Class ForwardingEjbServices

    • Constructor Detail

      • ForwardingEjbServices

        public ForwardingEjbServices()
    • Method Detail

      • resolveEjb

        public SessionObjectReference resolveEjb​(EjbDescriptor<?> ejbDescriptor)
        Description copied from interface: EjbServices
        Request a reference to an EJB session object from the container. If the EJB being resolved is a stateful session bean, the container should ensure the session bean is created before this method returns.
        Specified by:
        resolveEjb in interface EjbServices
        ejbDescriptor - the ejb to resolve
        a reference to the session object
      • registerInterceptors

        public void registerInterceptors​(EjbDescriptor<?> ejbDescriptor,
                                         InterceptorBindings interceptorBindings)
        Description copied from interface: EjbServices
        Provides interceptor binding metadata to the container. This method should be called before any EJB object is created.
        Specified by:
        registerInterceptors in interface EjbServices
        ejbDescriptor - the ejb to bound interceptors to
        interceptorBindings - the interceptor bindings descriptor
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Object