Interface Cleanupable

  • All Known Implementing Classes:
    MessageCacheImpl, PrivateChannelImpl, ServerImpl, ServerStageVoiceChannelImpl, ServerTextChannelImpl, ServerThreadChannelImpl, ServerVoiceChannelImpl

    public interface Cleanupable
    This class represents an object which can clean up after itself. It should be used on objects that need to clean up references to itself that would prevent garbage collection or when it "owns" cleanupable objects. The most prominent example is, when the thread pool is used to schedule a permanently repeated action on the object. This will prevent garbage collection as the scheduled task will have a hard reference to the instance and even if this is wrapped in a WeakReference, if a lambda is used as task, then the lambda has an implicit hard reference to the object. Thus, the scheduled task should be cancelled in the cleanup() method which should then be called by the owning object accordingly.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      void cleanup()
      Does any cleanup that would prevent this instance from being eligible for garbage collection like cancelling scheduled repeated tasks or calling cleanup on "owned" cleanupable objects.
    • Method Detail

      • cleanup

        void cleanup()
        Does any cleanup that would prevent this instance from being eligible for garbage collection like cancelling scheduled repeated tasks or calling cleanup on "owned" cleanupable objects. This method has to be thread-safe and idempotent.