Package-level declarations


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data class SubscriptionType<MESSAGE>(val messageType: KClass<MESSAGE>, val createStartMessage: (<Error class: unknown class>) -> <Error class: unknown class>, val createStopMessage: () -> <Error class: unknown class>)

Information about a subscription. Contains the incoming message type and the outgoing messages types used to start and stop the subscription.


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val SUBSCRIPTION_TYPES: Set<SubscriptionType<out <Error class: unknown class>>>

All socket message types that require a subscription. Each type contains the message type and start/stop message constructors. If a message type does not exist in this set it does not need a start/stop message.

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val KClass<out <Error class: unknown class>>.subscriptionType: SubscriptionType<out <Error class: unknown class>>?

Find the subscription type for a given IncomingSocketMessage. Used for automatic subscription handling in the WebSocket API.