Class Formats

  • public class Formats
    extends Object
    Utility class to produce friendly names e.g. for debugging
    Pete Muir, Nicklas Karlsson, Jozef Hartinger
    • Method Detail

      • formatAsStackTraceElement

        public static String formatAsStackTraceElement​(InjectionPoint ij)
        See also WELD-1454.
        ij -
        the formatted string
      • formatAsStackTraceElement

        public static String formatAsStackTraceElement​(Member member)
      • getLineNumber

        public static int getLineNumber​(Member member)
        Try to get the line number associated with the given member. The reflection API does not expose such an info and so we need to analyse the bytecode. Unfortunately, it seems there is no way to get this kind of information for fields. Moreover, the LineNumberTable attribute is just optional, i.e. the compiler is not required to store this information at all. See also Java Virtual Machine Specification Implementation note: it wouldn't be appropriate to add a bytecode scanning dependency just for this functionality, therefore Apache BCEL included in Oracle JDK 1.5+ and OpenJDK 1.6+ is used. Other JVMs should not crash as we only use it if it's on the classpath and by means of reflection calls.
        member -
        resourceLoader -
        the line number or 0 if it's not possible to find it
      • formatInjectionPointType

        public static String formatInjectionPointType​(Type type)
      • formatType

        public static String formatType​(Type baseType)
      • formatType

        public static String formatType​(Type baseType,
                                        boolean simpleNames)
      • formatTypes

        public static String formatTypes​(Iterable<? extends Type> baseTypes,
                                         boolean simpleNames)
      • formatBusinessInterfaceDescriptors

        public static String formatBusinessInterfaceDescriptors​(Iterable<? extends org.jboss.weld.ejb.spi.BusinessInterfaceDescriptor<?>> businessInterfaceDescriptors)
      • addSpaceIfNeeded

        public static String addSpaceIfNeeded​(String string)
      • formatModifiers

        public static String formatModifiers​(int modifiers)
      • formatActualTypeArguments

        public static String formatActualTypeArguments​(Type type)
      • formatActualTypeArguments

        public static String formatActualTypeArguments​(Type[] actualTypeArguments)
      • formatActualTypeArguments

        public static String formatActualTypeArguments​(Type[] actualTypeArguments,
                                                       boolean simpleNames)
      • formatAnnotations

        public static String formatAnnotations​(Annotation[] annotations)
        Gets a string representation from an array of annotations
        annotations - The annotations
        The string representation
      • version

        public static String version​(@Deprecated
                                     Package pkg)
        pkg - This param is completely ignored
        the formatted version
      • getSimpleVersion

        public static String getSimpleVersion()
        a simple version string, i.e. no formatting is applied
      • formatSimpleClassName

        public static String formatSimpleClassName​(Object object)
      • formatSimpleClassName

        public static String formatSimpleClassName​(Class<?> javaClass)