Interface ProtocolArchiveProcessor

  • public interface ProtocolArchiveProcessor
    Used by enrichers to add Enricher specific information to the Protocols archive.

    Example: A BeanManager is only available if the caller is a BeanArchive. For Enterprise archives where the EJB module is a BeanArchive, the Protocol WAR is added without a beans.xml. The result is that the Protocol can't see the EJBs BeanManager.

    This extension point allowed the CDI enricher to add a beans.xml to the protocol.

    $Revision: $
    Aslak Knutsen
    • Method Detail

      • process

        void process​(TestDeployment testDeployment,
                     org.jboss.shrinkwrap.api.Archive<?> protocolArchive)
        testDeployment - The user defined deployment + auxilliary archives
        protocolArchive - The archive where the protocol is bundled.