Class TextBannerFormatter

  • public final class TextBannerFormatter
    extends ExtFormatter.Delegating
    A formatter which prints a text banner ahead of the normal formatter header. The text banner is acquired from a Supplier which is passed in to the constructor. Several utility methods are also present which allow easy creation of Supplier instances.
    • Constructor Detail

      • TextBannerFormatter

        public TextBannerFormatter​(Supplier<String> bannerSupplier,
                                   ExtFormatter delegate)
        Construct a new instance.
        bannerSupplier - the supplier for the banner (must not be null)
        delegate - the delegate formatter (must not be null)
    • Method Detail

      • getEmptySupplier

        public static Supplier<String> getEmptySupplier()
        Get the empty supplier which always returns an empty string.
        the empty supplier (not null)
      • createStringSupplier

        public static Supplier<String> createStringSupplier​(String string)
        Create a supplier which always returns the given string.
        string - the string (must not be null)
        a supplier which returns the given string (not null)
      • createFileSupplier

        public static Supplier<String> createFileSupplier​(Path path,
                                                          Supplier<String> fallback)
        Create a supplier which loads the banner from the given file path, falling back to the given fallback supplier on error.
        path - the path to load from (must not be null)
        fallback - the fallback supplier (must not be null)
        the supplier (not null)
      • createUrlSupplier

        public static Supplier<String> createUrlSupplier​(URL url,
                                                         Supplier<String> fallback)
        Create a supplier which loads the banner from the given URL, falling back to the given fallback supplier on error.
        url - the URL to load from (must not be null)
        fallback - the fallback supplier (must not be null)
        the supplier (not null)
      • createResourceSupplier

        public static Supplier<String> createResourceSupplier​(String resource,
                                                              ClassLoader classLoader,
                                                              Supplier<String> fallback)
        Create a supplier which loads the banner from a resource in the given class loader, falling back to the given fallback supplier on error.
        resource - the resource name (must not be null)
        classLoader - the class loader to load from (must not be null)
        fallback - the fallback supplier (must not be null)
        the supplier (not null)
      • createResourceSupplier

        public static Supplier<String> createResourceSupplier​(String resource,
                                                              Supplier<String> fallback)
        Create a supplier which loads the banner from a resource in the caller's class loader, falling back to the given fallback supplier on error.
        resource - the resource name (must not be null)
        fallback - the fallback supplier (must not be null)
        the supplier (not null)