

package scala

Provides classes for dealing with the management model of a WildFly, JBoss or EAP instance.

Getting started

Please make sure to import the following packages in order to bring the necessary implicit conversions into scope and to save you some keystrokes.

import org.jboss.dmr.scala._
import org.jboss.dmr.scala.ModelNode

Creating model nodes

The main class to use is org.jboss.dmr.scala.ModelNode. Its companion object acts as a factory for creating new model node instances.

// creates an empty model node
val node = ModelNode()

// creates a new model node holding a simple value
val node = ModelNode(42)

// creates a new model node with structure
val node = ModelNode(
"flag" -> true,
"hello" -> "world",
"answer" -> 42,
"child" -> ModelNode(
"inner-a" -> 123,
"inner-b" -> "test",
"deep-inside" -> ModelNode("foo" -> "bar"),
"deep-list" -> List(
ModelNode("one" -> 1),
ModelNode("two" -> 2),
ModelNode("three" -> 3)

Addressing and operations

You can use a DSL like API to set the address and operation for a model node. To describe the "read-resource" operation on "/subsystem=datasources/data-source=ExampleDS" use the following code:

ModelNode() at ("subsystem" -> "datasources") / ("data-source" -> "ExampleDS") op 'read_resource(
'include_runtime -> false,
'recursive_depth -> 2

Addresses can be written down as (String, String) tuples separated by "/". Operations are specified using scala.Symbols and an optional list of parameters. Each parameter is made up of another scala.Symbol and a value. Using symbols makes the DSL both more readable and extentable.

However there's one drawback in using symbols: they cannot contain characters like "-". 'read-resource is therefore an illegal symbol. As most DMR operations and many parameters do contain "-", this library will replace all underscores in a symbol with dashes:

ModelNode() op 'read_resource('include_runtime -> true)
// is exactly the same as
ModelNode() op Symbol("read-resource")(Symbol("include-runtime") -> true)

Here are some more examples using addresses and operations:

// root is a constant for an empty address
ModelNode() at root op 'read_resource
ModelNode() at ("subsystem" -> "datasources") / ("data-source" -> "ExampleDS") op 'disable

// parameters are specified as pairs (Symbol -> Any)
ModelNode() at ("core-service" -> "platform-mbean") / ("type" -> "runtime") op 'read_resource(
  'attributes_only -> true,
  'include_runtime -> false,
  'recursive_depth -> 3,
  'custom_parameter -> "custom-value"

// unsupported parameter types will throw an IllegalArgumentException
ModelNode() at root op 'read_resource('proxies -> Console.out)

Reading Nodes

Reading values from a model node follows the sementics of a Map[String, ModelNode], but instead of a string you provide a org.jboss.dmr.scala.Path as key. Thanks to an implicit conversion expression like "a" / "b" / "c" are automatically converted to a path.

val node = ModelNode(
"flag" -> true,
"hello" -> "world",
"answer" -> 42,
"level0" -> ModelNode(
"level1" -> ModelNode(
"level2" -> ModelNode(
"level3" -> ModelNode(
"level4" -> ModelNode("foo" -> "bar")

val flag = node("flag")
val boom = node("gag") // throws a NoSuchelementException
val hello = node.get("hello") // returns an Option[ModelNode]
val x = node.getOrElse("nope", ModelNode("y"))
val check = node.contains("level0" / "level1" / "level2" / "level3")
val level3 = node("level0" / "level1" / "level2" / "level3")
val level2 = for {
l0 <- node.get("level0")
l1 <- l0.get("level1")
l2 <- l1.get("level2")
} yield l2

Since the result of node.get("a" / "b" / "c") is Option[ModelNode], reading nested model nodes is safe even if some children in the path do not exist. In this case None wil be returned:

val nope = node.get("level0", "oops", "level2", "level3")

Reading Values

You can use the folowing methods to read values from model nodes:

These methods return Option instances of the relevant type. This is because not all methods make sense on all kind of model nodes:

val node = ModelNode(
"flag" -> true,
"child" -> ModelNode(
"size" -> 0

val nonsense = node("child").asDouble


Simple values can be set using node("foo") = "bar". If "foo" doesn't exist it will be created and updated otherwise. As an alternative you can use the += operator, which comes in handy if you want to add multiple key / value pairs:

val node = ModelNode()

node("foo") = "bar"
node += ("foo" -> "bar")

node += (
"flag" -> true,
"hello" -> "world",
"answer" -> 42,
"child" -> ModelNode(
"inner-a" -> 123,
"inner-b" -> "test",
"deep-inside" -> ModelNode("foo" -> "bar"),
"deep-list" -> List(
ModelNode("one" -> 1),
ModelNode("two" -> 2),
ModelNode("three" -> 3)

Reading and writing can also be combined in one call:

node("child" / "deep-inside") += ("foo" -> "xyz")

Colection Operations

Since org.jboss.dmr.scala.ModelNode mixes in ( S t r i n g, M o d e l N o d e )] you can use all those nifty collection methods like foreach, map or filter

val node = ModelNode(
"flag" -> true,
"hello" -> "world",
"answer" -> 42

// turn all keys to upper case
val shout = => kv._1.toUpperCase -> kv._2)

// filter nodes
val aa = node.filter(_._1 contains "a")
val n42 = node.filter(_._2 == ModelNode(42))

// combine nodes
val node2 = node ++ ModelNode("abc" -> 1)


A composite operation is setup using the ModelNode.composite(n: ModelNode, xn: ModelNode*) factory method:

  ModelNode.empty at ("core-service" -> "management") / ("access" -> "authorization") op 'read_resource(
    'recursive_depth -> 2),
  ModelNode.empty at ("core-service" -> "management") / ("access" -> "authorization") op 'read_children_names(
    'name -> "role-mapping"),
  ModelNode.empty at ("subsystem" -> "mail") / ("mail-session" -> "*") op 'read_resource_description,
  ModelNode.empty at ("subsystem" -> "datasources") / ("data-source" -> "ExampleDS") op 'disable ,
  ModelNode.empty at ("core-service" -> "platform-mbean") / ("type" -> "runtime") op 'read_attribute(
    'name -> "start-time")

==Implicit Conversions==
This package contains the following implicit conversions which are used to support a DSL like API:

 -  `(String, String)` to [[org.jboss.dmr.scala.Address]]

 -  [[scala.Symbol]] to [[org.jboss.dmr.scala.Operation]]

 -  String to [[org.jboss.dmr.scala.Path]]
Linear Supertypes
AnyRef, Any
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By inheritance
  1. scala
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show all
Learn more about member selection
  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. case class Address(tuple: List[(String, String)]) extends Product with Serializable

    Helper class for holding the address tuple for a model node

  2. class ComplexModelNode extends ModelNode

    Implementation for complex model nodes.

  3. abstract class ModelNode extends Traversable[NodeTuple] with TraversableLike[NodeTuple, ModelNode] with ValueConversions

    A Scala wrapper around a org.jboss.dmr.ModelNode providing methods to interact with model nodes in a more natural way.

    A Scala wrapper around a org.jboss.dmr.ModelNode providing methods to interact with model nodes in a more natural way.

    This class uses some of the semantics and methods of scala.collection.Map while mixing in scala.collection.TraversableLike which turns a model node into a collection of String, M o d e l N o d e ) tuple.

  4. class Operation extends AnyRef

    An operation for a model node containing optional parameters.

    An operation for a model node containing optional parameters. The name of the operation and its parameters are specified as scala.Symbols. Please use the shortcut 'foo to create a symbol named "foo".

    However when creating a symbol in such a way the symbol must not contain "-". As most DMR operations and many parameters do contain "-", all "_" in a symbol will be replaced with "-":

    val readResourceOp = new Operation('read_resource)('include_runtime -> true)
    // is exactly the same as
    val readResourceOp = new Operation(Symbol("read-resource"))(Symbol("include-runtime") -> true)
  5. case class Path(elements: List[String]) extends Product with Serializable

    Helper class to read (nested) keys from a model node using a path like syntax

  6. trait ValueConversions extends AnyRef

    Provides methods to convert a model node to a simple value

  7. class ValueModelNode extends ModelNode

    Implementation for value model nodes.

    Implementation for value model nodes. Contains empty implementations for a t and o p.

Value Members

  1. object ModelNode

    Factory for org.jboss.dmr.scala.ModelNode

  2. object Operation

    Holds a type alias for the parameters

  3. val root: Address

    An empty address

  4. implicit def stringToPath(element: String): Path

  5. implicit def symbolToOperation(name: Symbol): Operation

  6. implicit def tupleToAddress(tuple: (String, String)): Address

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
