Class MilestoneNode

    • Constructor Detail

      • MilestoneNode

        public MilestoneNode()
    • Method Detail

      • addConstraint

        public void addConstraint​(ConnectionRef connection,
                                  Constraint constraint)
        Description copied from interface: Constrainable
        Adds the given constraint. In cases where the constraint is associated with a specific connection, this connection will be identified using a ConnectionRef. In other cases the ConnectionRef will be null and can be ignored.
        Specified by:
        addConstraint in interface Constrainable
        addConstraint in class NodeImpl
      • setConstraint

        public void setConstraint​(String constraint)
      • getConstraint

        public String getConstraint()
      • getMatchVariable

        public String getMatchVariable()
      • setMatchVariable

        public void setMatchVariable​(String matchVariable)