Interface WeldJunitEnricher

  • public interface WeldJunitEnricher
    If no WeldInitiator field annotated with WeldSetup is present on a test class, all service providers of this interface are used to enrich the default test environment. The initial Weld instance is created using WeldInitiator.createWeld().

    A system property with key equal to FQCN of a customizer class may be used to disable an enricher completely. E.g. for a class org.weld.FooEnricher use -Dorg.weld.FooEnricher=false to disable the enricher.

    Martin Kouba
    • Method Detail

      • enrich

        void enrich​(Object testInstance,
                    org.junit.jupiter.api.extension.ExtensionContext context,
                    WeldInitiator.Builder weldInitiatorBuilder)
        Enrich the default test environment.

        Weld.initialize() and methods must never be invoked in an enricher!

        testInstance -
        context -
        weld -
        weldInitiatorBuilder -