Class Formatters

  • public final class Formatters
    extends Object
    Formatter utility methods.
    • Field Summary

      Modifier and Type Field Description
      static String THREAD_ID  
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Static Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      static FormatStep classNameFormatStep​(boolean leftJustify, int minimumWidth, boolean truncateBeginning, int maximumWidth, String precision)
      Create a format step which emits the source class name with the given justification rules (NOTE: call stack introspection introduces a significant performance penalty).
      static FormatStep classNameFormatStep​(boolean leftJustify, int minimumWidth, int maximumWidth, String precision)
      Create a format step which emits the source class name with the given justification rules (NOTE: call stack introspection introduces a significant performance penalty).
      static FormatStep dateFormatStep​(String formatString, boolean leftJustify, int minimumWidth, int maximumWidth)
      Create a format step which emits the date of the log record with the given justification rules.
      static FormatStep dateFormatStep​(TimeZone timeZone, String formatString, boolean leftJustify, int minimumWidth, boolean truncateBeginning, int maximumWidth)
      Create a format step which emits the date of the log record with the given justification rules.
      static FormatStep dateFormatStep​(TimeZone timeZone, String formatString, boolean leftJustify, int minimumWidth, int maximumWidth)
      Create a format step which emits the date of the log record with the given justification rules.
      static FormatStep exceptionFormatStep​(boolean leftJustify, int minimumWidth, boolean truncateBeginning, int maximumWidth, String argument, boolean extended)
      Create a format step which emits the stack trace of an exception with the given justification rules.
      static FormatStep exceptionFormatStep​(boolean leftJustify, int minimumWidth, int maximumWidth, boolean extended)
      Create a format step which emits the stack trace of an exception with the given justification rules.
      static FormatStep fileNameFormatStep​(boolean leftJustify, int minimumWidth, boolean truncateBeginning, int maximumWidth)
      Create a format step which emits the source file name with the given justification rules (NOTE: call stack introspection introduces a significant performance penalty).
      static FormatStep fileNameFormatStep​(boolean leftJustify, int minimumWidth, int maximumWidth)
      Create a format step which emits the source file name with the given justification rules (NOTE: call stack introspection introduces a significant performance penalty).
      static FormatStep formatColor​(ColorMap colors, String color)  
      static FormatStep hostnameFormatStep​(boolean leftJustify, int minimumWidth, boolean truncateBeginning, int maximumWidth, boolean qualified)
      Create a format step which emits the hostname.
      static FormatStep hostnameFormatStep​(boolean leftJustify, int minimumWidth, boolean truncateBeginning, int maximumWidth, String precision)
      Create a format step which emits the hostname.
      static FormatStep levelFormatStep​(boolean leftJustify, int minimumWidth, boolean truncateBeginning, int maximumWidth)
      Create a format step which emits the log level name.
      static FormatStep levelFormatStep​(boolean leftJustify, int minimumWidth, int maximumWidth)
      Create a format step which emits the log level name.
      static FormatStep lineNumberFormatStep​(boolean leftJustify, int minimumWidth, boolean truncateBeginning, int maximumWidth)
      Create a format step which emits the source file line number with the given justification rules (NOTE: call stack introspection introduces a significant performance penalty).
      static FormatStep lineNumberFormatStep​(boolean leftJustify, int minimumWidth, int maximumWidth)
      Create a format step which emits the source file line number with the given justification rules (NOTE: call stack introspection introduces a significant performance penalty).
      static FormatStep lineSeparatorFormatStep​(boolean leftJustify, int minimumWidth, boolean truncateBeginning, int maximumWidth)
      Create a format step which emits the platform line separator.
      static FormatStep lineSeparatorFormatStep​(boolean leftJustify, int minimumWidth, int maximumWidth)
      Create a format step which emits the platform line separator.
      static FormatStep localizedLevelFormatStep​(boolean leftJustify, int minimumWidth, boolean truncateBeginning, int maximumWidth)
      Create a format step which emits the localized log level name.
      static FormatStep localizedLevelFormatStep​(boolean leftJustify, int minimumWidth, int maximumWidth)
      Create a format step which emits the localized log level name.
      static FormatStep locationInformationFormatStep​(boolean leftJustify, int minimumWidth, boolean truncateBeginning, int maximumWidth)
      Create a format step which emits the complete source location information with the given justification rules (NOTE: call stack introspection introduces a significant performance penalty).
      static FormatStep locationInformationFormatStep​(boolean leftJustify, int minimumWidth, int maximumWidth)
      Create a format step which emits the complete source location information with the given justification rules (NOTE: call stack introspection introduces a significant performance penalty).
      static FormatStep loggerNameFormatStep​(boolean leftJustify, int minimumWidth, boolean truncateBeginning, int maximumWidth, String precision)
      Create a format step which emits the logger name with the given justification rules.
      static FormatStep loggerNameFormatStep​(boolean leftJustify, int minimumWidth, int maximumWidth, String precision)
      Create a format step which emits the logger name with the given justification rules.
      static FormatStep mdcFormatStep​(String key, boolean leftJustify, int minimumWidth, boolean truncateBeginning, int maximumWidth)
      Create a format step which emits the MDC value associated with the given key of the log record.
      static FormatStep mdcFormatStep​(String key, boolean leftJustify, int minimumWidth, int maximumWidth)
      Create a format step which emits the MDC value associated with the given key of the log record.
      static FormatStep messageFormatStep​(boolean leftJustify, int minimumWidth, boolean truncateBeginning, int maximumWidth)
      Create a format step which emits the formatted log message text with the given justification rules.
      static FormatStep messageFormatStep​(boolean leftJustify, int minimumWidth, int maximumWidth)
      Create a format step which emits the formatted log message text with the given justification rules.
      static FormatStep methodNameFormatStep​(boolean leftJustify, int minimumWidth, boolean truncateBeginning, int maximumWidth)
      Create a format step which emits the source method name with the given justification rules (NOTE: call stack introspection introduces a significant performance penalty).
      static FormatStep methodNameFormatStep​(boolean leftJustify, int minimumWidth, int maximumWidth)
      Create a format step which emits the source method name with the given justification rules (NOTE: call stack introspection introduces a significant performance penalty).
      static FormatStep moduleNameFormatStep​(boolean leftJustify, int minimumWidth, boolean truncateBeginning, int maximumWidth, String precision)
      Create a format step which emits the source module name with the given justification rules (NOTE: call stack introspection introduces a significant performance penalty).
      static FormatStep moduleNameFormatStep​(boolean leftJustify, int minimumWidth, int maximumWidth, String precision)
      Create a format step which emits the source module name with the given justification rules (NOTE: call stack introspection introduces a significant performance penalty).
      static FormatStep moduleVersionFormatStep​(boolean leftJustify, int minimumWidth, int maximumWidth, String precision)
      Create a format step which emits the source module version with the given justification rules (NOTE: call stack introspection introduces a significant performance penalty).
      static FormatStep ndcFormatStep​(boolean leftJustify, int minimumWidth, boolean truncateBeginning, int maximumWidth, int count)
      Create a format step which emits the NDC value of the log record.
      static FormatStep ndcFormatStep​(boolean leftJustify, int minimumWidth, int maximumWidth)
      Create a format step which emits the NDC value of the log record.
      static Formatter nullFormatter()
      Get the null formatter, which outputs nothing.
      static FormatStep processIdFormatStep​(boolean leftJustify, int minimumWidth, boolean truncateBeginning, int maximumWidth)
      Create a format step which emits the source file line number with the given justification rules (NOTE: call stack introspection introduces a significant performance penalty).
      static FormatStep processNameFormatStep​(boolean leftJustify, int minimumWidth, boolean truncateBeginning, int maximumWidth)
      Create a format step which emits the source process name with the given justification rules.
      static FormatStep relativeTimeFormatStep​(long baseTime, boolean leftJustify, int minimumWidth, boolean truncateBeginning, int maximumWidth)
      Create a format step which emits the number of milliseconds since the given base time.
      static FormatStep relativeTimeFormatStep​(long baseTime, boolean leftJustify, int minimumWidth, int maximumWidth)
      Create a format step which emits the number of milliseconds since the given base time.
      static FormatStep resourceKeyFormatStep​(boolean leftJustify, int minimumWidth, boolean truncateBeginning, int maximumWidth)
      Create a format step which emits the log message resource key (if any) with the given justification rules.
      static FormatStep resourceKeyFormatStep​(boolean leftJustify, int minimumWidth, int maximumWidth)
      Create a format step which emits the log message resource key (if any) with the given justification rules.
      static FormatStep simpleMessageFormatStep​(boolean leftJustify, int minimumWidth, boolean truncateBeginning, int maximumWidth)
      Create a format step which emits the formatted log message text (simple version, no exception traces) with the given justification rules.
      static FormatStep simpleMessageFormatStep​(boolean leftJustify, int minimumWidth, int maximumWidth)
      Create a format step which emits the formatted log message text (simple version, no exception traces) with the given justification rules.
      static FormatStep simpleMessageFormatStep​(ExtFormatter formatter, boolean leftJustify, int minimumWidth, boolean truncateBeginning, int maximumWidth)
      Create a format step which emits the formatted log message text (simple version, no exception traces) with the given justification rules.
      static FormatStep simpleMessageFormatStep​(ExtFormatter formatter, boolean leftJustify, int minimumWidth, int maximumWidth)
      Create a format step which emits the formatted log message text (simple version, no exception traces) with the given justification rules.
      static FormatStep systemPropertyFormatStep​(String argument, boolean leftJustify, int minimumWidth, boolean truncateBeginning, int maximumWidth)
      Create a format step which emits a system property value associated with the given key.
      static FormatStep textFormatStep​(String string)
      Create a format step which simply emits the given string.
      static FormatStep threadFormatStep​(String argument, boolean leftJustify, int minimumWidth, boolean truncateBeginning, int maximumWidth)
      Create a format step which emits the id if id is passed as the argument, otherwise the the thread name is used.
      static FormatStep threadIdFormatStep​(boolean leftJustify, int minimumWidth, boolean truncateBeginning, int maximumWidth)
      Create a format step which emits the id of the thread which originated the log record.
      static FormatStep threadNameFormatStep​(boolean leftJustify, int minimumWidth, boolean truncateBeginning, int maximumWidth)
      Create a format step which emits the name of the thread which originated the log record.
      static FormatStep threadNameFormatStep​(boolean leftJustify, int minimumWidth, int maximumWidth)
      Create a format step which emits the name of the thread which originated the log record.
    • Method Detail

      • nullFormatter

        public static Formatter nullFormatter()
        Get the null formatter, which outputs nothing.
        the null formatter
      • textFormatStep

        public static FormatStep textFormatStep​(String string)
        Create a format step which simply emits the given string.
        string - the string to emit
        a format step
      • loggerNameFormatStep

        public static FormatStep loggerNameFormatStep​(boolean leftJustify,
                                                      int minimumWidth,
                                                      int maximumWidth,
                                                      String precision)
        Create a format step which emits the logger name with the given justification rules.
        leftJustify - true to left justify, false to right justify
        minimumWidth - the minimum field width, or 0 for none
        maximumWidth - the maximum field width (must be greater than minimumFieldWidth), or 0 for none
        precision - the argument used for the logger name, may be null or contain dots to format the logger name
        the format
      • loggerNameFormatStep

        public static FormatStep loggerNameFormatStep​(boolean leftJustify,
                                                      int minimumWidth,
                                                      boolean truncateBeginning,
                                                      int maximumWidth,
                                                      String precision)
        Create a format step which emits the logger name with the given justification rules.
        leftJustify - true to left justify, false to right justify
        minimumWidth - the minimum field width, or 0 for none
        truncateBeginning - true to truncate the beginning, otherwise false to truncate the end
        maximumWidth - the maximum field width (must be greater than minimumFieldWidth), or 0 for none
        precision - the argument used for the logger name, may be null or contain dots to format the logger name
        the format
      • classNameFormatStep

        public static FormatStep classNameFormatStep​(boolean leftJustify,
                                                     int minimumWidth,
                                                     int maximumWidth,
                                                     String precision)
        Create a format step which emits the source class name with the given justification rules (NOTE: call stack introspection introduces a significant performance penalty).
        leftJustify - true to left justify, false to right justify
        minimumWidth - the minimum field width, or 0 for none
        maximumWidth - the maximum field width (must be greater than minimumFieldWidth), or 0 for none
        precision - the argument used for the class name, may be null or contain dots to format the class name
        the format step
      • classNameFormatStep

        public static FormatStep classNameFormatStep​(boolean leftJustify,
                                                     int minimumWidth,
                                                     boolean truncateBeginning,
                                                     int maximumWidth,
                                                     String precision)
        Create a format step which emits the source class name with the given justification rules (NOTE: call stack introspection introduces a significant performance penalty).
        leftJustify - true to left justify, false to right justify
        minimumWidth - the minimum field width, or 0 for none
        truncateBeginning - true to truncate the beginning, otherwise false to truncate the end
        maximumWidth - the maximum field width (must be greater than minimumFieldWidth), or 0 for none
        precision - the argument used for the class name, may be null or contain dots to format the class name
        the format step
      • moduleNameFormatStep

        public static FormatStep moduleNameFormatStep​(boolean leftJustify,
                                                      int minimumWidth,
                                                      int maximumWidth,
                                                      String precision)
        Create a format step which emits the source module name with the given justification rules (NOTE: call stack introspection introduces a significant performance penalty).
        leftJustify - true to left justify, false to right justify
        minimumWidth - the minimum field width, or 0 for none
        maximumWidth - the maximum field width (must be greater than minimumFieldWidth), or 0 for none
        precision - the argument used for the class name, may be null or contain dots to format the class name
        the format step
      • moduleNameFormatStep

        public static FormatStep moduleNameFormatStep​(boolean leftJustify,
                                                      int minimumWidth,
                                                      boolean truncateBeginning,
                                                      int maximumWidth,
                                                      String precision)
        Create a format step which emits the source module name with the given justification rules (NOTE: call stack introspection introduces a significant performance penalty).
        leftJustify - true to left justify, false to right justify
        minimumWidth - the minimum field width, or 0 for none
        truncateBeginning - true to truncate the beginning, otherwise false to truncate the end
        maximumWidth - the maximum field width (must be greater than minimumFieldWidth), or 0 for none
        precision - the argument used for the class name, may be null or contain dots to format the class name
        the format step
      • moduleVersionFormatStep

        public static FormatStep moduleVersionFormatStep​(boolean leftJustify,
                                                         int minimumWidth,
                                                         int maximumWidth,
                                                         String precision)
        Create a format step which emits the source module version with the given justification rules (NOTE: call stack introspection introduces a significant performance penalty).
        leftJustify - true to left justify, false to right justify
        minimumWidth - the minimum field width, or 0 for none
        maximumWidth - the maximum field width (must be greater than minimumFieldWidth), or 0 for none
        precision - the argument used for the class name, may be null or contain dots to format the class name
        the format step
      • dateFormatStep

        public static FormatStep dateFormatStep​(TimeZone timeZone,
                                                String formatString,
                                                boolean leftJustify,
                                                int minimumWidth,
                                                int maximumWidth)
        Create a format step which emits the date of the log record with the given justification rules.
        timeZone - the time zone to format to
        formatString - the date format string
        leftJustify - true to left justify, false to right justify
        minimumWidth - the minimum field width, or 0 for none
        maximumWidth - the maximum field width (must be greater than minimumFieldWidth), or 0 for none
        the format step
      • dateFormatStep

        public static FormatStep dateFormatStep​(TimeZone timeZone,
                                                String formatString,
                                                boolean leftJustify,
                                                int minimumWidth,
                                                boolean truncateBeginning,
                                                int maximumWidth)
        Create a format step which emits the date of the log record with the given justification rules.
        timeZone - the time zone to format to
        formatString - the date format string
        leftJustify - true to left justify, false to right justify
        minimumWidth - the minimum field width, or 0 for none
        truncateBeginning - true to truncate the beginning, otherwise false to truncate the end
        maximumWidth - the maximum field width (must be greater than minimumFieldWidth), or 0 for none
        the format step
      • dateFormatStep

        public static FormatStep dateFormatStep​(String formatString,
                                                boolean leftJustify,
                                                int minimumWidth,
                                                int maximumWidth)
        Create a format step which emits the date of the log record with the given justification rules.
        formatString - the date format string
        leftJustify - true to left justify, false to right justify
        minimumWidth - the minimum field width, or 0 for none
        maximumWidth - the maximum field width (must be greater than minimumFieldWidth), or 0 for none
        the format step
      • fileNameFormatStep

        public static FormatStep fileNameFormatStep​(boolean leftJustify,
                                                    int minimumWidth,
                                                    int maximumWidth)
        Create a format step which emits the source file name with the given justification rules (NOTE: call stack introspection introduces a significant performance penalty).
        leftJustify - true to left justify, false to right justify
        minimumWidth - the minimum field width, or 0 for none
        maximumWidth - the maximum field width (must be greater than minimumFieldWidth), or 0 for none
        the format step
      • fileNameFormatStep

        public static FormatStep fileNameFormatStep​(boolean leftJustify,
                                                    int minimumWidth,
                                                    boolean truncateBeginning,
                                                    int maximumWidth)
        Create a format step which emits the source file name with the given justification rules (NOTE: call stack introspection introduces a significant performance penalty).
        leftJustify - true to left justify, false to right justify
        minimumWidth - the minimum field width, or 0 for none
        truncateBeginning - true to truncate the beginning, otherwise false to truncate the end
        maximumWidth - the maximum field width (must be greater than minimumFieldWidth), or 0 for none
        the format step
      • processNameFormatStep

        public static FormatStep processNameFormatStep​(boolean leftJustify,
                                                       int minimumWidth,
                                                       boolean truncateBeginning,
                                                       int maximumWidth)
        Create a format step which emits the source process name with the given justification rules.
        leftJustify - true to left justify, false to right justify
        minimumWidth - the minimum field width, or 0 for none
        truncateBeginning - true to truncate the beginning, otherwise false to truncate the end
        maximumWidth - the maximum field width (must be greater than minimumFieldWidth), or 0 for none
        the format step
      • processIdFormatStep

        public static FormatStep processIdFormatStep​(boolean leftJustify,
                                                     int minimumWidth,
                                                     boolean truncateBeginning,
                                                     int maximumWidth)
        Create a format step which emits the source file line number with the given justification rules (NOTE: call stack introspection introduces a significant performance penalty).
        leftJustify - true to left justify, false to right justify
        minimumWidth - the minimum field width, or 0 for none
        truncateBeginning - true to truncate the beginning, otherwise false to truncate the end
        maximumWidth - the maximum field width (must be greater than minimumFieldWidth), or 0 for none
        the format step
      • hostnameFormatStep

        public static FormatStep hostnameFormatStep​(boolean leftJustify,
                                                    int minimumWidth,
                                                    boolean truncateBeginning,
                                                    int maximumWidth,
                                                    boolean qualified)
        Create a format step which emits the hostname.
        leftJustify - true to left justify, false to right justify
        minimumWidth - the minimum field width, or 0 for none
        truncateBeginning - true to truncate the beginning, otherwise false to truncate the end
        maximumWidth - the maximum field width (must be greater than minimumFieldWidth), or 0 for none
        qualified - true to use the fully qualified host name, false to only use the
        the format step
      • hostnameFormatStep

        public static FormatStep hostnameFormatStep​(boolean leftJustify,
                                                    int minimumWidth,
                                                    boolean truncateBeginning,
                                                    int maximumWidth,
                                                    String precision)
        Create a format step which emits the hostname.
        leftJustify - true to left justify, false to right justify
        minimumWidth - the minimum field width, or 0 for none
        truncateBeginning - true to truncate the beginning, otherwise false to truncate the end
        maximumWidth - the maximum field width (must be greater than minimumFieldWidth), or 0 for none
        precision - the argument used for the class name, may be null or contain dots to format the class name
        the format step
      • locationInformationFormatStep

        public static FormatStep locationInformationFormatStep​(boolean leftJustify,
                                                               int minimumWidth,
                                                               int maximumWidth)
        Create a format step which emits the complete source location information with the given justification rules (NOTE: call stack introspection introduces a significant performance penalty).
        leftJustify - true to left justify, false to right justify
        minimumWidth - the minimum field width, or 0 for none
        maximumWidth - the maximum field width (must be greater than minimumFieldWidth), or 0 for none
        the format step
      • locationInformationFormatStep

        public static FormatStep locationInformationFormatStep​(boolean leftJustify,
                                                               int minimumWidth,
                                                               boolean truncateBeginning,
                                                               int maximumWidth)
        Create a format step which emits the complete source location information with the given justification rules (NOTE: call stack introspection introduces a significant performance penalty).
        leftJustify - true to left justify, false to right justify
        minimumWidth - the minimum field width, or 0 for none
        truncateBeginning - true to truncate the beginning, otherwise false to truncate the end
        maximumWidth - the maximum field width (must be greater than minimumFieldWidth), or 0 for none
        the format step
      • lineNumberFormatStep

        public static FormatStep lineNumberFormatStep​(boolean leftJustify,
                                                      int minimumWidth,
                                                      int maximumWidth)
        Create a format step which emits the source file line number with the given justification rules (NOTE: call stack introspection introduces a significant performance penalty).
        leftJustify - true to left justify, false to right justify
        minimumWidth - the minimum field width, or 0 for none
        maximumWidth - the maximum field width (must be greater than minimumFieldWidth), or 0 for none
        the format step
      • lineNumberFormatStep

        public static FormatStep lineNumberFormatStep​(boolean leftJustify,
                                                      int minimumWidth,
                                                      boolean truncateBeginning,
                                                      int maximumWidth)
        Create a format step which emits the source file line number with the given justification rules (NOTE: call stack introspection introduces a significant performance penalty).
        leftJustify - true to left justify, false to right justify
        minimumWidth - the minimum field width, or 0 for none
        truncateBeginning - true to truncate the beginning, otherwise false to truncate the end
        maximumWidth - the maximum field width (must be greater than minimumFieldWidth), or 0 for none
        the format step
      • messageFormatStep

        public static FormatStep messageFormatStep​(boolean leftJustify,
                                                   int minimumWidth,
                                                   int maximumWidth)
        Create a format step which emits the formatted log message text with the given justification rules.
        leftJustify - true to left justify, false to right justify
        minimumWidth - the minimum field width, or 0 for none
        maximumWidth - the maximum field width (must be greater than minimumFieldWidth), or 0 for none
        the format step
      • messageFormatStep

        public static FormatStep messageFormatStep​(boolean leftJustify,
                                                   int minimumWidth,
                                                   boolean truncateBeginning,
                                                   int maximumWidth)
        Create a format step which emits the formatted log message text with the given justification rules.
        leftJustify - true to left justify, false to right justify
        minimumWidth - the minimum field width, or 0 for none
        truncateBeginning - true to truncate the beginning, otherwise false to truncate the end
        maximumWidth - the maximum field width (must be greater than minimumFieldWidth), or 0 for none
        the format step
      • simpleMessageFormatStep

        public static FormatStep simpleMessageFormatStep​(boolean leftJustify,
                                                         int minimumWidth,
                                                         int maximumWidth)
        Create a format step which emits the formatted log message text (simple version, no exception traces) with the given justification rules.
        leftJustify - true to left justify, false to right justify
        minimumWidth - the minimum field width, or 0 for none
        maximumWidth - the maximum field width (must be greater than minimumFieldWidth), or 0 for none
        the format step
      • simpleMessageFormatStep

        public static FormatStep simpleMessageFormatStep​(boolean leftJustify,
                                                         int minimumWidth,
                                                         boolean truncateBeginning,
                                                         int maximumWidth)
        Create a format step which emits the formatted log message text (simple version, no exception traces) with the given justification rules.
        leftJustify - true to left justify, false to right justify
        minimumWidth - the minimum field width, or 0 for none
        truncateBeginning - true to truncate the beginning, otherwise false to truncate the end
        maximumWidth - the maximum field width (must be greater than minimumFieldWidth), or 0 for none
        the format step
      • simpleMessageFormatStep

        public static FormatStep simpleMessageFormatStep​(ExtFormatter formatter,
                                                         boolean leftJustify,
                                                         int minimumWidth,
                                                         int maximumWidth)
        Create a format step which emits the formatted log message text (simple version, no exception traces) with the given justification rules.
        leftJustify - true to left justify, false to right justify
        minimumWidth - the minimum field width, or 0 for none
        maximumWidth - the maximum field width (must be greater than minimumFieldWidth), or 0 for none
        the format step
      • simpleMessageFormatStep

        public static FormatStep simpleMessageFormatStep​(ExtFormatter formatter,
                                                         boolean leftJustify,
                                                         int minimumWidth,
                                                         boolean truncateBeginning,
                                                         int maximumWidth)
        Create a format step which emits the formatted log message text (simple version, no exception traces) with the given justification rules.
        leftJustify - true to left justify, false to right justify
        minimumWidth - the minimum field width, or 0 for none
        truncateBeginning - true to truncate the beginning, otherwise false to truncate the end
        maximumWidth - the maximum field width (must be greater than minimumFieldWidth), or 0 for none
        the format step
      • exceptionFormatStep

        public static FormatStep exceptionFormatStep​(boolean leftJustify,
                                                     int minimumWidth,
                                                     int maximumWidth,
                                                     boolean extended)
        Create a format step which emits the stack trace of an exception with the given justification rules.
        leftJustify - true to left justify, false to right justify
        minimumWidth - the minimum field width, or 0 for none
        maximumWidth - the maximum field width (must be greater than minimumFieldWidth), or 0 for none
        extended - true if the stack trace should attempt to include extended JAR version information
        the format step
      • exceptionFormatStep

        public static FormatStep exceptionFormatStep​(boolean leftJustify,
                                                     int minimumWidth,
                                                     boolean truncateBeginning,
                                                     int maximumWidth,
                                                     String argument,
                                                     boolean extended)
        Create a format step which emits the stack trace of an exception with the given justification rules.
        leftJustify - true to left justify, false to right justify
        minimumWidth - the minimum field width, or 0 for none
        truncateBeginning - true to truncate the beginning, otherwise false to truncate the end
        maximumWidth - the maximum field width (must be greater than minimumFieldWidth), or 0 for none
        extended - true if the stack trace should attempt to include extended JAR version information
        the format step
      • resourceKeyFormatStep

        public static FormatStep resourceKeyFormatStep​(boolean leftJustify,
                                                       int minimumWidth,
                                                       int maximumWidth)
        Create a format step which emits the log message resource key (if any) with the given justification rules.
        leftJustify - true to left justify, false to right justify
        minimumWidth - the minimum field width, or 0 for none
        maximumWidth - the maximum field width (must be greater than minimumFieldWidth), or 0 for none
        the format step
      • resourceKeyFormatStep

        public static FormatStep resourceKeyFormatStep​(boolean leftJustify,
                                                       int minimumWidth,
                                                       boolean truncateBeginning,
                                                       int maximumWidth)
        Create a format step which emits the log message resource key (if any) with the given justification rules.
        leftJustify - true to left justify, false to right justify
        minimumWidth - the minimum field width, or 0 for none
        truncateBeginning - true to truncate the beginning, otherwise false to truncate the end
        maximumWidth - the maximum field width (must be greater than minimumFieldWidth), or 0 for none
        the format step
      • methodNameFormatStep

        public static FormatStep methodNameFormatStep​(boolean leftJustify,
                                                      int minimumWidth,
                                                      int maximumWidth)
        Create a format step which emits the source method name with the given justification rules (NOTE: call stack introspection introduces a significant performance penalty).
        leftJustify - true to left justify, false to right justify
        minimumWidth - the minimum field width, or 0 for none
        maximumWidth - the maximum field width (must be greater than minimumFieldWidth), or 0 for none
        the format step
      • methodNameFormatStep

        public static FormatStep methodNameFormatStep​(boolean leftJustify,
                                                      int minimumWidth,
                                                      boolean truncateBeginning,
                                                      int maximumWidth)
        Create a format step which emits the source method name with the given justification rules (NOTE: call stack introspection introduces a significant performance penalty).
        leftJustify - true to left justify, false to right justify
        minimumWidth - the minimum field width, or 0 for none
        truncateBeginning - true to truncate the beginning, otherwise false to truncate the end
        maximumWidth - the maximum field width (must be greater than minimumFieldWidth), or 0 for none
        the format step
      • lineSeparatorFormatStep

        public static FormatStep lineSeparatorFormatStep​(boolean leftJustify,
                                                         int minimumWidth,
                                                         int maximumWidth)
        Create a format step which emits the platform line separator.
        leftJustify - true to left justify, false to right justify
        minimumWidth - the minimum field width, or 0 for none
        maximumWidth - the maximum field width (must be greater than minimumFieldWidth), or 0 for none
        the format step
      • lineSeparatorFormatStep

        public static FormatStep lineSeparatorFormatStep​(boolean leftJustify,
                                                         int minimumWidth,
                                                         boolean truncateBeginning,
                                                         int maximumWidth)
        Create a format step which emits the platform line separator.
        leftJustify - true to left justify, false to right justify
        minimumWidth - the minimum field width, or 0 for none
        truncateBeginning - true to truncate the beginning, otherwise false to truncate the end
        maximumWidth - the maximum field width (must be greater than minimumFieldWidth), or 0 for none
        the format step
      • levelFormatStep

        public static FormatStep levelFormatStep​(boolean leftJustify,
                                                 int minimumWidth,
                                                 int maximumWidth)
        Create a format step which emits the log level name.
        leftJustify - true to left justify, false to right justify
        minimumWidth - the minimum field width, or 0 for none
        maximumWidth - the maximum field width (must be greater than minimumFieldWidth), or 0 for none
        the format step
      • levelFormatStep

        public static FormatStep levelFormatStep​(boolean leftJustify,
                                                 int minimumWidth,
                                                 boolean truncateBeginning,
                                                 int maximumWidth)
        Create a format step which emits the log level name.
        leftJustify - true to left justify, false to right justify
        minimumWidth - the minimum field width, or 0 for none
        truncateBeginning - true to truncate the beginning, otherwise false to truncate the end
        maximumWidth - the maximum field width (must be greater than minimumFieldWidth), or 0 for none
        the format step
      • localizedLevelFormatStep

        public static FormatStep localizedLevelFormatStep​(boolean leftJustify,
                                                          int minimumWidth,
                                                          int maximumWidth)
        Create a format step which emits the localized log level name.
        leftJustify - true to left justify, false to right justify
        minimumWidth - the minimum field width, or 0 for none
        maximumWidth - the maximum field width (must be greater than minimumFieldWidth), or 0 for none
        the format step
      • localizedLevelFormatStep

        public static FormatStep localizedLevelFormatStep​(boolean leftJustify,
                                                          int minimumWidth,
                                                          boolean truncateBeginning,
                                                          int maximumWidth)
        Create a format step which emits the localized log level name.
        leftJustify - true to left justify, false to right justify
        minimumWidth - the minimum field width, or 0 for none
        truncateBeginning - true to truncate the beginning, otherwise false to truncate the end
        maximumWidth - the maximum field width (must be greater than minimumFieldWidth), or 0 for none
        the format step
      • relativeTimeFormatStep

        public static FormatStep relativeTimeFormatStep​(long baseTime,
                                                        boolean leftJustify,
                                                        int minimumWidth,
                                                        int maximumWidth)
        Create a format step which emits the number of milliseconds since the given base time.
        baseTime - the base time as milliseconds as per System.currentTimeMillis()
        leftJustify - true to left justify, false to right justify
        minimumWidth - the minimum field width, or 0 for none
        maximumWidth - the maximum field width (must be greater than minimumFieldWidth), or 0 for none
        the format step
      • relativeTimeFormatStep

        public static FormatStep relativeTimeFormatStep​(long baseTime,
                                                        boolean leftJustify,
                                                        int minimumWidth,
                                                        boolean truncateBeginning,
                                                        int maximumWidth)
        Create a format step which emits the number of milliseconds since the given base time.
        baseTime - the base time as milliseconds as per System.currentTimeMillis()
        leftJustify - true to left justify, false to right justify
        minimumWidth - the minimum field width, or 0 for none
        truncateBeginning - true to truncate the beginning, otherwise false to truncate the end
        maximumWidth - the maximum field width (must be greater than minimumFieldWidth), or 0 for none
        the format step
      • threadFormatStep

        public static FormatStep threadFormatStep​(String argument,
                                                  boolean leftJustify,
                                                  int minimumWidth,
                                                  boolean truncateBeginning,
                                                  int maximumWidth)
        Create a format step which emits the id if id is passed as the argument, otherwise the the thread name is used.
        argument - the argument which may be id to indicate the thread id or null to indicate the thread name
        leftJustify - true to left justify, false to right justify
        minimumWidth - the minimum field width, or 0 for none
        truncateBeginning - true to truncate the beginning, otherwise false to truncate the end
        maximumWidth - the maximum field width (must be greater than minimumFieldWidth), or 0 for none
        the format step
      • threadIdFormatStep

        public static FormatStep threadIdFormatStep​(boolean leftJustify,
                                                    int minimumWidth,
                                                    boolean truncateBeginning,
                                                    int maximumWidth)
        Create a format step which emits the id of the thread which originated the log record.
        leftJustify - true to left justify, false to right justify
        minimumWidth - the minimum field width, or 0 for none
        truncateBeginning - true to truncate the beginning, otherwise false to truncate the end
        maximumWidth - the maximum field width (must be greater than minimumFieldWidth), or 0 for none
        the format step
      • threadNameFormatStep

        public static FormatStep threadNameFormatStep​(boolean leftJustify,
                                                      int minimumWidth,
                                                      int maximumWidth)
        Create a format step which emits the name of the thread which originated the log record.
        leftJustify - true to left justify, false to right justify
        minimumWidth - the minimum field width, or 0 for none
        maximumWidth - the maximum field width (must be greater than minimumFieldWidth), or 0 for none
        the format step
      • threadNameFormatStep

        public static FormatStep threadNameFormatStep​(boolean leftJustify,
                                                      int minimumWidth,
                                                      boolean truncateBeginning,
                                                      int maximumWidth)
        Create a format step which emits the name of the thread which originated the log record.
        leftJustify - true to left justify, false to right justify
        minimumWidth - the minimum field width, or 0 for none
        truncateBeginning - true to truncate the beginning, otherwise false to truncate the end
        maximumWidth - the maximum field width (must be greater than minimumFieldWidth), or 0 for none
        the format step
      • ndcFormatStep

        public static FormatStep ndcFormatStep​(boolean leftJustify,
                                               int minimumWidth,
                                               int maximumWidth)
        Create a format step which emits the NDC value of the log record.
        leftJustify - true to left justify, false to right justify
        minimumWidth - the minimum field width, or 0 for none
        maximumWidth - the maximum field width (must be greater than minimumFieldWidth), or 0 for none
        the format step
      • ndcFormatStep

        public static FormatStep ndcFormatStep​(boolean leftJustify,
                                               int minimumWidth,
                                               boolean truncateBeginning,
                                               int maximumWidth,
                                               int count)
        Create a format step which emits the NDC value of the log record.
        leftJustify - true to left justify, false to right justify
        minimumWidth - the minimum field width, or 0 for none
        truncateBeginning - true to truncate the beginning, otherwise false to truncate the end
        maximumWidth - the maximum field width (must be greater than minimumFieldWidth), or 0 for none
        count - the limit to the number of segments to format
        the format step
      • mdcFormatStep

        public static FormatStep mdcFormatStep​(String key,
                                               boolean leftJustify,
                                               int minimumWidth,
                                               int maximumWidth)
        Create a format step which emits the MDC value associated with the given key of the log record.
        leftJustify - true to left justify, false to right justify
        minimumWidth - the minimum field width, or 0 for none
        maximumWidth - the maximum field width (must be greater than minimumFieldWidth), or 0 for none
        the format step
      • mdcFormatStep

        public static FormatStep mdcFormatStep​(String key,
                                               boolean leftJustify,
                                               int minimumWidth,
                                               boolean truncateBeginning,
                                               int maximumWidth)
        Create a format step which emits the MDC value associated with the given key of the log record.
        leftJustify - true to left justify, false to right justify
        minimumWidth - the minimum field width, or 0 for none
        truncateBeginning - true to truncate the beginning, otherwise false to truncate the end
        maximumWidth - the maximum field width (must be greater than minimumFieldWidth), or 0 for none
        the format step
      • systemPropertyFormatStep

        public static FormatStep systemPropertyFormatStep​(String argument,
                                                          boolean leftJustify,
                                                          int minimumWidth,
                                                          boolean truncateBeginning,
                                                          int maximumWidth)
        Create a format step which emits a system property value associated with the given key.
        argument - the argument that may be a key or key with a default value separated by a colon, cannot be null
        leftJustify - true to left justify, false to right justify
        minimumWidth - the minimum field width, or 0 for none
        truncateBeginning - true to truncate the beginning, otherwise false to truncate the end
        maximumWidth - the maximum field width (must be greater than minimumFieldWidth), or 0 for none
        the format step
        IllegalArgumentException - if the argument is null
        SecurityException - if a security manager exists and its checkPropertyAccess method doesn't allow access to the specified system property