Package-level declarations


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data class AccessSchedule(val id: Int, val userId: UUID, val dayOfWeek: DynamicDayOfWeek, val startHour: Double, val endHour: Double)

An entity representing a user's access schedule.

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data class ActivityLogEntry(val id: Long, val name: String, val overview: String? = null, val shortOverview: String? = null, val type: String, val itemId: String? = null, val date: DateTime, val userId: UUID, val userPrimaryImageTag: String? = null, val severity: LogLevel)

An activity log entry.

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data class ActivityLogEntryQueryResult(val items: List<ActivityLogEntry>? = null, val totalRecordCount: Int, val startIndex: Int)
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data class AddVirtualFolderDto(val libraryOptions: LibraryOptions? = null)

Add virtual folder dto.

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data class AdminNotificationDto(val name: String? = null, val description: String? = null, val notificationLevel: NotificationLevel? = null, val url: String? = null)

The admin notification dto.

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data class AlbumInfo(val name: String? = null, val originalTitle: String? = null, val path: String? = null, val metadataLanguage: String? = null, val metadataCountryCode: String? = null, val providerIds: Map<String, String?>? = null, val year: Int? = null, val indexNumber: Int? = null, val parentIndexNumber: Int? = null, val premiereDate: DateTime? = null, val isAutomated: Boolean, val albumArtists: List<String>, val artistProviderIds: Map<String, String?>, val songInfos: List<SongInfo>)
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data class AlbumInfoRemoteSearchQuery(val searchInfo: AlbumInfo? = null, val itemId: UUID, val searchProviderName: String? = null, val includeDisabledProviders: Boolean)
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data class AllThemeMediaResult(val themeVideosResult: ThemeMediaResult? = null, val themeSongsResult: ThemeMediaResult? = null, val soundtrackSongsResult: ThemeMediaResult? = null)
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enum Architecture : Enum<Architecture>
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data class ArtistInfo(val name: String? = null, val originalTitle: String? = null, val path: String? = null, val metadataLanguage: String? = null, val metadataCountryCode: String? = null, val providerIds: Map<String, String?>? = null, val year: Int? = null, val indexNumber: Int? = null, val parentIndexNumber: Int? = null, val premiereDate: DateTime? = null, val isAutomated: Boolean, val songInfos: List<SongInfo>)
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data class ArtistInfoRemoteSearchQuery(val searchInfo: ArtistInfo? = null, val itemId: UUID, val searchProviderName: String? = null, val includeDisabledProviders: Boolean)
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data class AuthenticateUserByName(val username: String? = null, val pw: String? = null, val password: String? = null)

The authenticate user by name request body.

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data class AuthenticationInfo(val id: Long, val accessToken: String? = null, val deviceId: String? = null, val appName: String? = null, val appVersion: String? = null, val deviceName: String? = null, val userId: UUID, val isActive: Boolean, val dateCreated: DateTime, val dateRevoked: DateTime? = null, val dateLastActivity: DateTime, val userName: String? = null)
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data class AuthenticationInfoQueryResult(val items: List<AuthenticationInfo>? = null, val totalRecordCount: Int, val startIndex: Int)
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data class AuthenticationResult(val user: UserDto? = null, val sessionInfo: SessionInfo? = null, val accessToken: String? = null, val serverId: String? = null)
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data class BaseItem(val size: Long? = null, val container: String? = null, val isHd: Boolean, val isShortcut: Boolean, val shortcutPath: String? = null, val width: Int, val height: Int, val extraIds: List<UUID>? = null, val dateLastSaved: DateTime, val remoteTrailers: List<MediaUrl>? = null, val supportsExternalTransfer: Boolean)

Class BaseItem.

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data class BaseItemDto(val name: String? = null, val originalTitle: String? = null, val serverId: String? = null, val id: UUID, val etag: String? = null, val sourceType: String? = null, val playlistItemId: String? = null, val dateCreated: DateTime? = null, val dateLastMediaAdded: DateTime? = null, val extraType: String? = null, val airsBeforeSeasonNumber: Int? = null, val airsAfterSeasonNumber: Int? = null, val airsBeforeEpisodeNumber: Int? = null, val canDelete: Boolean? = null, val canDownload: Boolean? = null, val hasSubtitles: Boolean? = null, val preferredMetadataLanguage: String? = null, val preferredMetadataCountryCode: String? = null, val supportsSync: Boolean? = null, val container: String? = null, val sortName: String? = null, val forcedSortName: String? = null, val video3dFormat: Video3dFormat? = null, val premiereDate: DateTime? = null, val externalUrls: List<ExternalUrl>? = null, val mediaSources: List<MediaSourceInfo>? = null, val criticRating: Float? = null, val productionLocations: List<String>? = null, val path: String? = null, val enableMediaSourceDisplay: Boolean? = null, val officialRating: String? = null, val customRating: String? = null, val channelId: UUID? = null, val channelName: String? = null, val overview: String? = null, val taglines: List<String>? = null, val genres: List<String>? = null, val communityRating: Float? = null, val cumulativeRunTimeTicks: Long? = null, val runTimeTicks: Long? = null, val playAccess: PlayAccess? = null, val aspectRatio: String? = null, val productionYear: Int? = null, val isPlaceHolder: Boolean? = null, val number: String? = null, val channelNumber: String? = null, val indexNumber: Int? = null, val indexNumberEnd: Int? = null, val parentIndexNumber: Int? = null, val remoteTrailers: List<MediaUrl>? = null, val providerIds: Map<String, String?>? = null, val isHd: Boolean? = null, val isFolder: Boolean? = null, val parentId: UUID? = null, val type: BaseItemKind, val people: List<BaseItemPerson>? = null, val studios: List<NameGuidPair>? = null, val genreItems: List<NameGuidPair>? = null, val parentLogoItemId: UUID? = null, val parentBackdropItemId: UUID? = null, val parentBackdropImageTags: List<String>? = null, val localTrailerCount: Int? = null, val userData: UserItemDataDto? = null, val recursiveItemCount: Int? = null, val childCount: Int? = null, val seriesName: String? = null, val seriesId: UUID? = null, val seasonId: UUID? = null, val specialFeatureCount: Int? = null, val displayPreferencesId: String? = null, val status: String? = null, val airTime: String? = null, val airDays: List<DayOfWeek>? = null, val tags: List<String>? = null, val primaryImageAspectRatio: Double? = null, val artists: List<String>? = null, val artistItems: List<NameGuidPair>? = null, val album: String? = null, val collectionType: String? = null, val displayOrder: String? = null, val albumId: UUID? = null, val albumPrimaryImageTag: String? = null, val seriesPrimaryImageTag: String? = null, val albumArtist: String? = null, val albumArtists: List<NameGuidPair>? = null, val seasonName: String? = null, val mediaStreams: List<MediaStream>? = null, val videoType: VideoType? = null, val partCount: Int? = null, val mediaSourceCount: Int? = null, val imageTags: Map<ImageType, String>? = null, val backdropImageTags: List<String>? = null, val screenshotImageTags: List<String>? = null, val parentLogoImageTag: String? = null, val parentArtItemId: UUID? = null, val parentArtImageTag: String? = null, val seriesThumbImageTag: String? = null, val imageBlurHashes: Map<ImageType, Map<String, String>>? = null, val seriesStudio: String? = null, val parentThumbItemId: UUID? = null, val parentThumbImageTag: String? = null, val parentPrimaryImageItemId: String? = null, val parentPrimaryImageTag: String? = null, val chapters: List<ChapterInfo>? = null, val locationType: LocationType? = null, val isoType: IsoType? = null, val mediaType: String? = null, val endDate: DateTime? = null, val lockedFields: List<MetadataField>? = null, val trailerCount: Int? = null, val movieCount: Int? = null, val seriesCount: Int? = null, val programCount: Int? = null, val episodeCount: Int? = null, val songCount: Int? = null, val albumCount: Int? = null, val artistCount: Int? = null, val musicVideoCount: Int? = null, val lockData: Boolean? = null, val width: Int? = null, val height: Int? = null, val cameraMake: String? = null, val cameraModel: String? = null, val software: String? = null, val exposureTime: Double? = null, val focalLength: Double? = null, val imageOrientation: ImageOrientation? = null, val aperture: Double? = null, val shutterSpeed: Double? = null, val latitude: Double? = null, val longitude: Double? = null, val altitude: Double? = null, val isoSpeedRating: Int? = null, val seriesTimerId: String? = null, val programId: String? = null, val channelPrimaryImageTag: String? = null, val startDate: DateTime? = null, val completionPercentage: Double? = null, val isRepeat: Boolean? = null, val episodeTitle: String? = null, val channelType: ChannelType? = null, val audio: ProgramAudio? = null, val isMovie: Boolean? = null, val isSports: Boolean? = null, val isSeries: Boolean? = null, val isLive: Boolean? = null, val isNews: Boolean? = null, val isKids: Boolean? = null, val isPremiere: Boolean? = null, val timerId: String? = null, val currentProgram: BaseItemDto? = null)

This is strictly used as a data transfer object from the api layer. This holds information about a BaseItem in a format that is convenient for the client.

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data class BaseItemDtoQueryResult(val items: List<BaseItemDto>? = null, val totalRecordCount: Int, val startIndex: Int)
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enum BaseItemKind : Enum<BaseItemKind>

The base item kind.

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data class BaseItemPerson(val name: String? = null, val id: UUID, val role: String? = null, val type: String? = null, val primaryImageTag: String? = null, val imageBlurHashes: Map<ImageType, Map<String, String>>? = null)

This is used by the api to get information about a Person within a BaseItem.

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class BasePluginConfiguration

Class BasePluginConfiguration.

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data class BookInfo(val name: String? = null, val originalTitle: String? = null, val path: String? = null, val metadataLanguage: String? = null, val metadataCountryCode: String? = null, val providerIds: Map<String, String?>? = null, val year: Int? = null, val indexNumber: Int? = null, val parentIndexNumber: Int? = null, val premiereDate: DateTime? = null, val isAutomated: Boolean, val seriesName: String? = null)
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data class BookInfoRemoteSearchQuery(val searchInfo: BookInfo? = null, val itemId: UUID, val searchProviderName: String? = null, val includeDisabledProviders: Boolean)
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data class BoxSetInfo(val name: String? = null, val originalTitle: String? = null, val path: String? = null, val metadataLanguage: String? = null, val metadataCountryCode: String? = null, val providerIds: Map<String, String?>? = null, val year: Int? = null, val indexNumber: Int? = null, val parentIndexNumber: Int? = null, val premiereDate: DateTime? = null, val isAutomated: Boolean)
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data class BoxSetInfoRemoteSearchQuery(val searchInfo: BoxSetInfo? = null, val itemId: UUID, val searchProviderName: String? = null, val includeDisabledProviders: Boolean)
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data class BrandingOptions(val loginDisclaimer: String? = null, val customCss: String? = null, val splashscreenEnabled: Boolean)

The branding options.

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data class BufferRequestDto(val when: DateTime, val positionTicks: Long, val isPlaying: Boolean, val playlistItemId: UUID)

Class BufferRequestDto.

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data class ChannelFeatures(val name: String, val id: UUID, val canSearch: Boolean, val mediaTypes: List<ChannelMediaType>, val contentTypes: List<ChannelMediaContentType>, val maxPageSize: Int? = null, val autoRefreshLevels: Int? = null, val defaultSortFields: List<ChannelItemSortField>, val supportsSortOrderToggle: Boolean, val supportsLatestMedia: Boolean, val canFilter: Boolean, val supportsContentDownloading: Boolean)
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data class ChannelMappingOptionsDto(val tunerChannels: List<TunerChannelMapping>, val providerChannels: List<NameIdPair>, val mappings: List<NameValuePair>, val providerName: String? = null)

Channel mapping options dto.

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enum ChannelMediaType : Enum<ChannelMediaType>
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enum ChannelType : Enum<ChannelType>

Enum ChannelType.

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data class ChapterInfo(val startPositionTicks: Long, val name: String? = null, val imagePath: String? = null, val imageDateModified: DateTime, val imageTag: String? = null)

Class ChapterInfo.

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data class ClientCapabilities(val playableMediaTypes: List<String>? = null, val supportedCommands: List<GeneralCommandType>? = null, val supportsMediaControl: Boolean, val supportsContentUploading: Boolean, val messageCallbackUrl: String? = null, val supportsPersistentIdentifier: Boolean, val supportsSync: Boolean, val deviceProfile: DeviceProfile? = null, val appStoreUrl: String? = null, val iconUrl: String? = null)
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data class ClientCapabilitiesDto(val playableMediaTypes: List<String>, val supportedCommands: List<GeneralCommandType>, val supportsMediaControl: Boolean, val supportsContentUploading: Boolean, val messageCallbackUrl: String? = null, val supportsPersistentIdentifier: Boolean, val supportsSync: Boolean, val deviceProfile: DeviceProfile? = null, val appStoreUrl: String? = null, val iconUrl: String? = null)

Client capabilities dto.

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data class ClientLogDocumentResponseDto(val fileName: String)

Client log document response dto.

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data class CodecProfile(val type: CodecType, val conditions: List<ProfileCondition>? = null, val applyConditions: List<ProfileCondition>? = null, val codec: String? = null, val container: String? = null)
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enum CodecType : Enum<CodecType>
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data class CollectionCreationResult(val id: UUID)
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data class ConfigImageTypes(val backdropSizes: List<String>? = null, val baseUrl: String? = null, val logoSizes: List<String>? = null, val posterSizes: List<String>? = null, val profileSizes: List<String>? = null, val secureBaseUrl: String? = null, val stillSizes: List<String>? = null)
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data class ConfigurationPageInfo(val name: String, val enableInMainMenu: Boolean, val menuSection: String? = null, val menuIcon: String? = null, val displayName: String? = null, val pluginId: UUID? = null)

The configuration page info.

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data class ContainerProfile(val type: DlnaProfileType, val conditions: List<ProfileCondition>? = null, val container: String)
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data class ControlResponse(val headers: Map<String, String>, val xml: String, val isSuccessful: Boolean)
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data class CountryInfo(val name: String? = null, val displayName: String? = null, val twoLetterIsoRegionName: String? = null, val threeLetterIsoRegionName: String? = null)

Class CountryInfo.

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data class CreatePlaylistDto(val name: String? = null, val ids: List<UUID>, val userId: UUID? = null, val mediaType: String? = null)

Create new playlist dto.

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data class CreateUserByName(val name: String? = null, val password: String? = null)

The create user by name request body.

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data class CultureDto(val name: String, val displayName: String, val twoLetterIsoLanguageName: String, val threeLetterIsoLanguageName: String? = null, val threeLetterIsoLanguageNames: List<String>)

Class CultureDto.

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enum DayOfWeek : Enum<DayOfWeek>
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enum DayPattern : Enum<DayPattern>
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data class DefaultDirectoryBrowserInfoDto(val path: String? = null)

Default directory browser info.

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data class DeviceIdentification(val friendlyName: String, val modelNumber: String, val serialNumber: String, val modelName: String, val modelDescription: String, val modelUrl: String, val manufacturer: String, val manufacturerUrl: String, val headers: List<HttpHeaderInfo>)
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data class DeviceInfo(val name: String? = null, val accessToken: String? = null, val id: String? = null, val lastUserName: String? = null, val appName: String? = null, val appVersion: String? = null, val lastUserId: UUID, val dateLastActivity: DateTime, val capabilities: ClientCapabilities? = null, val iconUrl: String? = null)
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data class DeviceInfoQueryResult(val items: List<DeviceInfo>? = null, val totalRecordCount: Int, val startIndex: Int)
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data class DeviceOptions(val id: Int, val deviceId: String, val customName: String? = null)

An entity representing custom options for a device.

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data class DeviceOptionsDto(val id: Int, val deviceId: String? = null, val customName: String? = null)

A dto representing custom options for a device.

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data class DeviceProfile(val name: String? = null, val id: String? = null, val identification: DeviceIdentification? = null, val friendlyName: String? = null, val manufacturer: String? = null, val manufacturerUrl: String? = null, val modelName: String? = null, val modelDescription: String? = null, val modelNumber: String? = null, val modelUrl: String? = null, val serialNumber: String? = null, val enableAlbumArtInDidl: Boolean = false, val enableSingleAlbumArtLimit: Boolean = false, val enableSingleSubtitleLimit: Boolean = false, val supportedMediaTypes: String, val userId: String? = null, val albumArtPn: String? = null, val maxAlbumArtWidth: Int? = null, val maxAlbumArtHeight: Int? = null, val maxIconWidth: Int? = null, val maxIconHeight: Int? = null, val maxStreamingBitrate: Int? = null, val maxStaticBitrate: Int? = null, val musicStreamingTranscodingBitrate: Int? = null, val maxStaticMusicBitrate: Int? = null, val sonyAggregationFlags: String? = null, val protocolInfo: String? = null, val timelineOffsetSeconds: Int = 0, val requiresPlainVideoItems: Boolean = false, val requiresPlainFolders: Boolean = false, val enableMsMediaReceiverRegistrar: Boolean = false, val ignoreTranscodeByteRangeRequests: Boolean = false, val xmlRootAttributes: List<XmlAttribute>, val directPlayProfiles: List<DirectPlayProfile>, val transcodingProfiles: List<TranscodingProfile>, val containerProfiles: List<ContainerProfile>, val codecProfiles: List<CodecProfile>, val responseProfiles: List<ResponseProfile>, val subtitleProfiles: List<SubtitleProfile>)

A MediaBrowser.Model.Dlna.DeviceProfile represents a set of metadata which determines which content a certain device is able to play.

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data class DeviceProfileInfo(val id: String? = null, val name: String? = null, val type: DeviceProfileType)
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data class DirectPlayProfile(val container: String? = null, val audioCodec: String? = null, val videoCodec: String? = null, val type: DlnaProfileType)
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data class DisplayPreferencesDto(val id: String? = null, val viewType: String? = null, val sortBy: String? = null, val indexBy: String? = null, val rememberIndexing: Boolean, val primaryImageHeight: Int, val primaryImageWidth: Int, val customPrefs: Map<String, String?>, val scrollDirection: ScrollDirection, val showBackdrop: Boolean, val rememberSorting: Boolean, val sortOrder: SortOrder, val showSidebar: Boolean, val client: String? = null)

Defines the display preferences for any item that supports them (usually Folders).

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data class DlnaOptions(val enablePlayTo: Boolean, val enableServer: Boolean, val enableDebugLog: Boolean, val enablePlayToTracing: Boolean, val clientDiscoveryIntervalSeconds: Int, val aliveMessageIntervalSeconds: Int, val blastAliveMessageIntervalSeconds: Int, val defaultUserId: String? = null, val autoCreatePlayToProfiles: Boolean, val blastAliveMessages: Boolean, val sendOnlyMatchedHost: Boolean)

The DlnaOptions class contains the user definable parameters for the dlna subsystems.

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enum DlnaProfileType : Enum<DlnaProfileType>
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enum DynamicDayOfWeek : Enum<DynamicDayOfWeek>

An enum that represents a day of the week, weekdays, weekends, or all days.

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An enum representing the options to disable embedded subs.

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enum EncodingContext : Enum<EncodingContext>
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data class EncodingOptions(val encodingThreadCount: Int, val transcodingTempPath: String? = null, val fallbackFontPath: String? = null, val enableFallbackFont: Boolean, val downMixAudioBoost: Double, val maxMuxingQueueSize: Int, val enableThrottling: Boolean, val throttleDelaySeconds: Int, val hardwareAccelerationType: String? = null, val encoderAppPath: String? = null, val encoderAppPathDisplay: String? = null, val vaapiDevice: String? = null, val enableTonemapping: Boolean, val enableVppTonemapping: Boolean, val tonemappingAlgorithm: String? = null, val tonemappingMode: String? = null, val tonemappingRange: String? = null, val tonemappingDesat: Double, val tonemappingPeak: Double, val tonemappingParam: Double, val vppTonemappingBrightness: Double, val vppTonemappingContrast: Double, val h264Crf: Int, val h265Crf: Int, val encoderPreset: String? = null, val deinterlaceDoubleRate: Boolean, val deinterlaceMethod: String? = null, val enableDecodingColorDepth10Hevc: Boolean, val enableDecodingColorDepth10Vp9: Boolean, val enableEnhancedNvdecDecoder: Boolean, val preferSystemNativeHwDecoder: Boolean, val enableIntelLowPowerH264HwEncoder: Boolean, val enableIntelLowPowerHevcHwEncoder: Boolean, val enableHardwareEncoding: Boolean, val allowHevcEncoding: Boolean, val enableSubtitleExtraction: Boolean, val hardwareDecodingCodecs: List<String>? = null, val allowOnDemandMetadataBasedKeyframeExtractionForExtensions: List<String>? = null)
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data class EndPointInfo(val isLocal: Boolean, val isInNetwork: Boolean)
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data class ExternalIdInfo(val name: String, val key: String, val type: ExternalIdMediaType? = null, val urlFormatString: String? = null)

Represents the external id information for serialization to the client.

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The specific media type of an MediaBrowser.Model.Providers.ExternalIdInfo.

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data class ExternalUrl(val name: String? = null, val url: String? = null)
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enum FFmpegLocation : Enum<FFmpegLocation>

Enum describing the location of the FFmpeg tool.

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data class FileSystemEntryInfo(val name: String, val path: String, val type: FileSystemEntryType)

Class FileSystemEntryInfo.

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Enum FileSystemEntryType.

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data class FontFile(val name: String? = null, val size: Long, val dateCreated: DateTime, val dateModified: DateTime)

Class FontFile.

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data class ForgotPasswordDto(val enteredUsername: String)

Forgot Password request body DTO.

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data class ForgotPasswordPinDto(val pin: String)

Forgot Password Pin enter request body DTO.

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data class ForgotPasswordResult(val action: ForgotPasswordAction, val pinFile: String? = null, val pinExpirationDate: DateTime? = null)
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data class GeneralCommand(val name: GeneralCommandType, val controllingUserId: UUID, val arguments: Map<String, String?>)
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This exists simply to identify a set of known commands.

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data class GetProgramsDto(val channelIds: List<UUID>, val userId: UUID, val minStartDate: DateTime? = null, val hasAired: Boolean? = null, val isAiring: Boolean? = null, val maxStartDate: DateTime? = null, val minEndDate: DateTime? = null, val maxEndDate: DateTime? = null, val isMovie: Boolean? = null, val isSeries: Boolean? = null, val isNews: Boolean? = null, val isKids: Boolean? = null, val isSports: Boolean? = null, val startIndex: Int? = null, val limit: Int? = null, val sortBy: List<String>, val sortOrder: List<SortOrder>, val genres: List<String>, val genreIds: List<UUID>, val enableImages: Boolean? = null, val enableTotalRecordCount: Boolean, val imageTypeLimit: Int? = null, val enableImageTypes: List<ImageType>, val enableUserData: Boolean? = null, val seriesTimerId: String? = null, val librarySeriesId: UUID, val fields: List<ItemFields>)

Get programs dto.

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data class GroupInfoDto(val groupId: UUID, val groupName: String, val state: GroupStateType, val participants: List<String>, val lastUpdatedAt: DateTime)

Class GroupInfoDto.

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enum GroupQueueMode : Enum<GroupQueueMode>

Enum GroupQueueMode.

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enum GroupRepeatMode : Enum<GroupRepeatMode>

Enum GroupRepeatMode.

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enum GroupShuffleMode : Enum<GroupShuffleMode>

Enum GroupShuffleMode.

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enum GroupStateType : Enum<GroupStateType>

Enum GroupState.

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enum GroupUpdateType : Enum<GroupUpdateType>

Enum GroupUpdateType.

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data class GuideInfo(val startDate: DateTime, val endDate: DateTime)
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Enum HardwareEncodingType.

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enum HeaderMatchType : Enum<HeaderMatchType>
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data class HttpHeaderInfo(val name: String? = null, val value: String? = null, val match: HeaderMatchType)
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data class IgnoreWaitRequestDto(val ignoreWait: Boolean)

Class IgnoreWaitRequestDto.

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data class ImageByNameInfo(val name: String? = null, val theme: String? = null, val context: String? = null, val fileLength: Long, val format: String? = null)
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enum ImageFormat : Enum<ImageFormat>

Enum ImageOutputFormat.

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data class ImageInfo(val imageType: ImageType, val imageIndex: Int? = null, val imageTag: String? = null, val path: String? = null, val blurHash: String? = null, val height: Int? = null, val width: Int? = null, val size: Long)

Class ImageInfo.

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data class ImageOption(val type: ImageType, val limit: Int, val minWidth: Int)
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enum ImageOrientation : Enum<ImageOrientation>
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data class ImageProviderInfo(val name: String, val supportedImages: List<ImageType>)

Class ImageProviderInfo.

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enum ImageType : Enum<ImageType>

Enum ImageType.

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data class InstallationInfo(val guid: UUID, val name: String? = null, val version: String? = null, val changelog: String? = null, val sourceUrl: String? = null, val checksum: String? = null, val packageInfo: PackageInfo? = null)

Class InstallationInfo.

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data class IPlugin(val name: String? = null, val description: String? = null, val id: UUID, val version: String? = null, val assemblyFilePath: String? = null, val canUninstall: Boolean, val dataFolderPath: String? = null)

Defines the MediaBrowser.Common.Plugins.IPlugin.

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enum IsoType : Enum<IsoType>

Enum IsoType.

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data class ItemCounts(val movieCount: Int, val seriesCount: Int, val episodeCount: Int, val artistCount: Int, val programCount: Int, val trailerCount: Int, val songCount: Int, val albumCount: Int, val musicVideoCount: Int, val boxSetCount: Int, val bookCount: Int, val itemCount: Int)

Class LibrarySummary.

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enum ItemFields : Enum<ItemFields>

Used to control the data that gets attached to DtoBaseItems.

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enum ItemFilter : Enum<ItemFilter>

Enum ItemFilter.

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data class JoinGroupRequestDto(val groupId: UUID)

Class JoinGroupRequestDto.

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enum KeepUntil : Enum<KeepUntil>
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data class LibraryOptionInfoDto(val name: String? = null, val defaultEnabled: Boolean)

Library option info dto.

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data class LibraryOptions(val enablePhotos: Boolean, val enableRealtimeMonitor: Boolean, val enableChapterImageExtraction: Boolean, val extractChapterImagesDuringLibraryScan: Boolean, val pathInfos: List<MediaPathInfo>, val saveLocalMetadata: Boolean, val enableInternetProviders: Boolean, val enableAutomaticSeriesGrouping: Boolean, val enableEmbeddedTitles: Boolean, val enableEmbeddedEpisodeInfos: Boolean, val automaticRefreshIntervalDays: Int, val preferredMetadataLanguage: String? = null, val metadataCountryCode: String? = null, val seasonZeroDisplayName: String, val metadataSavers: List<String>? = null, val disabledLocalMetadataReaders: List<String>, val localMetadataReaderOrder: List<String>? = null, val disabledSubtitleFetchers: List<String>, val subtitleFetcherOrder: List<String>, val skipSubtitlesIfEmbeddedSubtitlesPresent: Boolean, val skipSubtitlesIfAudioTrackMatches: Boolean, val subtitleDownloadLanguages: List<String>? = null, val requirePerfectSubtitleMatch: Boolean, val saveSubtitlesWithMedia: Boolean, val automaticallyAddToCollection: Boolean, val allowEmbeddedSubtitles: EmbeddedSubtitleOptions, val typeOptions: List<TypeOptions>)
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data class LibraryOptionsResultDto(val metadataSavers: List<LibraryOptionInfoDto>, val metadataReaders: List<LibraryOptionInfoDto>, val subtitleFetchers: List<LibraryOptionInfoDto>, val typeOptions: List<LibraryTypeOptionsDto>)

Library options result dto.

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data class LibraryTypeOptionsDto(val type: String? = null, val metadataFetchers: List<LibraryOptionInfoDto>, val imageFetchers: List<LibraryOptionInfoDto>, val supportedImageTypes: List<ImageType>, val defaultImageOptions: List<ImageOption>)

Library type options dto.

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data class LibraryUpdateInfo(val foldersAddedTo: List<String>, val foldersRemovedFrom: List<String>, val itemsAdded: List<String>, val itemsRemoved: List<String>, val itemsUpdated: List<String>, val collectionFolders: List<String>, val isEmpty: Boolean)

Class LibraryUpdateInfo.

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data class ListingsProviderInfo(val id: String? = null, val type: String? = null, val username: String? = null, val password: String? = null, val listingsId: String? = null, val zipCode: String? = null, val country: String? = null, val path: String? = null, val enabledTuners: List<String>? = null, val enableAllTuners: Boolean, val newsCategories: List<String>? = null, val sportsCategories: List<String>? = null, val kidsCategories: List<String>? = null, val movieCategories: List<String>? = null, val channelMappings: List<NameValuePair>? = null, val moviePrefix: String? = null, val preferredLanguage: String? = null, val userAgent: String? = null)
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data class LiveStreamResponse(val mediaSource: MediaSourceInfo)
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data class LiveTvInfo(val services: List<LiveTvServiceInfo>, val isEnabled: Boolean, val enabledUsers: List<String>)
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data class LiveTvOptions(val guideDays: Int? = null, val recordingPath: String? = null, val movieRecordingPath: String? = null, val seriesRecordingPath: String? = null, val enableRecordingSubfolders: Boolean, val enableOriginalAudioWithEncodedRecordings: Boolean, val tunerHosts: List<TunerHostInfo>? = null, val listingProviders: List<ListingsProviderInfo>? = null, val prePaddingSeconds: Int, val postPaddingSeconds: Int, val mediaLocationsCreated: List<String>? = null, val recordingPostProcessor: String? = null, val recordingPostProcessorArguments: String? = null)
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data class LiveTvServiceInfo(val name: String? = null, val homePageUrl: String? = null, val status: LiveTvServiceStatus, val statusMessage: String? = null, val version: String? = null, val hasUpdateAvailable: Boolean, val isVisible: Boolean, val tuners: List<String>? = null)

Class ServiceInfo.

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data class LocalizationOption(val name: String? = null, val value: String? = null)
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enum LocationType : Enum<LocationType>

Enum LocationType.

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data class LogFile(val dateCreated: DateTime, val dateModified: DateTime, val size: Long, val name: String? = null)
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enum LogLevel : Enum<LogLevel>
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data class MediaAttachment(val codec: String? = null, val codecTag: String? = null, val comment: String? = null, val index: Int, val fileName: String? = null, val mimeType: String? = null, val deliveryUrl: String? = null)

Class MediaAttachment.

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data class MediaEncoderPathDto(val path: String, val pathType: String)

Media Encoder Path Dto.

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data class MediaPathDto(val name: String, val path: String? = null, val pathInfo: MediaPathInfo? = null)

Media Path dto.

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data class MediaPathInfo(val path: String, val networkPath: String? = null)
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enum MediaProtocol : Enum<MediaProtocol>
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data class MediaSourceInfo(val protocol: MediaProtocol, val id: String? = null, val path: String? = null, val encoderPath: String? = null, val encoderProtocol: MediaProtocol? = null, val type: MediaSourceType, val container: String? = null, val size: Long? = null, val name: String? = null, val isRemote: Boolean, val eTag: String? = null, val runTimeTicks: Long? = null, val readAtNativeFramerate: Boolean, val ignoreDts: Boolean, val ignoreIndex: Boolean, val genPtsInput: Boolean, val supportsTranscoding: Boolean, val supportsDirectStream: Boolean, val supportsDirectPlay: Boolean, val isInfiniteStream: Boolean, val requiresOpening: Boolean, val openToken: String? = null, val requiresClosing: Boolean, val liveStreamId: String? = null, val bufferMs: Int? = null, val requiresLooping: Boolean, val supportsProbing: Boolean, val videoType: VideoType? = null, val isoType: IsoType? = null, val video3dFormat: Video3dFormat? = null, val mediaStreams: List<MediaStream>? = null, val mediaAttachments: List<MediaAttachment>? = null, val formats: List<String>? = null, val bitrate: Int? = null, val timestamp: TransportStreamTimestamp? = null, val requiredHttpHeaders: Map<String, String?>? = null, val transcodingUrl: String? = null, val transcodingSubProtocol: String? = null, val transcodingContainer: String? = null, val analyzeDurationMs: Int? = null, val defaultAudioStreamIndex: Int? = null, val defaultSubtitleStreamIndex: Int? = null)
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enum MediaSourceType : Enum<MediaSourceType>
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data class MediaStream(val codec: String? = null, val codecTag: String? = null, val language: String? = null, val colorRange: String? = null, val colorSpace: String? = null, val colorTransfer: String? = null, val colorPrimaries: String? = null, val dvVersionMajor: Int? = null, val dvVersionMinor: Int? = null, val dvProfile: Int? = null, val dvLevel: Int? = null, val rpuPresentFlag: Int? = null, val elPresentFlag: Int? = null, val blPresentFlag: Int? = null, val dvBlSignalCompatibilityId: Int? = null, val comment: String? = null, val timeBase: String? = null, val codecTimeBase: String? = null, val title: String? = null, val videoRange: String? = null, val videoRangeType: String? = null, val videoDoViTitle: String? = null, val localizedUndefined: String? = null, val localizedDefault: String? = null, val localizedForced: String? = null, val localizedExternal: String? = null, val displayTitle: String? = null, val nalLengthSize: String? = null, val isInterlaced: Boolean, val isAvc: Boolean? = null, val channelLayout: String? = null, val bitRate: Int? = null, val bitDepth: Int? = null, val refFrames: Int? = null, val packetLength: Int? = null, val channels: Int? = null, val sampleRate: Int? = null, val isDefault: Boolean, val isForced: Boolean, val height: Int? = null, val width: Int? = null, val averageFrameRate: Float? = null, val realFrameRate: Float? = null, val profile: String? = null, val type: MediaStreamType, val aspectRatio: String? = null, val index: Int, val score: Int? = null, val isExternal: Boolean, val deliveryMethod: SubtitleDeliveryMethod? = null, val deliveryUrl: String? = null, val isExternalUrl: Boolean? = null, val isTextSubtitleStream: Boolean, val supportsExternalStream: Boolean, val path: String? = null, val pixelFormat: String? = null, val level: Double? = null, val isAnamorphic: Boolean? = null)

Class MediaStream.

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enum MediaStreamType : Enum<MediaStreamType>

Enum MediaStreamType.

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data class MediaUpdateInfoDto(val updates: List<MediaUpdateInfoPathDto>)

Media Update Info Dto.

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data class MediaUpdateInfoPathDto(val path: String? = null, val updateType: String? = null)

The media update info path.

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data class MediaUrl(val url: String? = null, val name: String? = null)
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data class MessageCommand(val header: String? = null, val text: String, val timeoutMs: Long? = null)
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data class MetadataConfiguration(val useFileCreationTimeForDateAdded: Boolean)
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data class MetadataEditorInfo(val parentalRatingOptions: List<ParentalRating>, val countries: List<CountryInfo>, val cultures: List<CultureDto>, val externalIdInfos: List<ExternalIdInfo>, val contentType: String? = null, val contentTypeOptions: List<NameValuePair>)
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enum MetadataField : Enum<MetadataField>

Enum MetadataFields.

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data class MetadataOptions(val itemType: String? = null, val disabledMetadataSavers: List<String>? = null, val localMetadataReaderOrder: List<String>? = null, val disabledMetadataFetchers: List<String>? = null, val metadataFetcherOrder: List<String>? = null, val disabledImageFetchers: List<String>? = null, val imageFetcherOrder: List<String>? = null)

Class MetadataOptions.

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data class MovePlaylistItemRequestDto(val playlistItemId: UUID, val newIndex: Int)

Class MovePlaylistItemRequestDto.

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data class MovieInfo(val name: String? = null, val originalTitle: String? = null, val path: String? = null, val metadataLanguage: String? = null, val metadataCountryCode: String? = null, val providerIds: Map<String, String?>? = null, val year: Int? = null, val indexNumber: Int? = null, val parentIndexNumber: Int? = null, val premiereDate: DateTime? = null, val isAutomated: Boolean)
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data class MovieInfoRemoteSearchQuery(val searchInfo: MovieInfo? = null, val itemId: UUID, val searchProviderName: String? = null, val includeDisabledProviders: Boolean)
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data class MusicVideoInfo(val name: String? = null, val originalTitle: String? = null, val path: String? = null, val metadataLanguage: String? = null, val metadataCountryCode: String? = null, val providerIds: Map<String, String?>? = null, val year: Int? = null, val indexNumber: Int? = null, val parentIndexNumber: Int? = null, val premiereDate: DateTime? = null, val isAutomated: Boolean, val artists: List<String>? = null)
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data class MusicVideoInfoRemoteSearchQuery(val searchInfo: MusicVideoInfo? = null, val itemId: UUID, val searchProviderName: String? = null, val includeDisabledProviders: Boolean)
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data class NameGuidPair(val name: String? = null, val id: UUID)
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data class NameIdPair(val name: String? = null, val id: String? = null)
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data class NameValuePair(val name: String? = null, val value: String? = null)
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data class NetworkConfiguration(val requireHttps: Boolean, val certificatePath: String, val certificatePassword: String, val baseUrl: String, val publicHttpsPort: Int, val httpServerPortNumber: Int, val httpsPortNumber: Int, val enableHttps: Boolean, val publicPort: Int, val uPnPCreateHttpPortMap: Boolean, val udpPortRange: String, val enableIpv6: Boolean, val enableIpv4: Boolean, val enableSsdpTracing: Boolean, val ssdpTracingFilter: String, val udpSendCount: Int, val udpSendDelay: Int, val ignoreVirtualInterfaces: Boolean, val virtualInterfaceNames: String, val gatewayMonitorPeriod: Int, val enableMultiSocketBinding: Boolean, val trustAllIp6Interfaces: Boolean, val hdHomerunPortRange: String, val publishedServerUriBySubnet: List<String>, val autoDiscoveryTracing: Boolean, val autoDiscovery: Boolean, val remoteIpFilter: List<String>, val isRemoteIpFilterBlacklist: Boolean, val enableUPnP: Boolean, val enableRemoteAccess: Boolean, val localNetworkSubnets: List<String>, val localNetworkAddresses: List<String>, val knownProxies: List<String>, val enablePublishedServerUriByRequest: Boolean)

Defines the Jellyfin.Networking.Configuration.NetworkConfiguration.

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data class NewGroupRequestDto(val groupName: String)

Class NewGroupRequestDto.

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data class NextItemRequestDto(val playlistItemId: UUID)

Class NextItemRequestDto.

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data class NotificationDto(val id: String, val userId: String, val date: DateTime, val isRead: Boolean, val name: String, val description: String, val url: String, val level: NotificationLevel)

The notification DTO.

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data class NotificationOption(val type: String? = null, val disabledMonitorUsers: List<String>, val sendToUsers: List<String>, val enabled: Boolean, val disabledServices: List<String>, val sendToUserMode: SendToUserType)
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data class NotificationOptions(val options: List<NotificationOption>? = null)
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data class NotificationResultDto(val notifications: List<NotificationDto>, val totalRecordCount: Int)

A list of notifications with the total record count for pagination.

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data class NotificationsSummaryDto(val unreadCount: Int, val maxUnreadNotificationLevel: NotificationLevel? = null)

The notification summary DTO.

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data class NotificationTypeInfo(val type: String? = null, val name: String? = null, val enabled: Boolean, val category: String? = null, val isBasedOnUserEvent: Boolean)
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data class ObjectGroupUpdate(val groupId: UUID, val type: GroupUpdateType, val data: JsonElement)

Class GroupUpdate.

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data class OpenLiveStreamDto(val openToken: String? = null, val userId: UUID? = null, val playSessionId: String? = null, val maxStreamingBitrate: Int? = null, val startTimeTicks: Long? = null, val audioStreamIndex: Int? = null, val subtitleStreamIndex: Int? = null, val maxAudioChannels: Int? = null, val itemId: UUID? = null, val enableDirectPlay: Boolean? = null, val enableDirectStream: Boolean? = null, val deviceProfile: DeviceProfile? = null, val directPlayProtocols: List<MediaProtocol>)

Open live stream dto.

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data class PackageInfo(val name: String, val description: String, val overview: String, val owner: String, val category: String, val guid: UUID, val versions: List<VersionInfo>, val imageUrl: String? = null)

Class PackageInfo.

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data class ParentalRating(val name: String? = null, val value: Int)

Class ParentalRating.

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data class PathSubstitution(val from: String, val to: String)

Defines the MediaBrowser.Model.Configuration.PathSubstitution.

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data class PersonLookupInfo(val name: String? = null, val originalTitle: String? = null, val path: String? = null, val metadataLanguage: String? = null, val metadataCountryCode: String? = null, val providerIds: Map<String, String?>? = null, val year: Int? = null, val indexNumber: Int? = null, val parentIndexNumber: Int? = null, val premiereDate: DateTime? = null, val isAutomated: Boolean)
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data class PersonLookupInfoRemoteSearchQuery(val searchInfo: PersonLookupInfo? = null, val itemId: UUID, val searchProviderName: String? = null, val includeDisabledProviders: Boolean)
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data class PingRequestDto(val ping: Long)

Class PingRequestDto.

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data class PinRedeemResult(val success: Boolean, val usersReset: List<String>)
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enum PlayAccess : Enum<PlayAccess>
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data class PlaybackInfoDto(val userId: UUID? = null, val maxStreamingBitrate: Int? = null, val startTimeTicks: Long? = null, val audioStreamIndex: Int? = null, val subtitleStreamIndex: Int? = null, val maxAudioChannels: Int? = null, val mediaSourceId: String? = null, val liveStreamId: String? = null, val deviceProfile: DeviceProfile? = null, val enableDirectPlay: Boolean? = null, val enableDirectStream: Boolean? = null, val enableTranscoding: Boolean? = null, val allowVideoStreamCopy: Boolean? = null, val allowAudioStreamCopy: Boolean? = null, val autoOpenLiveStream: Boolean? = null)

Plabyback info dto.

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data class PlaybackInfoResponse(val mediaSources: List<MediaSourceInfo>, val playSessionId: String? = null, val errorCode: PlaybackErrorCode? = null)

Class PlaybackInfoResponse.

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data class PlaybackProgressInfo(val canSeek: Boolean, val item: BaseItemDto? = null, val itemId: UUID, val sessionId: String? = null, val mediaSourceId: String? = null, val audioStreamIndex: Int? = null, val subtitleStreamIndex: Int? = null, val isPaused: Boolean, val isMuted: Boolean, val positionTicks: Long? = null, val playbackStartTimeTicks: Long? = null, val volumeLevel: Int? = null, val brightness: Int? = null, val aspectRatio: String? = null, val playMethod: PlayMethod, val liveStreamId: String? = null, val playSessionId: String? = null, val repeatMode: RepeatMode, val nowPlayingQueue: List<QueueItem>? = null, val playlistItemId: String? = null)

Class PlaybackProgressInfo.

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data class PlaybackStartInfo(val canSeek: Boolean, val item: BaseItemDto? = null, val itemId: UUID, val sessionId: String? = null, val mediaSourceId: String? = null, val audioStreamIndex: Int? = null, val subtitleStreamIndex: Int? = null, val isPaused: Boolean, val isMuted: Boolean, val positionTicks: Long? = null, val playbackStartTimeTicks: Long? = null, val volumeLevel: Int? = null, val brightness: Int? = null, val aspectRatio: String? = null, val playMethod: PlayMethod, val liveStreamId: String? = null, val playSessionId: String? = null, val repeatMode: RepeatMode, val nowPlayingQueue: List<QueueItem>? = null, val playlistItemId: String? = null)

Class PlaybackStartInfo.

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data class PlaybackStopInfo(val item: BaseItemDto? = null, val itemId: UUID, val sessionId: String? = null, val mediaSourceId: String? = null, val positionTicks: Long? = null, val liveStreamId: String? = null, val playSessionId: String? = null, val failed: Boolean, val nextMediaType: String? = null, val playlistItemId: String? = null, val nowPlayingQueue: List<QueueItem>? = null)

Class PlaybackStopInfo.

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enum PlayCommand : Enum<PlayCommand>

Enum PlayCommand.

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data class PlayerStateInfo(val positionTicks: Long? = null, val canSeek: Boolean, val isPaused: Boolean, val isMuted: Boolean, val volumeLevel: Int? = null, val audioStreamIndex: Int? = null, val subtitleStreamIndex: Int? = null, val mediaSourceId: String? = null, val playMethod: PlayMethod? = null, val repeatMode: RepeatMode, val liveStreamId: String? = null)
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data class PlaylistCreationResult(val id: String)
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enum PlayMethod : Enum<PlayMethod>
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data class PlayRequest(val itemIds: List<UUID>? = null, val startPositionTicks: Long? = null, val playCommand: PlayCommand, val controllingUserId: UUID, val subtitleStreamIndex: Int? = null, val audioStreamIndex: Int? = null, val mediaSourceId: String? = null, val startIndex: Int? = null)

Class PlayRequest.

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data class PlayRequestDto(val playingQueue: List<UUID>, val playingItemPosition: Int, val startPositionTicks: Long)

Class PlayRequestDto.

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enum PlaystateCommand : Enum<PlaystateCommand>

Enum PlaystateCommand.

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data class PlaystateRequest(val command: PlaystateCommand, val seekPositionTicks: Long? = null, val controllingUserId: String? = null)
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data class PluginInfo(val name: String, val version: String, val configurationFileName: String? = null, val description: String, val id: UUID, val canUninstall: Boolean, val hasImage: Boolean, val status: PluginStatus)

This is a serializable stub class that is used by the api to provide information about installed plugins.

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enum PluginStatus : Enum<PluginStatus>

Plugin load status.

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data class PreviousItemRequestDto(val playlistItemId: UUID)

Class PreviousItemRequestDto.

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data class ProblemDetails(val type: String? = null, val title: String? = null, val status: Int? = null, val detail: String? = null, val instance: String? = null)
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data class ProfileCondition(val condition: ProfileConditionType, val property: ProfileConditionValue, val value: String? = null, val isRequired: Boolean)
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enum ProgramAudio : Enum<ProgramAudio>
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data class PublicSystemInfo(val localAddress: String? = null, val serverName: String? = null, val version: String? = null, val productName: String? = null, val operatingSystem: String? = null, val id: String? = null, val startupWizardCompleted: Boolean? = null)
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data class QueryFilters(val genres: List<NameGuidPair>? = null, val tags: List<String>? = null)
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data class QueryFiltersLegacy(val genres: List<String>? = null, val tags: List<String>? = null, val officialRatings: List<String>? = null, val years: List<Int>? = null)
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data class QueueItem(val id: UUID, val playlistItemId: String? = null)
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data class QueueRequestDto(val itemIds: List<UUID>, val mode: GroupQueueMode)

Class QueueRequestDto.

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data class QuickConnectDto(val secret: String)

The quick connect request body.

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data class QuickConnectResult(val authenticated: Boolean, val secret: String, val code: String, val deviceId: String, val deviceName: String, val appName: String, val appVersion: String, val dateAdded: DateTime)

Stores the state of an quick connect request.

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enum RatingType : Enum<RatingType>
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data class ReadyRequestDto(val when: DateTime, val positionTicks: Long, val isPlaying: Boolean, val playlistItemId: UUID)

Class ReadyRequest.

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data class RecommendationDto(val items: List<BaseItemDto>? = null, val recommendationType: RecommendationType, val baselineItemName: String? = null, val categoryId: UUID)
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enum RecordingStatus : Enum<RecordingStatus>
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data class RemoteImageInfo(val providerName: String? = null, val url: String? = null, val thumbnailUrl: String? = null, val height: Int? = null, val width: Int? = null, val communityRating: Double? = null, val voteCount: Int? = null, val language: String? = null, val type: ImageType, val ratingType: RatingType)

Class RemoteImageInfo.

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data class RemoteImageResult(val images: List<RemoteImageInfo>? = null, val totalRecordCount: Int, val providers: List<String>? = null)

Class RemoteImageResult.

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data class RemoteSearchResult(val name: String? = null, val providerIds: Map<String, String?>? = null, val productionYear: Int? = null, val indexNumber: Int? = null, val indexNumberEnd: Int? = null, val parentIndexNumber: Int? = null, val premiereDate: DateTime? = null, val imageUrl: String? = null, val searchProviderName: String? = null, val overview: String? = null, val albumArtist: RemoteSearchResult? = null, val artists: List<RemoteSearchResult>? = null)
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data class RemoteSubtitleInfo(val threeLetterIsoLanguageName: String? = null, val id: String? = null, val providerName: String? = null, val name: String? = null, val format: String? = null, val author: String? = null, val comment: String? = null, val dateCreated: DateTime? = null, val communityRating: Float? = null, val downloadCount: Int? = null, val isHashMatch: Boolean? = null)
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data class RemoveFromPlaylistRequestDto(val playlistItemIds: List<UUID>, val clearPlaylist: Boolean, val clearPlayingItem: Boolean)

Class RemoveFromPlaylistRequestDto.

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enum RepeatMode : Enum<RepeatMode>
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data class RepositoryInfo(val name: String? = null, val url: String? = null, val enabled: Boolean)

Class RepositoryInfo.

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data class ResponseProfile(val container: String? = null, val audioCodec: String? = null, val videoCodec: String? = null, val type: DlnaProfileType, val orgPn: String? = null, val mimeType: String? = null, val conditions: List<ProfileCondition>? = null)
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enum ScrollDirection : Enum<ScrollDirection>

An enum representing the axis that should be scrolled.

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data class SearchHint(val itemId: UUID, val id: UUID, val name: String? = null, val matchedTerm: String? = null, val indexNumber: Int? = null, val productionYear: Int? = null, val parentIndexNumber: Int? = null, val primaryImageTag: String? = null, val thumbImageTag: String? = null, val thumbImageItemId: String? = null, val backdropImageTag: String? = null, val backdropImageItemId: String? = null, val type: String? = null, val isFolder: Boolean? = null, val runTimeTicks: Long? = null, val mediaType: String? = null, val startDate: DateTime? = null, val endDate: DateTime? = null, val series: String? = null, val status: String? = null, val album: String? = null, val albumId: UUID, val albumArtist: String? = null, val artists: List<String>? = null, val songCount: Int? = null, val episodeCount: Int? = null, val channelId: UUID, val channelName: String? = null, val primaryImageAspectRatio: Double? = null)

Class SearchHintResult.

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data class SearchHintResult(val searchHints: List<SearchHint>, val totalRecordCount: Int)

Class SearchHintResult.

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data class SeekRequestDto(val positionTicks: Long)

Class SeekRequestDto.

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data class SendCommand(val groupId: UUID, val playlistItemId: UUID, val when: DateTime, val positionTicks: Long? = null, val command: SendCommandType, val emittedAt: DateTime)

Class SendCommand.

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enum SendCommandType : Enum<SendCommandType>

Enum SendCommandType.

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enum SendToUserType : Enum<SendToUserType>
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data class SeriesInfo(val name: String? = null, val originalTitle: String? = null, val path: String? = null, val metadataLanguage: String? = null, val metadataCountryCode: String? = null, val providerIds: Map<String, String?>? = null, val year: Int? = null, val indexNumber: Int? = null, val parentIndexNumber: Int? = null, val premiereDate: DateTime? = null, val isAutomated: Boolean)
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data class SeriesInfoRemoteSearchQuery(val searchInfo: SeriesInfo? = null, val itemId: UUID, val searchProviderName: String? = null, val includeDisabledProviders: Boolean)
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enum SeriesStatus : Enum<SeriesStatus>

Enum SeriesStatus.

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data class SeriesTimerInfoDto(val id: String? = null, val type: String? = null, val serverId: String? = null, val externalId: String? = null, val channelId: UUID, val externalChannelId: String? = null, val channelName: String? = null, val channelPrimaryImageTag: String? = null, val programId: String? = null, val externalProgramId: String? = null, val name: String? = null, val overview: String? = null, val startDate: DateTime, val endDate: DateTime, val serviceName: String? = null, val priority: Int, val prePaddingSeconds: Int, val postPaddingSeconds: Int, val isPrePaddingRequired: Boolean, val parentBackdropItemId: String? = null, val parentBackdropImageTags: List<String>? = null, val isPostPaddingRequired: Boolean, val keepUntil: KeepUntil, val recordAnyTime: Boolean, val skipEpisodesInLibrary: Boolean, val recordAnyChannel: Boolean, val keepUpTo: Int, val recordNewOnly: Boolean, val days: List<DayOfWeek>? = null, val dayPattern: DayPattern? = null, val imageTags: Map<ImageType, String>? = null, val parentThumbItemId: String? = null, val parentThumbImageTag: String? = null, val parentPrimaryImageItemId: String? = null, val parentPrimaryImageTag: String? = null)

Class SeriesTimerInfoDto.

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data class SeriesTimerInfoDtoQueryResult(val items: List<SeriesTimerInfoDto>? = null, val totalRecordCount: Int, val startIndex: Int)
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data class ServerConfiguration(val logFileRetentionDays: Int, val isStartupWizardCompleted: Boolean, val cachePath: String? = null, val previousVersion: String? = null, val previousVersionStr: String? = null, val enableMetrics: Boolean, val enableNormalizedItemByNameIds: Boolean, val isPortAuthorized: Boolean, val quickConnectAvailable: Boolean, val enableCaseSensitiveItemIds: Boolean, val disableLiveTvChannelUserDataName: Boolean, val metadataPath: String, val metadataNetworkPath: String, val preferredMetadataLanguage: String, val metadataCountryCode: String, val sortReplaceCharacters: List<String>, val sortRemoveCharacters: List<String>, val sortRemoveWords: List<String>, val minResumePct: Int, val maxResumePct: Int, val minResumeDurationSeconds: Int, val minAudiobookResume: Int, val maxAudiobookResume: Int, val libraryMonitorDelay: Int, val imageSavingConvention: ImageSavingConvention, val metadataOptions: List<MetadataOptions>, val skipDeserializationForBasicTypes: Boolean, val serverName: String, val uiCulture: String, val saveMetadataHidden: Boolean, val contentTypes: List<NameValuePair>, val remoteClientBitrateLimit: Int, val enableFolderView: Boolean, val enableGroupingIntoCollections: Boolean, val displaySpecialsWithinSeasons: Boolean, val codecsUsed: List<String>, val pluginRepositories: List<RepositoryInfo>, val enableExternalContentInSuggestions: Boolean, val imageExtractionTimeoutMs: Int, val pathSubstitutions: List<PathSubstitution>, val enableSlowResponseWarning: Boolean, val slowResponseThresholdMs: Long, val corsHosts: List<String>, val activityLogRetentionDays: Int? = null, val libraryScanFanoutConcurrency: Int, val libraryMetadataRefreshConcurrency: Int, val removeOldPlugins: Boolean, val allowClientLogUpload: Boolean)

Represents the server configuration.

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data class ServerDiscoveryInfo(val address: String, val id: String, val name: String, val endpointAddress: String? = null)

The server discovery info model.

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data class SessionInfo(val playState: PlayerStateInfo? = null, val additionalUsers: List<SessionUserInfo>? = null, val capabilities: ClientCapabilities? = null, val remoteEndPoint: String? = null, val playableMediaTypes: List<String>? = null, val id: String? = null, val userId: UUID, val userName: String? = null, val client: String? = null, val lastActivityDate: DateTime, val lastPlaybackCheckIn: DateTime, val deviceName: String? = null, val deviceType: String? = null, val nowPlayingItem: BaseItemDto? = null, val fullNowPlayingItem: BaseItem? = null, val nowViewingItem: BaseItemDto? = null, val deviceId: String? = null, val applicationVersion: String? = null, val transcodingInfo: TranscodingInfo? = null, val isActive: Boolean, val supportsMediaControl: Boolean, val supportsRemoteControl: Boolean, val nowPlayingQueue: List<QueueItem>? = null, val nowPlayingQueueFullItems: List<BaseItemDto>? = null, val hasCustomDeviceName: Boolean, val playlistItemId: String? = null, val serverId: String? = null, val userPrimaryImageTag: String? = null, val supportedCommands: List<GeneralCommandType>? = null)

Class SessionInfo.

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The different kinds of messages that are used in the WebSocket api.

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data class SessionUserInfo(val userId: UUID, val userName: String? = null)

Class SessionUserInfo.

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data class SetChannelMappingDto(val providerId: String, val tunerChannelId: String, val providerChannelId: String)

Set channel mapping dto.

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data class SetPlaylistItemRequestDto(val playlistItemId: UUID)

Class SetPlaylistItemRequestDto.

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data class SetRepeatModeRequestDto(val mode: GroupRepeatMode)

Class SetRepeatModeRequestDto.

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data class SetShuffleModeRequestDto(val mode: GroupShuffleMode)

Class SetShuffleModeRequestDto.

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data class SongInfo(val name: String? = null, val originalTitle: String? = null, val path: String? = null, val metadataLanguage: String? = null, val metadataCountryCode: String? = null, val providerIds: Map<String, String?>? = null, val year: Int? = null, val indexNumber: Int? = null, val parentIndexNumber: Int? = null, val premiereDate: DateTime? = null, val isAutomated: Boolean, val albumArtists: List<String>? = null, val album: String? = null, val artists: List<String>? = null)
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enum SortOrder : Enum<SortOrder>

An enum representing the sorting order.

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data class SpecialViewOptionDto(val name: String? = null, val id: String? = null)

Special view option dto.

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data class StartupConfigurationDto(val uiCulture: String? = null, val metadataCountryCode: String? = null, val preferredMetadataLanguage: String? = null)

The startup configuration DTO.

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data class StartupRemoteAccessDto(val enableRemoteAccess: Boolean, val enableAutomaticPortMapping: Boolean)

Startup remote access dto.

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data class StartupUserDto(val name: String? = null, val password: String? = null)

The startup user DTO.

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Delivery method to use during playback of a specific subtitle format.

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data class SubtitleOptions(val skipIfEmbeddedSubtitlesPresent: Boolean, val skipIfAudioTrackMatches: Boolean, val downloadLanguages: List<String>? = null, val downloadMovieSubtitles: Boolean, val downloadEpisodeSubtitles: Boolean, val openSubtitlesUsername: String? = null, val openSubtitlesPasswordHash: String? = null, val isOpenSubtitleVipAccount: Boolean, val requirePerfectMatch: Boolean)
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An enum representing a subtitle playback mode.

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data class SubtitleProfile(val format: String? = null, val method: SubtitleDeliveryMethod, val didlMode: String? = null, val language: String? = null, val container: String? = null)
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Enum SyncPlayUserAccessType.

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data class SystemInfo(val localAddress: String? = null, val serverName: String? = null, val version: String? = null, val productName: String? = null, val operatingSystem: String? = null, val id: String? = null, val startupWizardCompleted: Boolean? = null, val operatingSystemDisplayName: String? = null, val packageName: String? = null, val hasPendingRestart: Boolean, val isShuttingDown: Boolean, val supportsLibraryMonitor: Boolean, val webSocketPortNumber: Int, val completedInstallations: List<InstallationInfo>? = null, val canSelfRestart: Boolean, val canLaunchWebBrowser: Boolean, val programDataPath: String? = null, val webPath: String? = null, val itemsByNamePath: String? = null, val cachePath: String? = null, val logPath: String? = null, val internalMetadataPath: String? = null, val transcodingTempPath: String? = null, val hasUpdateAvailable: Boolean, val encoderLocation: FFmpegLocation, val systemArchitecture: Architecture)

Class SystemInfo.

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Enum TaskCompletionStatus.

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data class TaskInfo(val name: String? = null, val state: TaskState, val currentProgressPercentage: Double? = null, val id: String? = null, val lastExecutionResult: TaskResult? = null, val triggers: List<TaskTriggerInfo>? = null, val description: String? = null, val category: String? = null, val isHidden: Boolean, val key: String? = null)

Class TaskInfo.

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data class TaskResult(val startTimeUtc: DateTime, val endTimeUtc: DateTime, val status: TaskCompletionStatus, val name: String? = null, val key: String? = null, val id: String? = null, val errorMessage: String? = null, val longErrorMessage: String? = null)

Class TaskExecutionInfo.

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enum TaskState : Enum<TaskState>

Enum TaskState.

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data class TaskTriggerInfo(val type: String? = null, val timeOfDayTicks: Long? = null, val intervalTicks: Long? = null, val dayOfWeek: DayOfWeek? = null, val maxRuntimeTicks: Long? = null)

Class TaskTriggerInfo.

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data class ThemeMediaResult(val items: List<BaseItemDto>? = null, val totalRecordCount: Int, val startIndex: Int, val ownerId: UUID)

Class ThemeMediaResult.

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data class TimerEventInfo(val id: String, val programId: UUID? = null)
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data class TimerInfoDto(val id: String? = null, val type: String? = null, val serverId: String? = null, val externalId: String? = null, val channelId: UUID, val externalChannelId: String? = null, val channelName: String? = null, val channelPrimaryImageTag: String? = null, val programId: String? = null, val externalProgramId: String? = null, val name: String? = null, val overview: String? = null, val startDate: DateTime, val endDate: DateTime, val serviceName: String? = null, val priority: Int, val prePaddingSeconds: Int, val postPaddingSeconds: Int, val isPrePaddingRequired: Boolean, val parentBackdropItemId: String? = null, val parentBackdropImageTags: List<String>? = null, val isPostPaddingRequired: Boolean, val keepUntil: KeepUntil, val status: RecordingStatus, val seriesTimerId: String? = null, val externalSeriesTimerId: String? = null, val runTimeTicks: Long? = null, val programInfo: BaseItemDto? = null)
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data class TimerInfoDtoQueryResult(val items: List<TimerInfoDto>? = null, val totalRecordCount: Int, val startIndex: Int)
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data class TrailerInfo(val name: String? = null, val originalTitle: String? = null, val path: String? = null, val metadataLanguage: String? = null, val metadataCountryCode: String? = null, val providerIds: Map<String, String?>? = null, val year: Int? = null, val indexNumber: Int? = null, val parentIndexNumber: Int? = null, val premiereDate: DateTime? = null, val isAutomated: Boolean)
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data class TrailerInfoRemoteSearchQuery(val searchInfo: TrailerInfo? = null, val itemId: UUID, val searchProviderName: String? = null, val includeDisabledProviders: Boolean)
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enum TranscodeReason : Enum<TranscodeReason>
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data class TranscodingInfo(val audioCodec: String? = null, val videoCodec: String? = null, val container: String? = null, val isVideoDirect: Boolean, val isAudioDirect: Boolean, val bitrate: Int? = null, val framerate: Float? = null, val completionPercentage: Double? = null, val width: Int? = null, val height: Int? = null, val audioChannels: Int? = null, val hardwareAccelerationType: HardwareEncodingType? = null, val transcodeReasons: List<TranscodeReason>)
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data class TranscodingProfile(val container: String, val type: DlnaProfileType, val videoCodec: String, val audioCodec: String, val protocol: String, val estimateContentLength: Boolean = false, val enableMpegtsM2TsMode: Boolean = false, val transcodeSeekInfo: TranscodeSeekInfo = TranscodeSeekInfo.AUTO, val copyTimestamps: Boolean = false, val context: EncodingContext = EncodingContext.STREAMING, val enableSubtitlesInManifest: Boolean = false, val maxAudioChannels: String? = null, val minSegments: Int = 0, val segmentLength: Int = 0, val breakOnNonKeyFrames: Boolean = false, val conditions: List<ProfileCondition>)
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data class TunerChannelMapping(val name: String? = null, val providerChannelName: String? = null, val providerChannelId: String? = null, val id: String? = null)
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data class TunerHostInfo(val id: String? = null, val url: String? = null, val type: String? = null, val deviceId: String? = null, val friendlyName: String? = null, val importFavoritesOnly: Boolean, val allowHwTranscoding: Boolean, val enableStreamLooping: Boolean, val source: String? = null, val tunerCount: Int, val userAgent: String? = null)
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data class TypeOptions(val type: String? = null, val metadataFetchers: List<String>? = null, val metadataFetcherOrder: List<String>? = null, val imageFetchers: List<String>? = null, val imageFetcherOrder: List<String>? = null, val imageOptions: List<ImageOption>? = null)
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enum UnratedItem : Enum<UnratedItem>

An enum representing an unrated item.

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data class UpdateLibraryOptionsDto(val id: UUID, val libraryOptions: LibraryOptions? = null)

Update library options dto.

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data class UpdateMediaPathRequestDto(val name: String, val pathInfo: MediaPathInfo)

Update library options dto.

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data class UpdateUserEasyPassword(val newPassword: String? = null, val newPw: String? = null, val resetPassword: Boolean)

The update user easy password request body.

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data class UpdateUserPassword(val currentPassword: String? = null, val currentPw: String? = null, val newPw: String? = null, val resetPassword: Boolean)

The update user password request body.

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data class UploadSubtitleDto(val language: String, val format: String, val isForced: Boolean, val data: String)

Upload subtitles dto.

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data class UserConfiguration(val audioLanguagePreference: String? = null, val playDefaultAudioTrack: Boolean, val subtitleLanguagePreference: String? = null, val displayMissingEpisodes: Boolean, val groupedFolders: List<String>, val subtitleMode: SubtitlePlaybackMode, val displayCollectionsView: Boolean, val enableLocalPassword: Boolean, val orderedViews: List<String>, val latestItemsExcludes: List<String>, val myMediaExcludes: List<String>, val hidePlayedInLatest: Boolean, val rememberAudioSelections: Boolean, val rememberSubtitleSelections: Boolean, val enableNextEpisodeAutoPlay: Boolean)

Class UserConfiguration.

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data class UserDto(val name: String? = null, val serverId: String? = null, val serverName: String? = null, val id: UUID, val primaryImageTag: String? = null, val hasPassword: Boolean, val hasConfiguredPassword: Boolean, val hasConfiguredEasyPassword: Boolean, val enableAutoLogin: Boolean? = null, val lastLoginDate: DateTime? = null, val lastActivityDate: DateTime? = null, val configuration: UserConfiguration? = null, val policy: UserPolicy? = null, val primaryImageAspectRatio: Double? = null)

Class UserDto.

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data class UserItemDataDto(val rating: Double? = null, val playedPercentage: Double? = null, val unplayedItemCount: Int? = null, val playbackPositionTicks: Long, val playCount: Int, val isFavorite: Boolean, val likes: Boolean? = null, val lastPlayedDate: DateTime? = null, val played: Boolean, val key: String? = null, val itemId: String? = null)

Class UserItemDataDto.

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data class UserPolicy(val isAdministrator: Boolean, val isHidden: Boolean, val isDisabled: Boolean, val maxParentalRating: Int? = null, val blockedTags: List<String>? = null, val enableUserPreferenceAccess: Boolean, val accessSchedules: List<AccessSchedule>? = null, val blockUnratedItems: List<UnratedItem>? = null, val enableRemoteControlOfOtherUsers: Boolean, val enableSharedDeviceControl: Boolean, val enableRemoteAccess: Boolean, val enableLiveTvManagement: Boolean, val enableLiveTvAccess: Boolean, val enableMediaPlayback: Boolean, val enableAudioPlaybackTranscoding: Boolean, val enableVideoPlaybackTranscoding: Boolean, val enablePlaybackRemuxing: Boolean, val forceRemoteSourceTranscoding: Boolean, val enableContentDeletion: Boolean, val enableContentDeletionFromFolders: List<String>? = null, val enableContentDownloading: Boolean, val enableSyncTranscoding: Boolean, val enableMediaConversion: Boolean, val enabledDevices: List<String>? = null, val enableAllDevices: Boolean, val enabledChannels: List<UUID>? = null, val enableAllChannels: Boolean, val enabledFolders: List<UUID>? = null, val enableAllFolders: Boolean, val invalidLoginAttemptCount: Int, val loginAttemptsBeforeLockout: Int, val maxActiveSessions: Int, val enablePublicSharing: Boolean, val blockedMediaFolders: List<UUID>? = null, val blockedChannels: List<UUID>? = null, val remoteClientBitrateLimit: Int, val authenticationProviderId: String? = null, val passwordResetProviderId: String? = null, val syncPlayAccess: SyncPlayUserAccessType)
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data class UtcTimeResponse(val requestReceptionTime: DateTime, val responseTransmissionTime: DateTime)

Class UtcTimeResponse.

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data class ValidatePathDto(val validateWritable: Boolean, val path: String? = null, val isFile: Boolean? = null)

Validate path object.

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data class VersionInfo(val version: String, val versionNumber: String, val changelog: String? = null, val targetAbi: String? = null, val sourceUrl: String? = null, val checksum: String? = null, val timestamp: String? = null, val repositoryName: String, val repositoryUrl: String)

Defines the MediaBrowser.Model.Updates.VersionInfo class.

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enum Video3dFormat : Enum<Video3dFormat>
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enum VideoType : Enum<VideoType>

Enum VideoType.

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data class VirtualFolderInfo(val name: String? = null, val locations: List<String>? = null, val collectionType: CollectionTypeOptions? = null, val libraryOptions: LibraryOptions? = null, val itemId: String? = null, val primaryImageItemId: String? = null, val refreshProgress: Double? = null, val refreshStatus: String? = null)

Used to hold information about a user's list of configured virtual folders.

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data class WakeOnLanInfo(val macAddress: String? = null, val port: Int)

Provides the MAC address and port for wake-on-LAN functionality.

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data class XbmcMetadataOptions(val userId: String? = null, val releaseDateFormat: String, val saveImagePathsInNfo: Boolean, val enablePathSubstitution: Boolean, val enableExtraThumbsDuplication: Boolean)
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data class XmlAttribute(val name: String? = null, val value: String? = null)

Defines the MediaBrowser.Model.Dlna.XmlAttribute.