Package __redirected

Class __JAXPRedirected

  • public class __JAXPRedirected
    extends java.lang.Object
    Executes common operations against ALL JAXP redirection classes.
    Jason T. Greene
    • Constructor Detail

      • __JAXPRedirected

        public __JAXPRedirected()
    • Method Detail

      • changeAll

        public static void changeAll​(ModuleIdentifier id,
                                     ModuleLoader loader)
        Change all provided factories to the ones contained in the specified module using the standard META-INF/services lookup pattern.
        id - the id for the jaxp module
        loader - the loader containing the jaxp module
      • changeAll

        public static void changeAll​(java.lang.String name,
                                     ModuleLoader loader)
        Change all provided factories to the ones contained in the specified module using the standard META-INF/services lookup pattern.
        name - the name for the jaxp module
        loader - the loader containing the jaxp module
      • restorePlatformFactory

        public static void restorePlatformFactory()
        Restores all JAXP factories to the ones contained in the JDK system classpath.