Class IterableLike


public class IterableLike extends Object
Implements Iterator methods for unidentified arrays and Iterable things that do not have a more specific type than Object. Note that its elements will be returned as Object, primitives included (will be autoboxed).
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    static Optional<Type>
    elementTypeOf​(Object iterable)
    Given an iterable-like object, try to determine its static (i.e, without looking at contents) element type.
    static Optional<Type>
    Given an iterable-like type, try to determine its static (i.e, without looking at contents) element type.
    static boolean
    isIterable​(Object maybeIterable)
    iterable​(Object iterable)
    Given an iterable object (which may be a iterator, iterable, primitive or reference array), return an iterable over its (possibly boxed) elements.
    of​(Object iterable)
    Given an iterable object (which may be a iterator, iterable, primitive or reference array), return an iterator over its (possibly boxed) elements.
    static Stream<Object>
    stream​(Object iterable)
    Given an iterable object (which may be a iterator, iterable, primitive or reference array), return a Stream over its (possibly boxed) elements.
    static List<Object>
    toList​(Object iterable)
    Collect an iterable-like into a newly allocated ArrayList.

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
  • Method Details

    • isIterable

      public static boolean isIterable(Object maybeIterable)
      maybeIterable - the object that might be iterable
      whether IterableLike can iterate over the given object
    • of

      public static Iterator<Object> of(Object iterable)
      Given an iterable object (which may be a iterator, iterable, primitive or reference array), return an iterator over its (possibly boxed) elements.
      iterable - the iterable-like
      an iterator of the given array's elements
    • elementTypeOf

      public static Optional<Type> elementTypeOf(Object iterable)
      Given an iterable-like object, try to determine its static (i.e, without looking at contents) element type.
    • elementTypeOf

      public static Optional<Type> elementTypeOf(Type type)
      Given an iterable-like type, try to determine its static (i.e, without looking at contents) element type.
    • stream

      public static Stream<Object> stream(Object iterable)
      Given an iterable object (which may be a iterator, iterable, primitive or reference array), return a Stream over its (possibly boxed) elements.
      a stream of the given array's elements
    • iterable

      public static Iterable<Object> iterable(Object iterable)
      Given an iterable object (which may be a iterator, iterable, primitive or reference array), return an iterable over its (possibly boxed) elements.
      iterable - the iterable-like to create a real Iterable for
      the created Iterable
    • toList

      public static List<Object> toList(Object iterable)
      Collect an iterable-like into a newly allocated ArrayList.
      iterable - the iterable-like to collect
      a new list with the elements