Class BeanArchives

  • public final class BeanArchives
    extends Object
    Martin Kouba
    • Method Detail

      • findBeanClassesDeployedInMultipleBeanArchives

        public static <B extends org.jboss.weld.bootstrap.spi.BeanDeploymentArchive> Multimap<String,​org.jboss.weld.bootstrap.spi.BeanDeploymentArchive> findBeanClassesDeployedInMultipleBeanArchives​(Set<B> beanArchives)
        beanArchives -
        a Multimap that maps problematic bean class to the set of bean archives where it is deployed
      • extractBeanArchiveId

        public static String extractBeanArchiveId​(String beanArchiveRef,
                                                  String base,
                                                  String separator)
        Takes the #getBeanArchiveRef() value and extracts the bean archive id.
        1. First, the windows file separators found in beanArchiveRef are converted to slashes
        2. base value is appended
        3. BEAN_ARCHIVE_ID_BASE_DELIMITER is appended
        4. If the beanArchiveRef contains the separator, the substring (beginning at the separator index) is appended
        5. Otherwise, the whole beanArchiveRef value is appended
        The id should be consistent between multiple occurrences of the deployment.
        beanArchiveRef -
        base -
        separator -
        the extracted bean archive id