or more VoiceChannelAttachableListeners and their assigned listener classes they listen to.
      • removeListener

        <T extends VoiceChannelAttachableListener & ObjectAttachableListener> void removeListener​(java.lang.Class<T> listenerClass,
                                                                                                  T listener)
        Removes a listener from this object.
        Type Parameters:
        T - The type of the listener.
        listenerClass - The listener class.
        listener - The listener to remove.