Interface SessionObjectReference

  • All Superinterfaces:

    public interface SessionObjectReference
    extends Serializable
    A serializable reference to a session object in the EJB container
    Pete Muir
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      <S> S getBusinessObject​(Class<S> businessInterfaceType)
      Get the reference from the EJB container to the session object for the given business interface
      boolean isRemoved()
      Determine whether the session object has been removed.
      void remove()
      Request the EJB container remove the stateful session object
    • Method Detail

      • getBusinessObject

        <S> S getBusinessObject​(Class<S> businessInterfaceType)
        Get the reference from the EJB container to the session object for the given business interface
        Type Parameters:
        S - the type of the business interface
        businessInterfaceType - the type of the business interface
        a reference
        IllegalStateException - if the business interface is not a business interface of the session bean
        jakarta.ejb.NoSuchEJBException - if the session object has already been removed
      • remove

        void remove()
        Request the EJB container remove the stateful session object
        UnsupportedOperationException - if the reference is not backed by a stateful session object
        jakarta.ejb.NoSuchEJBException - if the session object has already been removed
      • isRemoved

        boolean isRemoved()
        Determine whether the session object has been removed. If the session object has yet to be referenced by getBusinessObject(Class) then this method should not return true.
        true if the session object has been removed