Interface TransactionLoggedHandler

  • All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface TransactionLoggedHandler
    Provides a call-back handler, invoked after the transaction manager logs the confirmation and compensation handlers.

    The handler is registered via the org.jboss.narayana.compensations.api.TxLogged annotation.

    The 'success' flag indicates whether the logging was successful. 'Success' indicates that the application will later be informed of the outcome of the transaction, via the confirmation and compensation handlers, even if the server crashes and recovery is required.

    Critical logic that most be done after transaction logging can be placed in this handler.

    [email protected] 21/03/2013
    • Method Detail

      • transactionLogged

        void transactionLogged​(boolean success)
        Notification that the transaction has been logged
        success - indicates whether the log was succesful or not.