Class SignatureAttribute.TypeParameter

    • Constructor Detail

      • TypeParameter

        public TypeParameter​(String name,
                             SignatureAttribute.ObjectType superClass,
                             SignatureAttribute.ObjectType[] superInterfaces)
        Constructs a TypeParameter representing a type parametre like <T extends ... >.
        name - parameter name.
        superClass - an upper bound class-type (or null).
        superInterfaces - an upper bound interface-type (or null).
      • TypeParameter

        public TypeParameter​(String name)
        Constructs a TypeParameter representing a type parameter like <T>.
        name - parameter name.
    • Method Detail

      • getName

        public String getName()
        Returns the name of the type parameter.
      • getInterfaceBound

        public SignatureAttribute.ObjectType[] getInterfaceBound()
        Returns the interface bound of this parameter.
        a zero-length array if the interface bound is not specified.
      • toString

        public String toString()
        Returns the string representation.
        toString in class Object