Interface InterceptionModel

  • public interface InterceptionModel
    Describes the InterceptorClassMetadatas that apply to a particular entity.

    Implementors must implement equals() and hashcode() consistently

    Marius Bogoevici
    • Method Detail

      • getInterceptors

        List<InterceptorClassMetadata<?>> getInterceptors​(InterceptionType interceptionType,
                                                          Method method)
        Returns the interceptors applicable for the given interception type and method. For resolving AroundConstruct interceptors use #getConstructorInvocationInterceptors(java.lang.reflect.Constructor).
        interceptionType -
        method - - null if the interception type is lifecycle
        list of interceptors
        IllegalArgumentException - if interceptionType is business method or around timeout but method is null, as well as if interceptionType is callback and method is not null
      • getConstructorInvocationInterceptors

        List<InterceptorClassMetadata<?>> getConstructorInvocationInterceptors()
        Returns AroundConstruct interceptors applicable for the given constructor.
      • getAllInterceptors

        Set<InterceptorClassMetadata<?>> getAllInterceptors()
        Returns all interceptor classes that are applicable to the given intercepted entity
        all interceptors
      • hasExternalConstructorInterceptors

        boolean hasExternalConstructorInterceptors()
        Indicates whether the given entity has associated AroundConstruct interceptors.
      • hasExternalNonConstructorInterceptors

        boolean hasExternalNonConstructorInterceptors()
        Indicates whether the given entity has an associated interceptor of a kind other than AroundConstruct
      • hasTargetClassInterceptors

        boolean hasTargetClassInterceptors()
        Indicates whether the given entity has target class interceptor methods.
      • getTargetClassInterceptorMetadata

        TargetClassInterceptorMetadata getTargetClassInterceptorMetadata()
        Returns the interceptor metadata for the component class of this component.
        interceptor metadata for the component class
      • getClassInterceptorBindings

        Set<Annotation> getClassInterceptorBindings()
        class-level interceptor bindings
      • getMemberInterceptorBindings

        Set<Annotation> getMemberInterceptorBindings​(Member member)
        method -
        method/constructor interceptor bindings