Interface SqlObject

All Known Subinterfaces:

public interface SqlObject
SqlObject base interface. All synthesized implementations implement this interface, even if the declaration doesn't extend SqlObject. Custom mixins may be written as subinterfaces of this class with default methods.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    default <X extends Exception>
    A convenience function which manages the lifecycle of the handle associated to this sql object, and yields it to a consumer for use by clients.
    <R, X extends Exception>
    withHandle(HandleCallback<R,X> callback)
    A convenience function which manages the lifecycle of the handle associated to this sql object, and yields it to a callback for use by clients.
  • Method Details

    • getHandle

      Handle getHandle()
      the handle open in the current sql object context.
    • withHandle

      <R, X extends Exception> R withHandle(HandleCallback<R,X> callback) throws X
      A convenience function which manages the lifecycle of the handle associated to this sql object, and yields it to a callback for use by clients.
      Type Parameters:
      R - type returned by the callback
      X - exception type thrown by the callback, if any.
      callback - A callback which will receive the handle associated to this sql object
      the value returned by callback
      X - any exception thrown by the callback
    • useHandle

      default <X extends Exception> void useHandle(HandleConsumer<X> consumer) throws X
      A convenience function which manages the lifecycle of the handle associated to this sql object, and yields it to a consumer for use by clients.
      Type Parameters:
      X - exception type thrown by the callback, if any.
      consumer - A consumer which will receive the handle associated to this sql object
      X - any exception thrown by the callback