Class MultipartRelatedOutput

  • public class MultipartRelatedOutput
    extends MultipartOutput
    Represents a multipart/related (RFC2387) outgoing mime message. A multipart/related message is used to hold a root or start part and other parts which are referenced from the root part. All parts have a unique id. The type and the id of the start part is presented in parameters in the message content-type header. Usage is the same as with MultipartOutput: MultipartRelatedDataOutput mrdo = new MultipartRelatedDataOutput(); mrdo.addPart(...); The first added part will be used as root. The root parts content-type will be used as the type parameter of the content-type of the mime message. For parts without Content-ID header a unique id will be generated during serialization.
    $Revision: 1 $
    Attila Kiraly
    • Constructor Detail

      • MultipartRelatedOutput

        public MultipartRelatedOutput()
    • Method Detail

      • getRootPart

        public OutputPart getRootPart()
        The part that will be used as the root.
        the first in the list of added parts.
      • addPart

        public OutputPart addPart​(Object entity,
                                  String contentId,
                                  String contentTransferEncoding)
        Used to add parts to the multipart output message.
        entity - the object representing the part's body
        mediaType - the Content-Type of the part
        contentId - the Content-ID to be used as identification for the current part, optional, if null one will be generated
        contentTransferEncoding - The value to be used for the Content-Transfer-Encoding header field of the part. It's optional, if you don't want to set this pass null. Example values are: "7bit", "quoted-printable", "base64", "8bit", "binary"
      • getStartInfo

        public String getStartInfo()
        Returns the start-info parameter of the Content-Type. This is an optional parameter. As described in RFC2387: 3.3. The Start-Info Parameter Additional information can be provided to an application by the start-info parameter. It contains either a string or points, via a content-ID, to another MIME entity in the message. A typical use might be to provide additional command line parameters or a MIME entity giving auxiliary information for processing the compound object. Applications that use Multipart/Related must specify the interpretation of start-info. User Agents shall provide the parameter's value to the processing application. Processes can distinguish a start-info reference from a token or quoted-string by examining the first non-white-space character, ">" indicates a reference.
        the currently configured start-info
      • setStartInfo

        public void setStartInfo​(String startInfo)
        Sets the start-info parameter of the Content-Type. This is an optional parameter. As described in RFC2387: 3.3. The Start-Info Parameter Additional information can be provided to an application by the start-info parameter. It contains either a string or points, via a content-ID, to another MIME entity in the message. A typical use might be to provide additional command line parameters or a MIME entity giving auxiliary information for processing the compound object. Applications that use Multipart/Related must specify the interpretation of start-info. User Agents shall provide the parameter's value to the processing application. Processes can distinguish a start-info reference from a token or quoted-string by examining the first non-white-space character, ">" indicates a reference.
        startInfo - the value to be set