Class NativeLibraryResourceLoader

    • Constructor Detail

      • NativeLibraryResourceLoader

        public NativeLibraryResourceLoader​( root)
        Construct a new instance.
        root - the filesystem root of the resource loader
    • Method Detail

      • getLibrary

        public java.lang.String getLibrary​(java.lang.String name)
        Get the absolute physical filesystem path for a library with the given name. The resultant path should be path-separated using "/" characters.
        Specified by:
        getLibrary in interface ResourceLoader
        getLibrary in class AbstractResourceLoader
        name - the name
        the path or null if the library is not present
      • getLocation

        public getLocation()
        Description copied from interface: ResourceLoader
        Get the base location of the resources in this loader (if any). If the location is not known, or the resource loader does not support locations, or the resource loader does not support this method, null is returned.
        the base location of the resources in this loader, or null if not available
      • getRoot

        public getRoot()
        Get the filesystem root of the resource loader.
        the filesystem root of the resource loader
      • getArchName

        public static java.lang.String getArchName()
        Get the detected architecture name for this platform.
        the architecture name