Class MethodSignatureImpl

    • Constructor Detail

      • MethodSignatureImpl

        public MethodSignatureImpl​(jakarta.enterprise.inject.spi.AnnotatedMethod<?> method)
      • MethodSignatureImpl

        public MethodSignatureImpl​(Method method)
      • MethodSignatureImpl

        public MethodSignatureImpl​(String methodName,
                                   String... parameterTypes)
    • Method Detail

      • of

        public static MethodSignature of​(jakarta.enterprise.inject.spi.AnnotatedMethod<?> method)
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Object
      • matches

        public boolean matches​(Method method)
        Description copied from interface: MethodSignature
        Determines whether this method signature matches the signature of the given method
        Specified by:
        matches in interface MethodSignature
        method - the given method
        true iff the method signature represented by this object matches the signature of the given method