Class SyslogHandler

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Flushable, AutoCloseable

    public class SyslogHandler
    extends ExtHandler
    A syslog handler for logging to syslogd.

    This handler can write to syslog servers that accept the RFC3164 and RFC5424 formats. Writes can be done via TCP, SSL over TCP or UDP protocols. You can also override the output stream if a custom protocol is needed.

    Configuration Properties:
    Property Description Type Default
    serverHostname The address of the syslog server String localhost
    port The port of the syslog server int 514
    facility The facility used to calculate the priority of the log message Facility USER_LEVEL
    appName The name of the application that is logging String java
    hostname The name of the host the messages are being sent from. See setHostname(String) for more details String null
    syslogType The type of the syslog used to format the message SyslogType RFC5424
    protocol The protocol to send the message over Protocol UDP
    delimiter The delimiter to use at the end of the message if useDelimiter is set to true String For UDP null - For TCP or SSL_TCP \n
    useDelimiter Whether or not the message should be appended with a delimiter boolean For UDP false - For TCP or SSL_TCP true
    useCountingFraming Prefixes the size of the message, mainly used for TCP or SSL_TCP, connections to the message being sent to the syslog server. See for more details on framing types. boolean false
    truncate Whether or not a message, including the header, should truncate the message if the length in bytes is greater than the maximum length. If set to false messages will be split and sent with the same header values. boolean true
    maxLength The maximum length a log message, including the header, is allowed to be. int For RFC3164 1024 (1k) - For RFC5424 2048 (2k)

    James R. Perkins
    • Constructor Detail

      • SyslogHandler

        public SyslogHandler()
                      throws IOException
        The default class constructor.
        IOException - if an error occurs creating the UDP socket
      • SyslogHandler

        public SyslogHandler​(String serverHostname,
                             int port)
                      throws IOException
        Creates a new syslog handler that sends the messages to the server represented by the serverHostname parameter on the port represented by the port parameter.
        serverHostname - the server to send the messages to
        port - the port the syslogd is listening on
        IOException - if an error occurs creating the UDP socket
      • SyslogHandler

        public SyslogHandler​(InetAddress serverAddress,
                             int port)
                      throws IOException
        Creates a new syslog handler that sends the messages to the server represented by the serverAddress parameter on the port represented by the port parameter.
        serverAddress - the server to send the messages to
        port - the port the syslogd is listening on
        IOException - if an error occurs creating the UDP socket
      • SyslogHandler

        public SyslogHandler​(String serverHostname,
                             int port,
                             SyslogHandler.Facility facility,
                             String hostname)
                      throws IOException
        Creates a new syslog handler that sends the messages to the server represented by the serverAddress parameter on the port represented by the port parameter.
        serverHostname - the server to send the messages to
        port - the port the syslogd is listening on
        facility - the facility to use when calculating priority
        hostname - the name of the host the messages are being sent from see setHostname(String) for details on the hostname
        IOException - if an error occurs creating the UDP socket
      • SyslogHandler

        public SyslogHandler​(InetAddress serverAddress,
                             int port,
                             SyslogHandler.Facility facility,
                             String hostname)
                      throws IOException
        Creates a new syslog handler that sends the messages to the server represented by the serverAddress parameter on the port represented by the port parameter.
        serverAddress - the server to send the messages to
        port - the port the syslogd is listening on
        facility - the facility to use when calculating priority
        hostname - the name of the host the messages are being sent from see setHostname(String) for details on the hostname
        IOException - if an error occurs creating the UDP socket
      • SyslogHandler

        public SyslogHandler​(String serverHostname,
                             int port,
                             SyslogHandler.Facility facility,
                             SyslogHandler.SyslogType syslogType,
                             String hostname)
                      throws IOException
        Creates a new syslog handler that sends the messages to the server represented by the serverAddress parameter on the port represented by the port parameter.
        serverHostname - the server to send the messages to
        port - the port the syslogd is listening on
        facility - the facility to use when calculating priority
        syslogType - the type of the syslog used to format the message
        hostname - the name of the host the messages are being sent from see setHostname(String) for details on the hostname
        IOException - if an error occurs creating the UDP socket
      • SyslogHandler

        public SyslogHandler​(InetAddress serverAddress,
                             int port,
                             SyslogHandler.Facility facility,
                             SyslogHandler.SyslogType syslogType,
                             String hostname)
                      throws IOException
        Creates a new syslog handler that sends the messages to the server represented by the serverAddress parameter on the port represented by the port parameter.
        serverAddress - the server to send the messages to
        port - the port the syslogd is listening on
        facility - the facility to use when calculating priority
        syslogType - the type of the syslog used to format the message
        hostname - the name of the host the messages are being sent from see setHostname(String) for details on the hostname
        IOException - if an error occurs creating the UDP socket
      • SyslogHandler

        public SyslogHandler​(String serverHostname,
                             int port,
                             SyslogHandler.Facility facility,
                             SyslogHandler.SyslogType syslogType,
                             SyslogHandler.Protocol protocol,
                             String hostname)
                      throws IOException
        Creates a new syslog handler that sends the messages to the server represented by the serverAddress parameter on the port represented by the port parameter.
        serverHostname - the server to send the messages to
        port - the port the syslogd is listening on
        facility - the facility to use when calculating priority
        syslogType - the type of the syslog used to format the message
        protocol - the socket type used to the connect to the syslog server
        hostname - the name of the host the messages are being sent from see setHostname(String) for details on the hostname
        IOException - if an error occurs creating the UDP socket
      • SyslogHandler

        public SyslogHandler​(InetAddress serverAddress,
                             int port,
                             SyslogHandler.Facility facility,
                             SyslogHandler.SyslogType syslogType,
                             SyslogHandler.Protocol protocol,
                             String hostname)
                      throws IOException
        Creates a new syslog handler that sends the messages to the server represented by the serverAddress parameter on the port represented by the port parameter.
        serverAddress - the server to send the messages to
        port - the port the syslogd is listening on
        facility - the facility to use when calculating priority
        syslogType - the type of the syslog used to format the message
        protocol - the socket type used to the connect to the syslog server
        hostname - the name of the host the messages are being sent from see setHostname(String) for details on the hostname
        IOException - if an error occurs creating the UDP socket
    • Method Detail

      • doPublish

        public final void doPublish​(ExtLogRecord record)
        Description copied from class: ExtHandler
        Do the actual work of publication; the record will have been filtered already. The default implementation does nothing except to flush if the autoFlush property is set to true; if this behavior is to be preserved in a subclass then this method should be called after the record is physically written.
        doPublish in class ExtHandler
        record - the log record to publish
      • getAppName

        public String getAppName()
        Gets app name used when formatting the message in RFC5424 format. By default the app name is "java".
        the app name being used
      • setAppName

        public void setAppName​(String appName)
        Sets app name used when formatting the message in RFC5424 format. By default the app name is "java". If set to null the ExtLogRecord.getProcessName() will be used.
        appName - the app name to use
        SecurityException - if a security manager exists and if the caller does not have LoggingPermission(control)
      • isBlockOnReconnect

        public boolean isBlockOnReconnect()
        Indicates whether or not a TCP or SSL TCP connection should block when attempting to reconnect.
        true if blocking is enabled, otherwise false
      • setBlockOnReconnect

        public void setBlockOnReconnect​(boolean blockOnReconnect)
        Enables or disables blocking when attempting to reconnect a TCP or SSL TCP protocol.

        If set to true the publish methods will block when attempting to reconnect. This is only advisable to be set to true if using an asynchronous handler.

        blockOnReconnect - true to block when reconnecting or false to reconnect asynchronously discarding any new messages coming in
      • setClientSocketFactory

        public void setClientSocketFactory​(ClientSocketFactory clientSocketFactory)
        Sets the client socket factory used to create sockets.
        clientSocketFactory - the client socket factory to use
      • isEscapeEnabled

        public boolean isEscapeEnabled()
        escaping message values is not required per RFC5424 and is no longer supported in this handler
        Checks whether or not characters below decimal 32, traditional US-ASCII control values expect DEL, are being escaped or not.
      • setEscapeEnabled

        public void setEscapeEnabled​(boolean escapeEnabled)
        escaping message values is not required per RFC5424 and is no longer supported in this handler
        Note: This method no longer does anything.

        Set to true to escape characters within the message string that are below decimal 32. These values are tradition US-ASCII control values. The values will be replaced in a #xxx format where xxx is the octal value of the character being replaced.

        escapeEnabled - true to escape characters, false to not escape characters
      • getPid

        public String getPid()
        Returns the pid being used as the PROCID for RFC5424 messages.
        the pid or null if the pid could not be determined
      • getPort

        public int getPort()
        Returns the port the syslogd is listening on.
        the port
      • setPort

        public void setPort​(int port)
        Sets the port the syslogd server is listening on.
        port - the port
        SecurityException - if a security manager exists and if the caller does not have LoggingPermission(control)
      • getFacility

        public SyslogHandler.Facility getFacility()
        Returns the facility used for calculating the priority of the message.
        the facility
      • setFacility

        public void setFacility​(SyslogHandler.Facility facility)
        Sets the facility used when calculating the priority of the message.
        facility - the facility
        SecurityException - if a security manager exists and if the caller does not have LoggingPermission(control)
      • getHostname

        public String getHostname()
        Returns the host name which is used when sending the message to the syslog.
        the host name
      • getMaxLength

        public int getMaxLength()
        Returns the maximum length, in bytes, of the message allowed to be sent. The length includes the header and the message.
        the maximum length, in bytes, of the message allowed to be sent
      • setMaxLength

        public void setMaxLength​(int maxLen)
        Sets the maximum length, in bytes, of the message allowed to tbe sent. Note that the message length includes the header and the message itself.
        maxLen - the maximum length, in bytes, allowed to be sent to the syslog server
      • getMessageDelimiter

        public String getMessageDelimiter()
        Returns the delimiter being used for the message if use message delimiter is set to true.
        the delimiter being used for the message
      • setMessageDelimiter

        public void setMessageDelimiter​(String delimiter)
        Sets the message delimiter to be used if use message delimiter is set to true.
        delimiter - the delimiter to use for the message
      • isUseMessageDelimiter

        public boolean isUseMessageDelimiter()
        Checks whether to append the message with a delimiter or not.
        true to append the message with a delimiter, otherwise false
      • setUseMessageDelimiter

        public void setUseMessageDelimiter​(boolean useDelimiter)
        Whether to append the message with a delimiter or not.
        useDelimiter - true to append the message with a delimiter, otherwise false
      • setHostname

        public void setHostname​(String hostname)
        Sets the host name which is used when sending the message to the syslog.

        This should be the name of the host sending the log messages, Note that the name cannot contain any whitespace.

        The hostname should be the most specific available value first. The order of preference for the contents of the hostname is as follows:

        1. FQDN
        2. Static IP address
        3. hostname
        4. Dynamic IP address
        5. null
        hostname - the host name
      • isUseCountingFraming

        public boolean isUseCountingFraming()
        Returns true if the message size should be prefixed to the message being sent.

        See for more details on framing types.

        the message transfer type
      • setUseCountingFraming

        public void setUseCountingFraming​(boolean useCountingFraming)
        Set to true if the message being sent should be prefixed with the size of the message.

        See for more details on framing types.

        useCountingFraming - true if the message being sent should be prefixed with the size of the message
        SecurityException - if a security manager exists and if the caller does not have LoggingPermission(control)
      • setServerHostname

        public void setServerHostname​(String hostname)
                               throws UnknownHostException
        Sets the server address the messages should be sent to.
        hostname - the hostname used to created the connection
        UnknownHostException - if no IP address for the host could be found, or if a scope_id was specified for a global IPv6 address.
        SecurityException - if a security manager exists and if the caller does not have LoggingPermission(control)
        See Also:
      • getServerAddress

        public InetAddress getServerAddress()
        Returns the server address the messages are being sent to.
        the server address
      • setServerAddress

        public void setServerAddress​(InetAddress serverAddress)
        Sets the server address the messages should be sent to.
        serverAddress - the server address
        SecurityException - if a security manager exists and if the caller does not have LoggingPermission(control)
      • setSyslogType

        public void setSyslogType​(SyslogHandler.SyslogType syslogType)
        Set the syslog type this handler should use to format the message sent.
        syslogType - the syslog type
        SecurityException - if a security manager exists and if the caller does not have LoggingPermission(control)
      • getProtocol

        public SyslogHandler.Protocol getProtocol()
        The protocol used to connect to the syslog server
        the protocol
      • setProtocol

        public void setProtocol​(SyslogHandler.Protocol type)
        Sets the protocol used to connect to the syslog server
        type - the protocol
      • setOutputStream

        public void setOutputStream​(OutputStream out)
        Sets the output stream for the syslog handler to write to.

        Setting the output stream closes any already established connections or open output streams and will not open any new connections until the output stream is set to null. The protocol, {@link #setServerAddress(InetAddress), server address}, server hostname or port have no effect when the output stream is set.

        out - the output stream to write to
      • isTruncate

        public boolean isTruncate()
        Checks if the message should truncated if the total length exceeds the maximum length.
        true if the message should be truncated if too large, otherwise false
      • setTruncate

        public void setTruncate​(boolean truncate)
        Set to true if the message should be truncated if the total length the maximum length.

        Set to false if the message should be split and sent as multiple messages. The header will remain the same for each message sent. The wrapping is not a word based wrap and could split words between log messages.

        truncate - true to truncate, otherwise false to send multiple messages