Class RequiredAnnotationDiscovery

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class RequiredAnnotationDiscovery
    extends Object
    implements org.jboss.weld.bootstrap.api.Service
    Wrapper over ReflectionCache capable of determining whether a given class has a given annotation or not, as defined by the CDI 1.1 specification (11.5.6).
    Jozef Hartinger
    • Constructor Detail

      • RequiredAnnotationDiscovery

        public RequiredAnnotationDiscovery​(ReflectionCache cache)
    • Method Detail

      • containsAnnotation

        public boolean containsAnnotation​(BackedAnnotatedType<?> annotatedType,
                                          Class<? extends Annotation> requiredAnnotation)

        Indicates whether the given class contains an annotation of the given annotation type.

        The set is referred to as M hereafter

        The given class is said to contain the given annotation if any of these applies:

        • The required annotation or an annotation annotated with the required annotation is present on the class
        • The required annotation or an annotation annotated with the required annotation, which is annotated with Inherited, is present on a direct or indirect superclass of the given class
        • The required annotation or an annotation annotated with the required annotation is present on a field or method declared by the given class or any direct or indirect superclass of the given class
        • The required annotation or an annotation annotated with the required annotation is present on a parameter of a method declared by the given class or any direct or indirect superclass of the given class
        • The annotation or an annotation annotated with the required annotation is present on a default method or a parameter of a default method declared by an interface directly or indirectly implemented by the given class
        • The required annotation or an annotation annotated with the required annotation is present on a constructor declared by the given class
        • The required annotation or an annotation annotated with the required annotation is present on a parameter of a constructor declared by the given class
        javaClass - the given class
        annotation - the given annotation type
      • cleanup

        public void cleanup()
        Specified by:
        cleanup in interface org.jboss.weld.bootstrap.api.Service