Class PeriodicRotatingFileHandler

    • Constructor Detail

      • PeriodicRotatingFileHandler

        public PeriodicRotatingFileHandler()
        Construct a new instance with no formatter and no output file.
      • PeriodicRotatingFileHandler

        public PeriodicRotatingFileHandler​(String fileName)
                                    throws FileNotFoundException
        Construct a new instance with the given output file.
        fileName - the file name
        FileNotFoundException - if the file could not be found on open
      • PeriodicRotatingFileHandler

        public PeriodicRotatingFileHandler​(String fileName,
                                           boolean append)
                                    throws FileNotFoundException
        Construct a new instance with the given output file and append setting.
        fileName - the file name
        append - true to append, false to overwrite
        FileNotFoundException - if the file could not be found on open
      • PeriodicRotatingFileHandler

        public PeriodicRotatingFileHandler​(File file,
                                           String suffix)
                                    throws FileNotFoundException
        Construct a new instance with the given output file.
        file - the file
        suffix - the format suffix to use
        FileNotFoundException - if the file could not be found on open
      • PeriodicRotatingFileHandler

        public PeriodicRotatingFileHandler​(File file,
                                           String suffix,
                                           boolean append)
                                    throws FileNotFoundException
        Construct a new instance with the given output file and append setting.
        file - the file
        suffix - the format suffix to use
        append - true to append, false to overwrite
        FileNotFoundException - if the file could not be found on open
    • Method Detail

      • preWrite

        protected void preWrite​(ExtLogRecord record)
        Execute any pre-write policy, such as file rotation. The write lock is held during this method, so make it quick. The default implementation does nothing. This implementation checks to see if the scheduled rollover time has yet occurred.
        preWrite in class WriterHandler
        record - the record about to be logged
      • setSuffix

        public void setSuffix​(String suffix)
                       throws IllegalArgumentException
        Set the suffix string. The string is in a format which can be understood by DateTimeFormatter. The period of the rotation is automatically calculated based on the suffix.

        If the suffix ends with .gz or .zip the file will be compressed on rotation.

        suffix - the suffix
        IllegalArgumentException - if the suffix is not valid
      • getNextSuffix

        protected final String getNextSuffix()
        Returns the suffix to be used.
        the suffix to be used
      • getTimeZone

        public TimeZone getTimeZone()
        Get the configured time zone for this handler.
        the configured time zone
      • setTimeZone

        public void setTimeZone​(TimeZone timeZone)
        Set the configured time zone for this handler.
        timeZone - the configured time zone