Class DecoratorProxyMethodHandler

    • Constructor Detail

      • DecoratorProxyMethodHandler

        public DecoratorProxyMethodHandler​(org.jboss.weld.serialization.spi.helpers.SerializableContextualInstance<jakarta.enterprise.inject.spi.Decorator<Object>,​Object> decoratorInstance,
                                           Object delegateInstance)
    • Method Detail

      • doInvoke

        protected Object doInvoke​(Object self,
                                  Method method,
                                  Method proceed,
                                  Object[] args)
                           throws Throwable
        Specified by:
        doInvoke in class TargetInstanceProxyMethodHandler<Object>
        self - the proxy instance.
        method - the overridden method declared in the super class or interface.
        proceed - the forwarder method for invoking the overridden method. It is null if the overridden method is abstract or declared in the interface.
        args - an array of objects containing the values of the arguments passed in the method invocation on the proxy instance. If a parameter type is a primitive type, the type of the array element is a wrapper class.
        the resulting value of the method invocation.
        Throwable - if the method invocation fails.