Class TcpOutputStream

    • Constructor Detail

      • TcpOutputStream

        public TcpOutputStream​(InetAddress address,
                               int port)
                        throws IOException
        Creates a TCP output stream.

        Uses the default socket factory to create the socket.

        address - the address to connect to
        port - the port to connect to
        IOException - no longer throws an exception. If an exception occurs while attempting to connect the socket a reconnect will be attempted on the next write.
      • TcpOutputStream

        public TcpOutputStream​(InetAddress address,
                               int port,
                               boolean blockOnReconnect)
                        throws IOException
        Creates a TCP output stream.

        Uses the default socket factory to create the socket.

        address - the address to connect to
        port - the port to connect to
        blockOnReconnect - true to block when attempting to reconnect the socket or false to reconnect asynchronously
        IOException - no longer throws an exception. If an exception occurs while attempting to connect the socket a reconnect will be attempted on the next write.
      • TcpOutputStream

        protected TcpOutputStream​(Socket socket)
        Creates a new TCP output stream.

        Using this constructor does not allow for any kind of reconnect if the connection is dropped.

        socket - the socket used to write the output to
      • TcpOutputStream

        protected TcpOutputStream​(SocketFactory socketFactory,
                                  InetAddress address,
                                  int port)
                           throws IOException
        Creates a new TCP output stream.

        Creates a socket from the socketFactory argument.

        socketFactory - the factory used to create the socket
        address - the address to connect to
        port - the port to connect to
        IOException - no longer throws an exception. If an exception occurs while attempting to connect the socket a reconnect will be attempted on the next write.
      • TcpOutputStream

        protected TcpOutputStream​(SocketFactory socketFactory,
                                  InetAddress address,
                                  int port,
                                  boolean blockOnReconnect)
                           throws IOException
        Creates a new TCP output stream.

        Creates a socket from the socketFactory argument.

        socketFactory - the factory used to create the socket
        address - the address to connect to
        port - the port to connect to
        blockOnReconnect - true to block when attempting to reconnect the socket or false to reconnect asynchronously
        IOException - no longer throws an exception. If an exception occurs while attempting to connect the socket a reconnect will be attempted on the next write.
      • TcpOutputStream

        public TcpOutputStream​(ClientSocketFactory socketFactory,
                               boolean blockOnReconnect)
        Creates a new TCP stream which uses the ClientSocketFactory.createSocket() to create the socket.
        socketFactory - the socket factory used to create TCP sockets
        blockOnReconnect - true to block when attempting to reconnect the socket or false to reconnect asynchronously
    • Method Detail

      • isBlockOnReconnect

        public boolean isBlockOnReconnect()
        Indicates whether or not the output stream is set to block when attempting to reconnect a TCP connection.
        true if blocking is enabled, otherwise false
      • setBlockOnReconnect

        public void setBlockOnReconnect​(boolean blockOnReconnect)
        Enables or disables blocking when attempting to reconnect the socket.

        If set to true the write methods will block when attempting to reconnect. This is only advisable to be set to true if using an asynchronous handler.

        blockOnReconnect - true to block when reconnecting or false to reconnect asynchronously discarding any new messages coming in
      • isConnected

        public boolean isConnected()
        Returns the connected state of the TCP stream.

        The stream is said to be disconnected when an IOException occurs during a write. Otherwise a stream is considered connected.

        true if the stream is connected, otherwise false
      • getErrors

        public Collection<Exception> getErrors()
        Retrieves the errors occurred, if any, during a write or reconnect.
        a collection of errors or an empty list