Interface MultipartRelatedInput

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    public interface MultipartRelatedInput
    extends MultipartInput
    Represents a multipart/related (RFC2387) incoming mime message. A multipart/related message is used to hold a root or start part and other parts which are referenced from the root part. All parts have a unique id. The type and the id of the start part is presented in parameters in the message content-type header.
    $Revision: 1 $
    Attila Kiraly
    • Method Detail

      • getType

        String getType()
        The type parameter as it was read from the content-type header of the multipart/related message. A well formed multipart/related message always has this parameter. This is the type of the root part of the message. If a content-type header is presented in the root part as well it should hold the same value.
        the type parameter of the content-type header of the message, null if there was no such parameter
      • getStart

        String getStart()
        A start parameter is not mandatory in a message. If it is presented it holds the id of the root part.
        the start parameter of the content-type header of the message, null if there was no such parameter
      • getStartInfo

        String getStartInfo()
        the start-info parameter of the content-type header of the message, null if there was no such parameter
      • getRootPart

        InputPart getRootPart()
        the root part of the message. If a start parameter was set in the message header the part with that id is returned. If no start parameter was set the first part is returned.
      • getRelatedMap

        Map<String,​InputPart> getRelatedMap()
        a map holding all parts with their unique id-s as keys. The root part and the related parts too.