Interface EJBClientInterceptor

  • All Known Implementing Classes:
    AuthenticationContextEJBClientInterceptor, DiscoveryEJBClientInterceptor, NamingEJBClientInterceptor, RemotingEJBClientInterceptor, TransactionInterceptor, TransactionPostDiscoveryInterceptor

    public interface EJBClientInterceptor
    An Enterprise Bean client interceptor, possibly protocol-specific. Client interceptors should not store any state locally since they are shared between all threads.

    Interceptors are generally applied in priority order. Priority is determined by configuration or by the presence of an ClientInterceptorPriority annotation on the interceptor class. If priorities are equal, then the following configuration order applies:

    • Annotation-declared method-level interceptors
    • Annotation-declared class-level interceptors
    • Method-level configuration-declared interceptors
    • Class-level configuration-declared interceptors
    • Global configuration-declared interceptors
    • Interceptors found from class path
    • Globally installed default interceptors
    Interceptors in the same configuration source are called in the order they were declared.
    David M. Lloyd
    • Method Detail

      • handleSessionCreation

        default SessionID handleSessionCreation​(EJBSessionCreationInvocationContext context)
                                         throws Exception
        Optionally handle a session creation invocation. Explicit session creation is always a blocking operation. The default operation forwards to the next interceptor in the chain.
        context - the session creation invocation context (not null)
        the stateful Enterprise Beans locator (must not be null)
        Exception - if an invocation error occurred