Annotation Type DiffInclude

  • @Target({METHOD,FIELD})
    public @interface DiffInclude
    Use DiffInclude annotation to tell JaVers which properties to include in diff/commit operations for a given class. All other properties in this class and all properties in its subclasses will be ignored by JaVers.
    If some properties in a subclass should be included, apply the DiffInclude annotation on them.

    For example, JaVers will ignore bar in the A class and both bar and qux in the B class.
     class A {
         private Long id;
         private String foo;
         private String bar;
     class B extends A {
         private String qux;
    The above is equivalent to:
     class A {
         private Long id;
         private String foo;
         private String bar;
     class B extends A {
         private String qux;
    Warning: DiffInclude can't be mixed with DiffIgnore in the same class.
    See Also: