Interface RequestContext

  • All Superinterfaces:
    jakarta.enterprise.context.spi.AlterableContext, jakarta.enterprise.context.spi.Context, ManagedContext, WeldAlterableContext
    All Known Subinterfaces:
    BoundRequestContext, EjbRequestContext, HttpRequestContext

    public interface RequestContext
    extends ManagedContext

    The built in request context is associated with RequestScoped and is a managed context which can be activated, invalidated and deactivated.

    Weld comes with four implementation of the request context. The HttpRequestContext, in which conversations are bound to the ServletRequest, can be injected:

     @ Inject @ Http RequestContext requestContext;

    Alternatively the BoundRequestContext in which requests are bound a Map can be injected:

     @ Inject @ Bound RequestContext requestContext;

    Additionally, Weld provides an unbound request context (which is automatially bound to the thread) which can be injected:

     @ Inject @ Unbound RequestContext requestContext;

    Finally, Weld provides a request context which is bound to an InvocationContext and can be injected:

     @ Inject @ Ejb RequestContext requestContext;
    Pete Muir
    See Also:
    BoundRequestContext, HttpRequestContext, EjbRequestContext, RequestScoped