Class Validate

    • Method Detail

      • getArchiveExpression

        public static String getArchiveExpression​(Class<? extends org.jboss.shrinkwrap.api.Archive<?>> type)
      • archiveHasExpectedFileExtension

        public static boolean archiveHasExpectedFileExtension​(org.jboss.shrinkwrap.api.Archive<?> archive)
      • isArchiveOfType

        public static boolean isArchiveOfType​(Class<? extends org.jboss.shrinkwrap.api.Archive<?>> type,
                                              org.jboss.shrinkwrap.api.Archive<?> archive)
      • notNullOrEmpty

        public static void notNullOrEmpty​(String string,
                                          String message)
                                   throws IllegalArgumentException
        Checks that the specified String is not null or empty, throws exception if it is.
        string - The object to check
        message - The exception message
        IllegalArgumentException - Thrown if obj is null
      • stateNotNull

        public static void stateNotNull​(Object obj,
                                        String message)
                                 throws IllegalStateException
        Checks that obj is not null, throws exception if it is.
        obj - The object to check
        message - The exception message
        IllegalStateException - Thrown if obj is null
      • configurationDirectoryExists

        public static void configurationDirectoryExists​(String string,
                                                        String message)
                                                 throws ConfigurationException
        Checks that string is not null and not empty and it represents a path to a valid directory
        string - The path to check
        message - The exception message
        ConfigurationException - Thrown if string is empty, null or it does not represent a path the a valid directory