Class GroovyMethodFilter

    • Constructor Detail

      • GroovyMethodFilter

        public GroovyMethodFilter()
    • Method Detail

      • isEnabled

        public boolean isEnabled()
        Description copied from interface: ProxiedMethodFilter
        Determines whether this filter is enabled. E.g. GroovyMethodFilter is only enabled in Groovy environment
        Specified by:
        isEnabled in interface ProxiedMethodFilter
        true if this method filter should be used
      • accept

        public boolean accept​(Method method,
                              Class<?> proxySuperclass)
        Description copied from interface: ProxiedMethodFilter
        Determines, whether the given method should be implemented by the proxy / subclass or not.
        Specified by:
        accept in interface ProxiedMethodFilter
        method - the given method
        proxySuperclass - the class the proxy extends directly
        true iff the method filter does not ban the given method from being implemented