Class ThreadLocalLogContextSelector

    • Constructor Detail

      • ThreadLocalLogContextSelector

        public ThreadLocalLogContextSelector​(LogContextSelector delegate)
        Construct a new instance.
        delegate - the selector to delegate to if no context is chosen
      • ThreadLocalLogContextSelector

        public ThreadLocalLogContextSelector​(Object securityKey,
                                             LogContextSelector delegate)
        Construct a new instance.
        securityKey - the security key required to push or pop a log context.
        delegate - the selector to delegate to if no context is chosen
    • Method Detail

      • getAndSet

        public LogContext getAndSet​(Object securityKey,
                                    LogContext newValue)
        Get and set the log context.
        securityKey - the security key to check (ignored if none was set on construction)
        newValue - the new log context value, or null to clear
        the previous log context value, or null if none was set