Class DiscordWebSocketAdapter

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class DiscordWebSocketAdapter
    The main websocket adapter.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Static Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      void disconnect()
      Disconnects from the websocket. getWebSocket()
      Gets the websocket of the adapter.
      void handleCallbackError​( websocket, java.lang.Throwable cause)  
      java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture<java.lang.Boolean> isReady()
      Gets the Future which tells whether the connection is ready or failed.
      void onBinaryMessage​( websocket, byte[] binary)  
      void onConnectError​( websocket, exception)  
      void onDisconnected​( websocket, serverCloseFrame, clientCloseFrame, boolean closedByServer)  
      void onError​( websocket, cause)  
      void onTextMessage​( websocket, java.lang.String text)  
      void onUnexpectedError​( websocket, cause)  
      void queueRequestGuildMembers​(Server server)
      Adds a server id to be queued for the "request guild members" packet.
      void sendCloseFrame​(int closeCode)
      Send a close frame with the given close code after ratelimit allows.
      void sendCloseFrame​(int closeCode, java.lang.String reason)
      Send a close frame with the given close code and reason after ratelimit allows.
      void sendCloseFrame​( webSocket, int closeCode)
      Send a close frame over the given web socket with the given close code after ratelimit allows.
      void sendCloseFrame​( webSocket, int closeCode, java.lang.String reason)
      Send a close frame over the given web socket with the given close code and reason after ratelimit allows.
      void sendFrame​( frame)
      Send the given web socket frame after ratelimit allows.
      void sendLifecycleFrame​( frame)
      Send the given lifecycle web socket frame after ratelimit allows.
      void sendLifecycleFrame​( webSocket, frame)
      Send the given lifecycle web socket frame over the given web socket after ratelimit allows.
      void sendLifecycleTextFrame​( webSocket, java.lang.String message)
      Send a lifecycle text frame over the given web socket with the given message after ratelimit allows.
      void sendLifecycleTextFrame​(java.lang.String message)
      Send a lifecycle text frame with the given message after ratelimit allows.
      void sendTextFrame​(java.lang.String message)
      Send a text frame with the given message after ratelimit allows.
      void sendVoiceStateUpdate​(Server server, ServerVoiceChannel channel, java.lang.Boolean selfMuted, java.lang.Boolean selfDeafened)
      Sends the voice state update packet.
      static void setGateway​(java.lang.String gateway)
      Sets the gateway used to connect.
      void updateStatus()
      Sends the update status packet.
      • Methods inherited from class

        onBinaryFrame, onCloseFrame, onConnected, onContinuationFrame, onFrame, onFrameError, onFrameSent, onFrameUnsent, onMessageDecompressionError, onMessageError, onPingFrame, onPongFrame, onSendError, onSendingFrame, onSendingHandshake, onStateChanged, onTextFrame, onTextMessage, onTextMessageError, onThreadCreated, onThreadStarted, onThreadStopping
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Constructor Detail

      • DiscordWebSocketAdapter

        public DiscordWebSocketAdapter​(DiscordApiImpl api)
        Creates a new discord websocket adapter.
        api - The discord api instance.
    • Method Detail

      • setGateway

        public static void setGateway​(java.lang.String gateway)
        Sets the gateway used to connect.
        gateway - The gateway to set.
      • disconnect

        public void disconnect()
        Disconnects from the websocket.
      • onDisconnected

        public void onDisconnected​( websocket,
                                   boolean closedByServer)
        Specified by:
        onDisconnected in interface
        onDisconnected in class
      • onTextMessage

        public void onTextMessage​( websocket,
                                  java.lang.String text)
                           throws java.lang.Exception
        Specified by:
        onTextMessage in interface
        onTextMessage in class
      • onBinaryMessage

        public void onBinaryMessage​( websocket,
                                    byte[] binary)
                             throws java.lang.Exception
        Specified by:
        onBinaryMessage in interface
        onBinaryMessage in class
      • sendVoiceStateUpdate

        public void sendVoiceStateUpdate​(Server server,
                                         ServerVoiceChannel channel,
                                         java.lang.Boolean selfMuted,
                                         java.lang.Boolean selfDeafened)
        Sends the voice state update packet.
        server - The server to send the voice state update for. Can be null if channel is given.
        channel - The channel to connect to or null to disconnect from voice.
        selfMuted - Whether to self-mute on the given server. If null, current state remains unchanged.
        selfDeafened - Whether to self-deafen on the given server. If null, current state remains unchanged.
      • getWebSocket

        public getWebSocket()
        Gets the websocket of the adapter.
        The websocket of the adapter.
      • isReady

        public java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture<java.lang.Boolean> isReady()
        Gets the Future which tells whether the connection is ready or failed.
        The Future.
      • updateStatus

        public void updateStatus()
        Sends the update status packet.
      • sendCloseFrame

        public void sendCloseFrame​(int closeCode)
        Send a close frame with the given close code after ratelimit allows.
        closeCode - The close code for the close frame.
      • sendCloseFrame

        public void sendCloseFrame​( webSocket,
                                   int closeCode)
        Send a close frame over the given web socket with the given close code after ratelimit allows.
        webSocket - The web socket to send the close frame to.
        closeCode - The close code for the close frame.
      • sendCloseFrame

        public void sendCloseFrame​(int closeCode,
                                   java.lang.String reason)
        Send a close frame with the given close code and reason after ratelimit allows.
        closeCode - The close code for the close frame.
        reason - The reason for the close frame.
      • sendCloseFrame

        public void sendCloseFrame​( webSocket,
                                   int closeCode,
                                   java.lang.String reason)
        Send a close frame over the given web socket with the given close code and reason after ratelimit allows.
        webSocket - The web socket to send the close frame to.
        closeCode - The close code for the close frame.
        reason - The reason for the close frame.
      • sendLifecycleTextFrame

        public void sendLifecycleTextFrame​(java.lang.String message)
        Send a lifecycle text frame with the given message after ratelimit allows.
        message - The message for the text frame.
      • sendLifecycleTextFrame

        public void sendLifecycleTextFrame​( webSocket,
                                           java.lang.String message)
        Send a lifecycle text frame over the given web socket with the given message after ratelimit allows.
        webSocket - The web socket to send the text frame to.
        message - The message for the text frame.
      • sendTextFrame

        public void sendTextFrame​(java.lang.String message)
        Send a text frame with the given message after ratelimit allows.
        message - The message for the text frame.
      • sendLifecycleFrame

        public void sendLifecycleFrame​( frame)
        Send the given lifecycle web socket frame after ratelimit allows.
        frame - The web socket frame to send.
      • sendLifecycleFrame

        public void sendLifecycleFrame​( webSocket,
        Send the given lifecycle web socket frame over the given web socket after ratelimit allows.
        webSocket - The web socket to send the frame to.
        frame - The web socket frame to send.
      • sendFrame

        public void sendFrame​( frame)
        Send the given web socket frame after ratelimit allows.
        frame - The web socket frame to send.
      • queueRequestGuildMembers

        public void queueRequestGuildMembers​(Server server)
        Adds a server id to be queued for the "request guild members" packet.
        server - The server.
      • onError

        public void onError​( websocket,
        Specified by:
        onError in interface
        onError in class
      • handleCallbackError

        public void handleCallbackError​( websocket,
                                        java.lang.Throwable cause)
        Specified by:
        handleCallbackError in interface
        handleCallbackError in class
      • onUnexpectedError

        public void onUnexpectedError​( websocket,
        Specified by:
        onUnexpectedError in interface
        onUnexpectedError in class
      • onConnectError

        public void onConnectError​( websocket,
        Specified by:
        onConnectError in interface
        onConnectError in class